Subject: "The Time Is Short!" February 2025 NM Prayer Connect/Prayer At The Heart Of New Mexico/COG, NM & El Paso, TX + SW Indian Ministries Newsletter!
Romans 13:11 Do this, knowing that this is a critical time. It is already the hour for you to awaken from your sleep [of spiritual complacency]; for our salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed [in Christ]. 12 The night [this present evil age] is almost gone and the day [of Christ's return] is almost here. So let us fling away the works of darkness and put on the [full] armor of light. 13 Let us conduct ourselves properly and honorably as in the [light of] day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and irresponsibility, not in quarreling and jealousy. 14 But clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for [nor even think about gratifying] the flesh in regard to its improper desires (AMP).
As we approach February, the shortest month of the year and as some would call it, 'The Month Of LOVE,' may we reflect on where we have come from and exactly where God wants us to go. After all, He so loved the world that He sent His One & Only Begotten Son to save us, but how is the world going to know that if we don't tell them and not only that, but like Jesus, show them The Way to The Father. We're not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against the powers and principalities in high places, which is why we have to put on the full armor of God! Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was thrown down, the age-old serpent who is called the [a]devil and Satan, he who continually deceives and seduces the entire inhabited world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him (AMP).
The age-old serpent took Adam & Eve down in the garden of Eden and ever since, all of creation is groaning for the fullness of redemption and for the sons of God to be revealed. That's you and me, we are the light of the world, according to Jesus and we are commanded to let our light so shine! Light dispels the darkness and thank God, America has been given an open window of opportunity, an open Heaven, to not only do that in our country, but to take this good news to all nations, peoples, tribes and tongues. The great commission is for every member, within the body of Christ, to do their part, so we all come into the fullness of God. Red, yellow, black or white, male or female, young or old, married or single. 1 Corinthians 7:28 But if you do marry, you have not sinned [in doing so]; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned [in doing so]. Yet those [who marry] will have troubles (special challenges) in this life, and I am trying to spare you that. 29 But I say this, believers: the [a]time has been shortened, so that from now on even those who have wives should be as though they did not; 30 and those who weep, as though they did not weep; and those who rejoice, as though they did not rejoice; and those who buy, as though they did not possess [anything] (AMP);
The sons of Issachar were able to discern the very times and seasons they were living in, so how much more so should we? We're over 2,000 years beyond the cross and Pentecost of Acts 2. What is the Holy Spirit of God saying to the Church today? Remember, the Word Of God says, "Today, if you hear His Voice, harden not your heart!" Do you have ears to hear? Know ye not that you are the temple of the Living God? We have a big job to do and people's eternal souls are being weighed in the balance, the enemy is roaming around like a lion, looking for whom he may devour. This is not a game and the clock is ticking. There are many, many, going the way of destruction and there are many unreached people groups in the world, who have still not heard the Name of Jesus, the only Name under Heaven, by which we must be saved!
Matthew 24:22 And if those days [of tribulation] had not been cut short, no human life would be saved; but for the sake of the elect (God's chosen ones) those days will be shortened (AMP).
According to Job 14:5 "Our time on earth is brief," other portions of Holy Scripture say, 'Our life is but a breath' and "All the nations of the earth are as a drop of water in the ocean" (to God), but this is no small task for the church to accomplish and it's not to be taken lightly by us! Our house should be a house of prayer for all nations, not just a house of preaching and teaching. We need God's vision, God's blueprint and God's Holy Spirit anointing to get this job done, so let's seek the LORD, while He may be found, because "The Time Is Short!"
- 1 Corinthians 7:29 Paul may be referring to the appointed time of the return of Christ, or he may have been focusing on the briefness of human life, or both of these.
If you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer gathering in or around our state, please don't hesitate to contact me!
Thanks & Blessing with Shalom,Mark Tross
https://nmprayerconnect.weebly.comMark TrossListen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janineopen.spotify.com https://victorychurchofgod.weebly.comhttps://crossculturenm.weebly.com https://askthepastornm.weebly.comhttps://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.comhttps://ekklesiaoutreach.weebly.comhttps://mark-tross.webnode.comhttps://marktross.weebly.com
https://www.fggam.org For God's Glory Alone Ministries | News and Inspiration from a Biblical Perspective
What will you do different in 2025? January Newsletter for NM Prayer Connect / Prayer At The Heart of NM / COG, NM, El Paso, TX & SW Indian Ministries!Philippians 3:13 [a]Brothers and sisters, I do not consider that I have made it my own yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the [heavenly] prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 15 All of us who are mature [pursuing spiritual perfection] should have this attitude. And if in any respect you have a different attitude, that too God will make clear to you. 16 Only let us stay true to what we have already attained.17 Brothers and sisters, together follow my example and observe those who live by the pattern we gave you. 18 For there are many, of whom I have often told you, and now tell you even with tears, who live as enemies of the cross of Christ [rejecting and opposing His way of salvation], 19 whose fate is destruction, whose god is their belly [their worldly appetite, their sensuality, their vanity], and whose glory is in their shame—who focus their mind on earthly and temporal things. 20 But [we are different, because] our citizenship is in heaven. And from there we eagerly await [the coming of] the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; 21 who, by exerting that power which enables Him even to subject everything to Himself, will [not only] transform [but completely refashion] our earthly bodies so that they will be like His glorious resurrected body (AMP).
Like Paul the Apostle, as we enter into 2025, you and I need to be "forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead!" We need to "press on toward the goal to win the [heavenly] prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." If we are to follow the pattern set before us, as Jesus and His disciples demonstrated, shouldn't we ask Him to teach us to pray? In His John 17 prayer, we are to be One, just as Jesus and The Father are One, In The Holy Spirit and He certainly was a man of prayer! Below are the only two recorded examples in Holy Script, of the outline or blueprint, for us to use in our regular prayer times and an example of how not to pray. Hoping for God to pour new wine into old wineskins isn't going to happen and The Word tells us that He is wanting to do a new thing in our day, so how about we set aside old patterns, doctrines of men and commit to moving in obedience to His Spirit. Messiah taught us to ask, seek and knock and the bible tells us, "You have not, because you ask not!" Starting January 1-21, 6pm MT @christianbody.net @projectpray.org & @CBNetMedia @YouTube and other social media sites on the internet or by phone, you are invited to join us for America's Prayer Meeting, so prayerfully read over the following scripture verses, invite others and spread the word, because last year we had over 60,000 people join us, in 60 nations and 300 people gave their lives to The LORD. Each night we'll have different ministry leaders and guests, covering specific topics for prayer, from local, state, nationwide and international ministries. Paul encourages all of humankind, everywhere, to lift up holy hands and to go boldly into God's Throne room of grace and mercy. The Word Of God tells us to pray without ceasing and obedience always brings God's blessings, so what better thing could you do different this year, than to talk to God, face to face, hear from Him and each other. Remember, one can put a thousand to flight and two can put ten thousand to flight, imagine what God can do with thousands in agreement, praying according to His Word, will, Way and believing that He will do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond all that we could ask, do or think, because He watches over His Word to perform It! The past year is gone, so let's look unto Jesus, The Author & Finisher of our faith in 2025, because He cares for us. Did you know that the great men and women of faith in Hebrews 11 are incomplete without us? At the end of that chapter, God says that He has something better in store for us, so let's seek The LORD, while He may be found and expect great and mighty things to come in this New Year!Matthew 6:7-13The Lord's Prayer7 And when you pray, do not heap up phrases (multiply words, repeating the same ones over and over) as the Gentiles do, for they think they will be heard for their much speaking. [I Kings 18:25-29.] 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.9 Pray, therefore, like this: Our Father Who is in heaven, hallowed (kept holy) be Your name. 10 Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven ( 1 left, remitted, and let go of the debts, and have 2 given up resentment against) our debtors. 13 And lead (bring) us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
1 Kings 18:25-29The Prophets of Baal Defeated25 Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, Choose one bull for yourselves and dress it first, for you are many; and call on the name of your god, but put no fire under it. 26 So they took the bull given them, dressed it, and called on the name of Baal from morning until noon, saying, O Baal, hear and answer us! But there was no voice; no one answered. And they leaped upon or limped about the altar they had made. 27 At noon Elijah mocked them, saying, Cry aloud, for he is a god; either he is musing, or he has gone aside, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened. 28 And they cried aloud and cut themselves after their custom with knives and lances until the blood gushed out upon them. 29 Midday passed, and they played the part of prophets until the time for offering the evening sacrifice, but there was no voice, no answer, no one who paid attention.Luke 5:33-39Amplified Bible33 Then they said to Him, "The disciples of John [the Baptist] often practice fasting and offer prayers [of special petition], and so do the disciples of the Pharisees; but Yours eat and drink." 34 Jesus said to them, "Can you make the wedding guests of the bridegroom fast while he is with them? 35 But days [for mourning] will come when the bridegroom is [forcefully] taken away from them. They will fast in those days." 36 He also told them a parable: "No one tears a piece of cloth from a new garment and puts it on an old one; otherwise he will both tear the new, and the piece from the new will not match the old. 37 And no one puts new wine into old [a]wineskins; otherwise the new [fermenting] wine will [expand and] burst the skins and it will be spilled out, and the skins will be ruined. 38 But new wine must be put into fresh wineskins. 39 And no one, after drinking old wine, wishes for new; for he says, 'The old is fine.'"Footnotes
- Luke 5:37 See note Matt 9:17.
Matthew 9:17Amplified Bible17 Nor is new wine put into old [a]wineskins [that have lost their elasticity]; otherwise the wineskins burst, and the [fermenting] wine spills and the wineskins are ruined. But new wine is put into fresh wineskins, so both are preserved." Luke 11:1-13Amplified BibleInstruction about Prayer11 It happened that while Jesus was praying in a certain place, after He finished, one of His disciples said to Him, "Lord, teach us to pray just as John also taught his disciples." 2 He said to them,"When you pray, [a]say:
'[b]Father, [c]hallowed be Your name.
[d]Your kingdom come.
'Give us each day our [e]daily bread.
'And forgive us our sins,
For we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us [who has offended or wronged us].
And [f]lead us not into temptation [[g]but rescue us from evil].'"Parable of Persistence5 Then He said to them, "Suppose one of you has a friend, and goes to him at midnight and says, 'Friend, lend me three loaves [of bread]; 6 for a friend of mine who is on a journey has just come to visit me, and I have nothing to serve him'; 7 and from inside he answers, 'Do not bother me; the door has already been shut and my children and I are in bed; I cannot get up and give you anything.' 8 I tell you, even though he will not get up and give him anything just because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence and boldness he will get up and give him whatever he needs.9 "So I say to you, ask and keep on asking, and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking, and you will find; knock and keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who [h]keeps on asking [persistently], receives; and he who keeps on seeking [persistently], finds; and to him who keeps on knocking [persistently], the door will be opened. 11 What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead of a fish? 12 Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? 13 If you, then, being evil [that is, sinful by nature], know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask and continue to ask Him!"
If you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer meeting or outreach in NM or the surrounding areas, please don't hesitate to contact me. As I write this, it's officially the 7th day of Christmas, the 6th day of Hanukkah (John 10:22) & the last day of 2024. Whatever you're going through, keep going forward, because God promises to get us through it, you are not alone! Jesus will command His blessing upon, in and through us, as we gather together in unity, according to Psalm 133. May His Face shine upon us all in this new year, 2025!
Shalom,Mark TrossNM Prayer Connect Coordinatorhttps://nmprayerconnect.weebly.comMark TrossListen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janineopen.spotify.com https://victorychurchofgod.weebly.comhttps://crossculturenm.weebly.com https://askthepastornm.weebly.comhttps://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.comhttps://ekklesiaoutreach.weebly.comhttps://mark-tross.webnode.comhttps://marktross.weebly.com https://nmprayerconnect.org
Making Your Election Sure! November 2024 – NM Prayer Connect/PATH, NM/COG, NM & El Paso, TX Newsletter:
2 Peter 1:10 Therefore, believers, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you [be sure that your behavior reflects and confirms your relationship with God]; for by [a]doing these things [actively developing these virtues], you will never stumble [in your spiritual growth and will live a life that leads others away from sin]; 11 for in this way entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be abundantly provided to you.
There's no escaping the importance of this 2024 Presidential Election Day, but as born-again believers, followers of Yeshua/Jesus, we are 'called' by Him, commissioned by Him to be the salt and light of this present world of darkness and division, so what does this mean for our nation as a whole? You may have heard that as Americans, we have a civil duty to elect righteous men and women or at least those who will uphold the sanctity of human life, because God commands us to "Choose Life," stand for Israel and provide a safe haven for the freedom of religion, to uphold the constitution of the United States of America, as well as the sovereignty of each individual state, the Bill of Rights & the Declaration of Independence!
Former President Trump has clearly proven himself in his previous tenure as President. He was the first United States President to ever acknowledge Jerusalem, as the capital of Israel. Every minority in the nation was better off under his previous administration. Donald J. Trump has given all glory to God for the two failed assassination attempts on his life, clearly stands for the religious freedom of all Americans and the rule of law. The southern boarder was most secure, we had peace in the world while he was in office and he vows to "Make America Great Again!" What American citizen wouldn't want that for everyone in our nation?
Vice President Harris has a very different 'agenda' for America, LGBTQ+ open boarders, abortion on demand, which by the way is not women's healthcare, your tax dollars at work, so prison inmates can have free sex change operations and above all, telling people at her rallies, who yell out, "Jesus Is LORD," that they're at the wrong rally! With only 50% of all confessing born-again believers in the nation registered to vote and only ½ of them voting (unfortunately not biblically), we have a problem with so called 'Christians' in the United States that don't have a clue!
No matter what your denominational or nondenominational status may be, can we agree that God created us male and female and if we're going to follow the science, that's the truth. Can we agree, as Americans, that all men, women and children are created equal? Real science even concurs that life begins in the womb at the moment of conception! Do we believe that life, liberty and he pursuit of happiness is the God given right of all human beings? Not just in America, but for all nations, peoples, tribes and tongues. Let's put aside all the name calling, lies that have been spread throughout this election season and stop playing politics and as followers of Yeshua/Jesus, go after good governance, because the government rests on God's shoulders!
Let's not vote for a man, because we're men or a woman, because you're a woman, but let us prayerfully consider what's at stake here. America is not a democracy, we're a constitutional republic. You don't have to look too far to see which side is upholding the constitution and which side is not, but as Americans we need to vote for what's best for all Americans and those who will choose to enter into this nation legally, to uphold the laws of the land, because lawlessness is the anti-Christ spirit, not the Holy Spirit of the One True GOD! I'm going to ask each and everyone reading this to prayerfully consider everything I have written, before going to the polls this election day. Read the follow Psalm and you decide, before God and your fellow Americans what kind of nation you want to live in. No one is exempt from standing before the judgement seat of Christ/Messiah, He is the God Who Sees & Knows. Choose you this day who you will serve!
Psalm 11
Amplified Bible
The Lord a Refuge and Defense.
To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David.
11 In the Lord I take refuge [and put my trust];
How can you say to me, "Flee like a bird to your mountain;
For look, the wicked are bending the bow;
They take aim with their arrow on the string
To shoot [by stealth] in darkness at the upright in heart.
"If the foundations [of a godly society] are destroyed,
What can the righteous do?"
The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord's throne is in heaven.
His eyes see, His eyelids test the children of men.
The Lord tests the righteous and the wicked,
And His soul hates the [malevolent] one who loves violence.
Upon the wicked (godless) He will rain coals of fire;
Fire and [a]brimstone and a dreadful scorching wind will be the portion of their cup [of doom].
For the Lord is [absolutely] righteous, He loves righteousness (virtue, morality, justice);
The upright shall see His face.
Psalm 11:6 I.e. burning sulfur.
Mark Tross
Mark Tross
Listen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janine
"Land, Land!" October 2024 Newsletter
Land, Land! Jeremiah 22:29-30
Sisters & Brothers In Jesus,
This Newsletter explores the biblical significance of land in Jeremiah's proclamation and its application in our modern life. O land, land, land, hear the word of the LORD!
Thus says the LORD: 'Write this man down as childless, a man who shall not succeed in his days, for none of his offspring shall succeed in sitting on the throne of David and ruling again in Judah.' Jeremiah 22:29-30
"Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years." —Charles Spurgeon
We are participants in a divine dialogue, a conversation that transcends time and space, a discourse that connects us to the heart of our Creator. Our focus is on a passage from the book of Jeremiah, a prophet who faithfully and fearlessly delivered God's message to His people. Jeremiah's words, though they were spoken millennia ago, still resonate with us today, still challenge us, still comfort us, still call us to a deeper relationship with our Lord. In Jeremiah 22:29-30, we read: "O land, land, land, hear the word of the LORD! Thus says the LORD: 'Write this man down as childless, a man who shall not succeed in his days, for none of his offspring shall succeed in sitting on the throne of David and ruling again in Judah.'" This passage may seem distant, perhaps even irrelevant to our modern lives. Yet, within these verses lie profound truths about the biblical significance of land, the relevance of Jeremiah's proclamation, and how we can apply these land principles in our modern life. Charles Spurgeon, the Prince of Preachers, once said, "Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years." This is the wonder of the Word of God – it is timeless, it is alive, it is transformative.
It speaks to us in our joy and in our sorrow, in our triumphs and in our trials, in our certainty and in our confusion. It is our guiding light, our source of truth, our wellspring of wisdom. Let us now turn our hearts and minds to the Word of God as we seek to understand the biblical significance of land, the relevance of Jeremiah's proclamation, and the application of these principles in our modern life. Biblical Significance of Land In the Bible, land is more than just a physical entity; it is a symbol of God's promise and provision. When God called Abraham out of Ur, He promised him a land flowing with milk and honey. This land, Canaan, was not just a geographical location; it was a tangible representation of God's covenant with His people. It was a place where they could live in peace and prosperity, where they could worship God freely, where they could grow and multiply. Land, in the biblical sense, is also a place of divine encounter. It was on Mount Moriah that Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac, demonstrating his unwavering faith and obedience. It was on Mount Sinai that Moses received the Ten Commandments, a divine decree that would guide the Israelites in their relationship with God and with each other. It was on the land of Israel that Jesus performed miracles, preached the good news, and ultimately gave His life for our salvation. Moreover, land is a place of inheritance. The Promised Land was not just for Abraham; it was for his descendants as well. It was a legacy that was passed down from generation to generation, a heritage that was rooted in God's promise. This inheritance was not just about the physical land; it was about the spiritual blessings that came with it - the presence of God, the provision of God, the protection of God. However, the land also had conditions. The Israelites were to obey God's commandments and live according to His statutes. If they did, they would enjoy the blessings of the land. If they didn't, they would face the consequences - exile, famine, defeat.
This was not a punitive measure; it was a corrective one. God wanted His people to live in obedience and righteousness, not in rebellion and wickedness. In the context of Jeremiah's proclamation, the land was under threat because of the disobedience of the king and his people. They had turned away from God, worshipped idols, and oppressed the poor. As a result, God declared that the king would be childless and that none of his descendants would sit on the throne. This was a severe judgment, one that would have far-reaching implications for the land and its people. In our modern life, we may not have a physical land like the Israelites did, but we do have a spiritual land - our relationship with God. This is our promised land, our place of divine encounter, our inheritance. And just like the Israelites, we are called to live in obedience and righteousness. If we do, we will enjoy the blessings of our spiritual land. If we don't, we will face the consequences. So, as we reflect on the biblical significance of land, let us remember that it is more than just a physical entity; it is a symbol of God's promise and provision, a place of divine encounter, a legacy of inheritance, and a call to obedience and righteousness. Let us also remember that our spiritual land - our relationship with God - is our most valuable possession, one that we should cherish, nurture, and protect.
Jeremiah's proclamation in the scripture is a potent message. It's a message that echoes through the corridors of time, reverberating with a resonance that is as relevant today as it was when first spoken. The prophet Jeremiah, a conduit of divine communication, was tasked with delivering this message to the people of Judah. The first aspect of Jeremiah's proclamation that we must consider is the context in which it was delivered. Jeremiah was speaking to a people who were in a state of spiritual decline. They had turned away from God, forsaken His commandments, and were pursuing their own desires. Jeremiah's words were a divine rebuke, a call to repentance. The proclamation was not just a prediction of doom, but a plea for change. In the midst of this spiritual decline, Jeremiah's words were a stark reminder of the consequences of disobedience. The declaration that the man would be written down as childless and that none of his offspring would succeed in sitting on the throne of David was a direct result of their disobedience. This was not a random punishment, but a direct consequence of their actions. The second aspect of Jeremiah's proclamation that we must consider is its prophetic nature. Jeremiah was not merely a social commentator or a political analyst. He was a prophet, a mouthpiece of God. His words were not his own, but those of the Lord. This proclamation was not just a statement of fact, but a prophetic utterance. It was a glimpse into the future, a revelation of what was to come. This prophetic nature of Jeremiah's proclamation underscores the sovereignty of God. It reminds us that God is in control, that He knows the end from the beginning, and that His plans and purposes will prevail. This is a comforting truth, especially in times of uncertainty and turmoil. The third aspect of Jeremiah's proclamation that we must consider is its personal nature. Jeremiah's words were not just a general announcement to the masses, but a personal message to the individual. The man who was to be written down as childless was not just a faceless figure, but a real person with real feelings and real fears. This personal nature of Jeremiah's proclamation underscores the personal nature of our relationship with God. God is not a distant deity, but a personal God who knows us intimately and cares for us deeply. He speaks to us not just through grand proclamations, but through personal messages that touch our hearts and transform our lives. Now, let's take a closer look at a key term from our main scripture passage. The term "succeed" in the original Hebrew is "tsalach." This word carries the connotations of advancing, prospering, making progress. It's used in various other passages in the Bible, such as in Joshua 1:8, where it's said that meditating on God's law day and night will make one's way prosperous (tsalach). In Psalm 1:3, the righteous person is likened to a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither - whatever they do prospers (tsalach). The fourth aspect of Jeremiah's proclamation that we must consider is its universal application.
Jeremiah's words were not just relevant to the people of Judah, but to all people in all times. The principles contained in this proclamation are universal in nature.
They apply to us today just as much as they did to the people of Judah.
This universal application of Jeremiah's proclamation underscores the timeless nature of God's Word.
The Bible is not just a historical document, but a living and active word that speaks to us today. It is relevant to our lives, applicable to our situations, and transformative in its power. The fifth and final aspect of Jeremiah's proclamation that we must consider is its transformative potential.
Jeremiah's words were not just informative, but transformative. They were not just meant to be heard, but to be heeded. They were not just meant to inform, but to transform.
This transformative potential of Jeremiah's proclamation underscores the transformative power of God's Word. The Bible is not just a book to be read, but a message to be lived. It is not just a source of information, but a catalyst for transformation. It has the power to change our lives, to shape our character, and to mold us into the image of Christ. As we move into the heart of our discussion, let us consider the relevance of 'land' in the Bible. The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is replete with references to land. Land, in the biblical sense, is more than just a geographical location or a piece of property. It is a place of promise, a place of provision, a place of presence. It is where God's covenant with His people is actualized, where His blessings are manifested, and where His presence is experienced. The first man, Adam, was placed in the Garden of Eden, a land flowing with everything he needed. Abraham was called out of his homeland to a land that God would show him, a land that would become the inheritance of his descendants. The Israelites, after years of bondage in Egypt, were led to a land flowing with milk and honey. The land, in these instances, was not just a physical place but a spiritual reality, a tangible expression of God's faithfulness to His promises. In the modern context, we may not be called to physically move to a new land like Abraham or the Israelites. But we are called to live in the land of God's promises, to dwell in the land of His provision, to inhabit the land of His presence. This is not a land that can be located on a map or owned as a property. It is a spiritual land, a land that we enter through faith in Christ, a land that we inhabit as we walk in obedience to His Word. As we live in this land, we experience God's promises in our lives. We see His provision in our needs. We feel His presence in our journey. We become living testimonies of His faithfulness, His goodness, His love. The renowned Christian author, C.S. Lewis, once said, "The great thing, if one can, is to stop regarding all the unpleasant things as interruptions of one's 'own,' or 'real' life.
The truth is of course that what one calls the interruptions are precisely one's real life—the life God is sending one day by day." This quote beautifully encapsulates the idea of living in the land of God's promises, provision, and presence. The challenges, the interruptions, the unexpected turns in our journey are not detours from the land but part of the land itself. They are the terrain that shapes us, the soil that nurtures us, the landscape that reveals the depth of God's love for us. As we navigate this land, we are not alone.
We have the Word of God as our map, the Holy Spirit as our guide, and the community of believers as our companions. We learn to trust in God's promises, to rely on His provision, to rest in His presence. We learn to see every circumstance, every situation, every moment as an opportunity to experience God, to grow in faith, to shine His light. So, let us live in the land of God's promises, provision, and presence. Let us walk in faith, in obedience, in love. Let us be the people of the land, the people of God. Let us be the living testimonies of His faithfulness, His goodness, His love. Let us be the bearers of His promises, the recipients of His provision, the dwellers of His presence.
Let us be the inhabitants of the land, the land that is more than just a geographical location or a piece of property, the land that is a spiritual reality, a tangible expression of God's faithfulness to His promises. Let's remember that the Word of God is not just a historical document or a religious text. It's a living, breathing message from our Creator, a love letter from the heart of God. It's as relevant today as it was when Jeremiah walked the earth. Our God is not a distant deity, but a close and personal Father who cares about every detail of our lives. He knows our struggles, our fears, our dreams, and our desires. He's with us in every season, in every circumstance, in every moment. The land principles are not just about physical territories; they're about the territory of our hearts. God wants to rule and reign in our hearts.
He wants to plant seeds of faith, hope, and love in the soil of our souls.
He wants to cultivate a harvest of righteousness, peace, and joy in our lives. He wants to establish His kingdom within us, a kingdom not of this world, but of His heavenly realm.
So, let's open our hearts to Him. Let's surrender our lives to Him. Let's allow His Word to shape us, to guide us, to transform us. Let's trust in His goodness, in His love, in His grace.
Let's remember that we are His beloved children, heirs to His eternal kingdom, recipients of His divine promises. Let's pray for us to decrease and for Him to increase in our hearts and minds, for His Kingdom to come and His Will to be done on Earth, as It Is In HEAVEN. Don't forget October 2-4 is Rosh Ha'Shanah (Jewish New Year), the National Prayer Assembly is the tenth & eleventh in Washington, October 11-12 is Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), the 12th is a 'Million Women' at The Mall in DC & Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) is October 16-23! If you or someone you know would like to have a prayer gathering in or around New Mexico, don't hesitate to contact me.
Thanks & Blessings with Shalom,
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator
Mark Tross
Listen to Mark Tross on Spotify.
Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect .
Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janineopen.spotify.com https://victorychurchofgod.weebly.comhttps://crossculturenm.weebly.com https://askthepastornm.weebly.com
7, 10 or 30 Mountains? September 2024 NM Prayer Connect, PATH - NM/COG, NM & El Paso, TX
Blessings Prayer Warriors,
As a former New Mexico National Day Of Prayer State Coordinator, there's nothing new under the sun, when it comes to the 7 Mountains of Prayer; Government, Media, Education, Church, Family, Military & Economy, but from a biblical perspective, there are 10 important mountains and as your present day Prayer Coordinator for NM Prayer Connect, Prayer At The Heart Of New Mexico & Church Of God, NM & El Paso, TX, we have 30 major summits in our state, that are high points to scale and pray over our geographic areas. Wheeler Peak is 13,123 feet, the highest summit of the state in the Taos Mountains, Mount Taylor is 11,305 ft in the San Mateo Mountains and Sandia Crest is 10,682 ft in the Sandia Mountains, where we have held several prayer gatherings over the years, but that excludes 27 other peaks, yet to climb, ranging in elevations exceeding 9,843-11,483 ft, but that's not counting prayer times at Carlsbad Caverns, which at its deepest levels is 1,027 feet belowground!
Genesis 8:4 in the Amplified Bible (AMP) states:
"On the seventeenth day of the seventh month, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat"1.
This verse is part of the narrative about the flood and Noah's ark, describing the moment when the ark finally came to rest after the floodwaters began to recede.
13 "Then You came down on Mount Sinai, And spoke with them from heaven; And You gave them fair ordinances and true laws, Good statutes and commandments. 14 "So You made known to them Your holy Sabbath, And gave them commandments, statutes, and law, Through Your servant Moses.
Nehemiah 9 | AMP Bible | YouVersion
1 Kings 8:1 from the Amplified Bible (AMP):
"Then Solomon assembled the elders of Israel and all the heads of the tribes, the leaders of the fathers' households of the sons of Israel, to King Solomon in Jerusalem, to bring up the ark of the covenant of the Lord from the City of David, which is Zion."1
Deuteronomy 11:29 in the Amplified Bible (AMP) reads:
"It shall come about, when the Lord your God brings you into the land which you are entering to possess, that you shall place the blessing on Mount Gerizim and the curse on Mount Ebal"1.
This verse is part of a larger passage where Moses instructs the Israelites on the blessings and curses associated with obedience and disobedience to God's commandments.
Luke 22:39-46. Amplified Bible. The Garden of Gethsemane. 39 And He came out and went, as was His habit, to the Mount of Olives; and the disciples followed Him.
Deuteronomy 32:49 in the Amplified Bible (AMP) reads:
"Go up to this mountain of the Abarim, Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab opposite Jericho, and look at the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the sons of Israel as a possession"1.
This verse is part of the instructions given to Moses before his death, where he is told to view the Promised Land from Mount Nebo.
Genesis 22:2 in the Amplified Bible (AMP) reads:
"God said, 'Take now your son, your only son [of promise], whom you love, Isaac, and go to the region of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.'"12
This verse is part of the story where God tests Abraham's faith by asking him to sacrifice his son Isaac. It's a powerful and challenging passage that speaks to themes of faith, obedience, and trust in God's plan.
Matthew 17:1-9 from the Amplified Bible (AMP):
The Transfiguration
- Six days later Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John the brother of James, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves.
- And His appearance changed dramatically in their presence; and His face shone [with heavenly glory, clear and bright] like the sun, and His clothing became as white as light.
- And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Jesus.
- Then Peter began to speak and said to Jesus, "Lord, it is good and delightful and auspicious that we are here; if You wish, I will put up three [sacred] tents here–one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah."
- While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, "This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased and delighted! Listen to Him!"
- When the disciples heard it, they fell on their faces and were terrified.
- But Jesus came and touched them and said, "Get up, and do not be afraid."
- And when they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus Himself alone.
- And as they were going down the mountain, Jesus commanded them, "Do not tell anyone what you have seen until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead."
2 Kings 2:25 from the Amplified Bible (AMP):
"Then he went from there to Mount Carmel, and from there he returned to Samaria."
This verse is part of the narrative about the prophet Elisha, who succeeded Elijah.
Matthew 5:1 AMP. When Jesus saw the crowds, He went up on the mountain; and when He was seated, His disciples came to Him.
All above passages of Holy Script cover the 10 important mountains in the bible, according to their order mentioned: Mount Ararat, Sinai, Gerizim, Olives, Nebo, Moriah, Zion, Tabor, Carmel & Beatitudes, each significant in their own way, but what stories will be told of the happenings in our 33 counties and 23 tribal nations, as we connect and pray for God's Kingdom to come and His Will to be done (Luke 11:2-4 & Matthew 6:9-13), upon, in and through these earthen vessels that now contain His Holy Spirit and those yet to come? Ephesians tells us that when every member does their part we will all come into the fullness of God! If you want the fullness of God in, upon and working through your life, your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors, join us in reaching the heights of the remaining 27 mountaintops in our state.
Paul Wilbur is coming for an "I Stand With Israel" conference on Saturday, September 21, 5pm, @ Casa Del Rey, 2500 Corona Drive NW, ABQ, NM 87120: I Will Stand With Israel Conference - Campaign (snwbll.com) the 22nd is 'Fasting To DC' and "Global Day Of Prayer" + Saturday, September 28, 10am-2pm, Prayer At The Heart of Las Vegas, NM will take place at the gazebo in The Plaza, so invite others & spread the word, as we pray for a true spiritual awakening and revival to come to our state, nation and the world! If you or someone you know would like to have a prayer gathering in or around our state, don't hesitate to contact me.
Mark Tross
Prayer Coordinator
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Mark Tross
Listen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janine
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Mark Tross
I'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + u/YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author u/amazon & u/kindle, Podcaster u/anchor u/breaker u/radiopublic u/tunein u/spotify u/podbean & u/spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...
Subject: "God Whistles!" August 2024 NM Prayer Connect/PATH, NM/COG, NM & El Paso, TX Newsletter
"God Whistles!" August 2024 NM Prayer Connect/PATH, NM/COG, NM & El Paso, TX Newsletter
Isaiah 5:26-28 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition 26 And He will lift up a signal to call together a hostile people from afar [to execute His judgment on Judea], and will hiss for them from the end of the earth [as bees are hissed from their hives], and behold, they shall come with speed, swiftly!
Attention Sisters & Brothers In Jesus, God has HIs Banner over us and It Is LOVE, but according to The Book Of Revelation in The Bible, "Jesus is coming back to WAR!" In Luke 4, referencing Isaiah 61, Jesus is telling us of the day and hour in which He was living, over 2,000 years ago. He was encouraging, but also declaring 'The Great & TERRIBLE Day Of The LORD!' Did you know that Isaiah was one of only 3 complete books found of the dead sea scrolls? Deuteronomy, which is the second giving of the law that was given, before Joshua took the nation of Israel into The Promised Land, also Daniel, one of the most prophetic books, revealing all of world history & Isaiah, which has more Messianic Prophecies than any other book in The Bible! I call them, The BIG 3, like World War Two's, F.D.R., the 32nd President of the United States, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Joseph Stalin, former Premier of the Soviet Union, responsible for at least 6 million deaths, and as many as 9 million if 'foreseeable' deaths caused by deportation, starvation, and incarceration in concentration camps are included. Adolf Hitler was responsible for between 11 million and 12 million noncombatant deaths, but Chairman Mao Zedong of the People's Republic of China was responsible for 70 million deaths in peacetime - "more than any other twentieth-century leader." Think of the other '3's,' like Noah, Daniel (AKA Belteshazzar) & Job, Peter, James & John, Shadrach, Meshach & Abed-nego, formerly known as Hananiah, Mishael & Azariah, Jonah, 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of a large fish & Jesus, 3 days and 3 nights in the heart or belly of the earth. You might be asking at this point, What does his have to do with hissing/whistling?
18 In that day the LORD will whistle for the fly that is in the [g] mouth of the rivers and canals of Egypt and for the bee that is in the land of Assyria. 19 These [armies, like flies and bees] will all come and settle on the steep and rugged ravines and in the clefts of the rocks, and on all the thorn bushes and in all the watering places.Isaiah 7 Amplified Bible
God's trying to get our attention and while most of the world is going the way of the world, the overall (so called) church is being tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, doctrines of men and even of demons, shouting at the devil, instead of praying and praising God! Rather than taking the offensive and properly responding to the gift and call of God, which is irrevocable, too many (Many) are taking offence, instead of being on the defensive and holding ground. You and I are called to defend 'The Faith,' which Jesus Is The Author & Finisher of, while He Is Our Defense we should not be moved, because we're rooted and grounded In Him, upon The Solid Rock, The King of The Kingdom that shall not be shaken! In an ever increasingly hostile world, justice is coming and we shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ, before the judge of all creation. Amidst all the major problems in this present world of darkness, we are the salt that is supposed to preserve it and give it good flavor + the light that's told to go into it and dispel the darkness! The Bible declares that all the nations are as a drop of water in the oceans, Nothing is too big or too small for God to handle and have His Way. Even the bees and flies respond to his hissing/whistling, shouldn't we humble ourselves before the Mighty God we confess to love and serve?
Zechariah 10:8Amplified Bible8 "I will [a]whistle for them and gather them together,
For I have redeemed them;
And they will increase [again] as they have increased before [in Egypt]. Footnotes
- Zechariah 10:8 Or hiss. From this verse a rabbinical tradition was invented that if a vulture settles on the ground and hisses, the Messiah will come immediately. It was reported to have happened once, but instead of the Messiah coming, the story went that a stone fell on the vulture's head and killed it because it was a liar.
God promises to gather all of His Covenant People that are scattered, all that put their faith and trust In Him, He watches over His Word to perform It and all of His Precious Promises are Yes & Amen In Christ Jesus! He Is Our Redeemer, sent by God The Father, so we are saved by the life/blood, death and resurrection of The Lamb Of God, born-again by The Holy Spirit, The Holy ONE, Who takes away the sins of the world. In response to the footnotes above, if we do not fall on The Rock in humility, He will fall upon us and crush us in vengeance. The battle is The LORD's and we are more than conquerors In Him, The Victory is ours, we have Victory In Jesus, Our Savior, Our Salvation FOREVER, so let's go forward together! Too many are listening to the hiss of the serpent from the garden of Eden, rather than heeding the whistle of God, Who's calling us as one, Jew & Gentile, each member doing their part, so we can come into the fullness of God. He is longing to add to His Church daily, increasing us in numbers to take the land, bring in the harvest, which is ripe for the taking and ushering in the second coming of The LORD. Let us humble ourselves and pray, we have not, because we ask not, so ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock & The Door shall be opened unto us, we'll have an open Heaven & God will heal our land! Worship Him in Spirit & Truth, because He's worthy and enthroned on the praises of His People, He inhabits the praises of His People and where the Spirit Of The LORD is There Is FREEDOM! If you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer gathering in or around New Mexico, don't hesitate to contact me.
Blessings,Mark TrossPrayer Coordinator for NM Prayer Connect, PATH, NM, COG, NM & El Paso, TXhttps://nmprayerconnect.weebly.com https://www.christianbody.net Christianbody.netMany voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.www.christianbody.nethttps://open.spotify.com/show/23UzJJb9uWqNf8yLPoQ2YP Mark TrossListen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janineopen.spotify.com https://www.spreaker.com/show/the_mark_frederick_tross_show https://www.amazon.com/Books-Mark-Tross/s?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3AMark+Tross https://victorychurchofgod.weebly.com RIO RANCHO CHURCH OF GODVIEW OUR SIMPLE CHURCH DOCUMENTARY https://vimeo.com/5632299 & https://vimeo.com/5632299 VISIT OUR WEBSITE https://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.comvictorychurchofgod.weebly.comhttps://crossculturenm.weebly.com Cross Culture NMCross Culture NMcrossculturenm.weebly.comhttps://askthepastornm.weebly.com Ask the pastor nmYour browser does not support iframes. ; View the content of this inline frame with your browseraskthepastornm.weebly.comhttps://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com Simple Church FellowshipThe Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!simplechurchfellowship.weebly.comhttps://ekklesiaoutreach.weebly.com Ekklesia OutreachYour browser does not support iframes. ; View the content of this inline frame with your browserekklesiaoutreach.weebly.comhttps://mark-tross.webnode.com Mark TrossI'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...mark-tross.webnode.comhttps://marktross.weebly.com For God's Glory Alone MinistriesNews and Inspiration from a Biblical Perspectivewww.fggam.orgFeatured ProductsYour browser does not support iframes. ; View the content of this inline frame with your browsernmprayerconnect.weebly.com
"Appoint Elders In Every City!"
"The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epoch, in the History of America.—I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more." - John Adams to his wife, Abigail.
Sisters & Brothers In Messiah/Christ/The Annointed ONE,
Without God's Vision we perish and our 'founding fathers' clearly had that when they voted for liberty or death, so that our constitutional republic could declare freedom to all humankind, who are created equal, in the image and likeness of God and endowed by our Creator! It's obvious that the 'early church fathers' were building upon the foundation of Yeshua/Jesus/Salvation, upholding the teachings of the apostles, the breaking of bread and the continuous fellowshipping of the saints. I find it most interesting that the Apostle Paul writes to Titus and exhorts him to 'appoint elders in every city,' which is quite a task for anyone, but it's obviously coming from The Holy Spirit, through him and still speaking to us, as the church today!
Titus 1:5-9Amplified BibleQualifications of Elders5 For this reason I left you behind in Crete, so that you would set right what remains unfinished, and appoint [a]elders in every city as I directed you, 6 namely, a man of unquestionable integrity, the husband of one wife, having children who believe, not accused of being immoral or rebellious. 7 For the [b]overseer, as God's steward, must be blameless, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not addicted to wine, not violent, not greedy for dishonest gain [but financially ethical]. 8 And he must be hospitable [to believers, as well as strangers], a lover of what is good, sensible (upright), fair, devout, self-disciplined [above reproach—whether in public or in private]. 9 He must hold firmly to the trustworthy word [of God] as it was taught to him, so that he will be able both to give accurate instruction in sound [reliable, error-free] doctrine and to refute those who contradict [it by explaining their error]. Obviously the standard is very high, because the standard is to be Christ/Messiah/The Anointed ONE and it was He Who said, "Just As The Father Has Sent Me, So I Am Sending You" & it was He Who gave us this New Commandment, for The New & Better Covenant, "LOVE ONE Another 'Just As' I Have LOVED You!" We cannot do this apart from His Holy Spirit and His Anointing, which breaks down every yoke of sin and bondage. We are not alone, He goes before us in ALL things, is with us, will NEVER leave or forsake us and promises that we will see His Goodness, Tender-Mercies & Loving-Kindness following us ALL the days of our LIFE + ALL of His Promises Are YES & AMEN! That's why we need to have confidence In Him, take courage, meditate on HIs Word, Will & Way, day and night + be obedient, so that we can receive His BLESSING!
1 Timothy 3:1-7Amplified BibleOverseers and Deacons3 This is a faithful and trustworthy saying: if any man [eagerly] seeks the office of [a]overseer (bishop, superintendent), he desires an excellent task. 2 Now an overseer must be blameless and beyond reproach, the husband of one wife, self-controlled, sensible, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not addicted to wine, not [b]a bully nor quick-tempered and hot-headed, but gentle and considerate, free from the love of money [not greedy for wealth and its inherent power—financially ethical]. 4 He must manage his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity [keeping them respectful and well-behaved] 5 (for if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?). 6 and He must not be a new convert, so that he will not [behave stupidly and] become conceited [by appointment to this high office] and fall into the [same] condemnation incurred by the devil [for his arrogance and pride]. 7 And he must have a good reputation and be well thought of by those outside the church, so that he will not be discredited and fall into the devil's trap. Notice below how the Apostle Peter calls us 'fellow elders.' There's a Oneness In The Body, that Yeshua/Jesus/Salvation prayed for and purchased for us on The Cross, with His Precious Blood/LIFE, that brings His Unity Of Spirit & Purpose, so that when we ALL do our part, we come into the FULLNESS Of GOD! Messiah/Christ/The Anointed ONE said, "Father, I Have Given Them 'THE SAME' GLORY That You Have Given Me." It's a done deal, He Has Given His GLORY to us, The ONE Who Is, Who Was & Who Is To Come, 'The Same,' Yesterday, Today & Forever! Isn't that GLORIOUS? Israel Is His Glory, The Church/The Bride/The Body/The Temple Of The Living God Is us, Jew & Gentile, ONE By Faith In Him, you and I ARE Living stones, being built up, into The Temple Of The Living GOD, here on Earth, Just As It Is In HEAVEN, so let us, Just As In Genesis, God Said, "Let Us," follow His Pattern throughout The Scriptures, to receive the [conqueror's] unfading crown of GLORY and shine His Light out to dispel, uproot and tear down the powers and principalities of darkness!
1 Peter 5:1-2 Amplified Bible (AMP):"Therefore, I strongly urge the elders among you [pastors, spiritual leaders of the church], as a fellow elder and as an eyewitness [called to testify] of the sufferings of Christ, as well as one who shares in the glory that is to be revealed: shepherd and guide and protect the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not [motivated] for shameful gain, but with wholehearted enthusiasm; not lording it over those assigned to your care [do not be arrogant or overbearing], but be examples [of Christian living] to the flock [set a pattern of integrity for your congregation]. And when the Chief Shepherd (Christ) appears, you will receive the [conqueror's] unfading crown of glory. Likewise, you younger men [of lesser rank and experience], be subject to your elders [seek their counsel]; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another [tie on the servant's apron], for God is opposed to the proud [the disdainful, the presumptuous, and He defeats them], but He gives grace to the humble." 1
Today I AM summoning ALL Christians EVERYWHERE to meet with God, within your home, on your block, in the marketplace, your community, your local church, mega church, village, city, pueblo, reservation, county, state and nation, as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, preachers, teachers, overseers, elders, deacons, deaconesses, shepherds, sheep, as The Church Of GOD, which He bought with His Own Blood/LIFE. He is no respecter of persons, male, female, slave or free, Jew or Gentile, red, yellow, black, white or any color in between. He has appointed, called you and gifted YOU, with every spiritual blessing, gift, talent and ability in Romans 12 & 1 Corinthians 12, like Queen Esther, to be the salt and light of the world, for ALL nations, peoples, tribes and tongues, for such a time as this or you wouldn't be alive today in 2024! Starting Monday evenings, 7-8pm MT @christianbody.net we'll be broadcasting, 'HEALING AMERICA,' so we hope you'll join us, as we hope to conduct once a month conferences to bring unity to The Body, Equip The Saints for service In The Kingdom of God, which is Righteousness, Shalom/Peace and Holy Spirit JOY & Fulfill The Great Commission, reaching the unreached people groups in the world today and ushering in the 2nd Coming of Jesus/Yeshua/Salvation! We are looking to appoint elders in every city throughout New Mexico, across America and around The WORLD, so prayerfully consider joining us. If you or someone you know would like to have a prayer gathering in your area or anywhere around NM, don't hesitate to contact me!
Acts 20:17 Amplified BibleHowever, from Miletus he sent word to Ephesus and summoned the elders of the church [to meet him there].
Acts 20:28 Amplified BibleTake care and be on guard for yourselves and for the whole flock over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you as overseers, to shepherd (tend, feed, guide) the church of God which He bought with His own blood.
THANKS & BLESSINGS,Mark TrossPrayer Coordinator for NM Prayer Connect, PATH-NM, COG-NM & El Paso, TXhttps://nmprayerconnect.weebly.com https://www.fggam.org https://www.christianbody.net Christianbody.netMany voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.www.christianbody.nethttps://open.spotify.com/show/23UzJJb9uWqNf8yLPoQ2YP Mark TrossListen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janineopen.spotify.com https://www.spreaker.com/show/the_mark_frederick_tross_show https://www.amazon.com/Books-Mark-Tross/s?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3AMark+Tross https://victorychurchofgod.weebly.com RIO RANCHO CHURCH OF GODVIEW OUR SIMPLE CHURCH DOCUMENTARY https://vimeo.com/5632299 & https://vimeo.com/5632299 VISIT OUR WEBSITE https://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.comvictorychurchofgod.weebly.comhttps://crossculturenm.weebly.com Cross Culture NMCross Culture NMcrossculturenm.weebly.comhttps://askthepastornm.weebly.com Ask the pastor nmYour browser does not support iframes. ; View the content of this inline frame with your browseraskthepastornm.weebly.comhttps://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com Simple Church FellowshipThe Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!simplechurchfellowship.weebly.comhttps://ekklesiaoutreach.weebly.com Ekklesia OutreachYour browser does not support iframes. ; View the content of this inline frame with your browserekklesiaoutreach.weebly.comhttps://mark-tross.webnode.com Mark TrossI'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...mark-tross.webnode.comhttps://marktross.weebly.com For God's Glory Alone MinistriesNews and Inspiration from a Biblical Perspectivewww.fggam.orgFeatured ProductsYour browser does not support iframes. ; View the content of this inline frame with your browsernmprayerconnect.weebly.com
"Lord, LOrd, LORD!" June 2024 NM Prayer Connect/PATH, NM/COG, NM & El Paso, TX Monthly Newsletter!
Daniel 9:19 O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and take action! Do not delay, for Your own sake, O my God, because Your city and Your people are called by Your name (AMP)."
Sisters & Brothers
One week ago today, twelve South Korean Intercessors concluded their fifty-five hours of prayer for awakening and revival to come to ABQ/Metro, all 33 counties and 23 tribal nations in NM, across America and around the world, because the gospel is for all nations, peoples, tribes and tongues! We were privileged and honored to host them, since only 21 cities in our nation were chosen to have teams come and pray this year. Consisting of 7 women and 5 men, aged in their 20's & 30's, this prayer team is part of a 9,000 member Presbyterian congregation in Seoul. For all of them it was their first time in our state. although some of them have been to our nation on five different mission trips, but everyone of them said this was the best time they had ever had in any US venture. With 422 people attending this five day gathering, over 13,000 people participated in the 50 Days Of Prayer, Praying Up To Pentecost Sunday @TikTok, one women was healed of vertigo, after suffering for decades and even a lost cat was found and returned to its owner, but everyone who participated said, "This Is Life Changing." Jemez. Laguna, Taos & San Filipe Pueblo people came and both Hopi & Navajo Reservations had representation as well. Various church groups were represented, with Bosque House Of Prayer and others leading harp and bowl worship, several live broadcasts were streamed on the Promesa Nuevo Mexico Network (in Spanish & English) + @ChristianBody.Net on Apple TV, Roku, StreamingChurch.TV, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch and other social media sites internationally, getting hits in every state and 73 nations worldwide!
50 years ago Evangelist Billy Graham held a crusade in Korea, resulting in the largest awakening and revival Korea has ever known! Did you know that in 2025, it'll be the 50th anniversary of the Reverend Doctor Billy Graham coming to The Pit in Albuquerque, where he spoke directly to the tribal nations in attendance and said, "When this sleeping giant awakens, the world will see the greatest revival it has ever known!" The Bible is very clear, God watches over His Word to perform it & He Who has begun a good work in you will complete it. The Church needs to awaken and revive, pray into and work toward the fulfillment of God's Prophetic Word, Will & Way, from Genesis to Revelation, standing on all the promises of God, that are Yes & Amen in Christ/Messiah/The Anointed ONE, Jesus/Yeshua/Salvation! Like John The Baptizer, we are called and commissioned to usher in the second coming of Christ. God wishes that none would perish and all would come to repentance, so we must reach the unreached people groups, many of whom are attending our colleges and universities, because when the fullness of the gentiles come in, God will open the eyes of Israel and according to the prophet Zechariah, 'They Will Look On Him, Whom They Have Pierced!'
Like Queen Esther, we are all here, for such a time as this, so let us come together as ONE In Messiah, so that according to Psalm 133, God will command His Blessing. Just as our Korean sisters and brothers cried out so passionately unto God, on behalf of all New Mexicans, if we continue to humble ourselves, seek His Face, turn from our wicked ways and pray, as recorded in 2 Chronicles 7:14, God will hear from Heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land, so let us cry out, "Lord, LOrd, LORD," in Jesus' Holy & Precious Name! He will hear, He will forgive, He will listen and take action.
WHAT'S HAPPENING IN NEW MEXICO? June 10-23, the 15th Annual Raton Family Camp Meeting, 6pm, HWY 555 (York Canyon Road). Join us Monday, June 17, 3-4pm MT, as we pray along with the (ICEJ) International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem, Israel, for the Prayer At The Heart of Belen gathering on Saturday, June 22, 10am-3pm @ the Becker Street Gazebo, June 28-30, Raton presents BORNWILD, 3pm @ Colfax County Event Center, Jim Young Arena, Highway 555 & Saturday, June 29, 4-7pm CT, for the PATH, El Paso, TX gathering at the Tobin Park United Methodist Church on 9410 Roanoke Dr., El Paso, TX 79924. If you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer gathering in or around NM, don't hesitate to contact me.
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect, PATH, NM, COG, NM & El Paso, TX Prayer Coordinator
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Many voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.
Mark Tross
Listen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janine
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The Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!
Ekklesia Outreach
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Mark Tross
I'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...
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For God's Glory Alone Ministries
News and Inspiration from a Biblical Perspective
Subject: "Take Advantage Of EVERY Opportunity!" 12 Korean Intercessors Coming to ABQ, May 14-21, 2024!
"For this reason He says, 'Awake, sleeper, And arise from the dead, And Christ will shine [as dawn] upon you and give you light.' Therefore see that you walk carefully, living life with honor, purpose, and courage; shunning those who tolerate and enable evil, not as the unwise, but as wise, sensible, intelligent, discerning people. Making the very most of your time on earth, recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity and using it with wisdom and diligence, because the days are filled with evil. Therefore do not be foolish and thoughtless, but understand and firmly grasp what the will of the Lord is (Ephesians 5:14-17 AMP)."
Sisters & Brothers In Christ,
For the past 3 years, New Mexico has hosted teams of South Korean Intercessors, coming to America to pray for a true spiritual awakening and revival to happen in our state, nation and the world! After the 2021 Prayer At The Heart Of America gathering in Lebanon, Kansas, with all 50 states sending teams to pray into the very heart of our nation, then being sent out to plan a statewide prayer gathering in the heart of their state in 2022 and in 2023 going to the heart of each county. From a prayer meeting in Santa Fe and ABQ the first year, in 2021, 41 states welcomed Korean Prayer teams in 41 states and in New Mexico we traveled over 1,400 miles in a week, for NDP in Albuquerque & Espanola, praying on the San Filipe Pueblo, inside the Governor's offices, the house and senate chambers of the Roundhouse, attending the Dona Ana County PATH event, visiting a prayer gathering in Lincoln County, praying on Sandia Crest, in churches and connecting with house churches and small prayer groups, wherever we could connect and agree for God to have His Way with us, but now in 2024, only 21 cities will have the blessing of Korean teams coming to their city and Albuquerque has been chosen!
So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith (Galatians 6:10).
On May 14th, 12 South Korean Intercessors will fly into the Sunport and hit the ground running, with a 7am breakfast meeting on May 15th @ Weck's in Rio Rancho and again on Friday morning (same time and place), where anyone who wants to attend to pray with and to be prayed for, then from May 15-19 (Pentecost Sunday), they will be at New Life Church Of God, 10am-9pm, located at 3400 Aztec Road NE (off Carlisle), Albuquerque, NM. We're hoping that the over 2,000 churches in ABQ/Metro, those in all 33 counties and 23 Tribal Nations, will send their prayer teams, to watch & pray for one hour, be prayed for and bring the Holy Spirit fire back to their congregations, small groups, home and workplace, living out the gospel daily, even at play! On Monday the 20th, we're planning on going to pray over the area on Sandia Crest, so hopefully you'll join us (TBD).
Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity (Colossians 4:5).
Churches in South Korea have been praying consistently over the past three years, for our state, America and the world! These teams have flown to the other side of the world to pray for us, at their own expense, so we're asking all confessing born-again believers in New Mexico to prayerfully consider coming into agreement with them and travelling in from whatever part of the state you live in to watch and pray with them, as Jesus asks His Disciples, for just one hour! I believe we are presently in an awakening period and on the cusp of a true spiritual revival, God's Richest BLESSINGS, but according to Ephesians, every member must do their part, so we can come into the fullness of God, make disciples to make disciples and plant churches, house to house, in the marketplace, in our local communities, continue the work and usher in the second coming of Jesus! If you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer gathering in or around our state, don't hesitate to contact me. I look forward to seeing all of you in ABQ!
Mark Tross
Prayer Coordinator for NM Prayer Connect
"GOD'S Timing Is EVERYTHING!" April 2024 NM Prayer Connect, PATH, NM, COG, NM & El Paso, TX Newsletter!
Sisters & Brothers In Yeshua/Jesus,
Now that practically the whole world has celebrated Resurrection Sunday, what's next? Please join us for 50 Days Of Prayer, Praying Up To Pentecost @ https://www.projectpray.org/_files/ugd/993c94_ae66263fdd4746de8ec03ba76d82944f.pdf which you can do personally, in small groups or as a whole congregation, but on Saturday, April 13, 1-3pm MT, gather together with us in Santa Fe, NM, for the Call to the Capitol event at the Roundhouse, register @ https://www.facebook.com/events/1745985019246638 and be sure to invite everyone you know in New Mexico to attend! We're preparing for the 12 Korean Intercessors to come to our state, from May 14-21, so be sure to come to New Life Church Of God on Aztec, off Carlisle in ABQ, to pray with them for a true spiritual awakening and revival to come to our state and to be prayed for by them, so that you can bring the anointing that breaks down every yoke of sin and bondage back to your fellowship, community and home. We are one of only 21 cities in the United States, which they're visiting this year, so we're hoping that all believers, disciples of Christ/Messiah will come in from our 33 counties and 23 tribal nations, together as ONE, for GOD to command HIS Blessing upon us, as recorded in Psalm 133!
How can we come together as one, when there is such division, arguing and disagreement? Are we following The Word Of God/Jesus, manmade rules and regulations within the church or possibly doctrines of demons, according to Jesus' half-brother, James? Are we in disobedience with or rebellion against God's Holy & Precious Word? The Bible says, "It's the sin of divination, witchcraft and insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry" (1 Samual 15:23 NASB 1995). It's time for every confessing believer to look in the mirror and decide whether we're going to do things our way, somebody else's way or according to God's Word, Will & Way. If we are followers of Jesus, let us align ourselves with Him and say, Not My Will, But Thine Be Done!For instance:
Exodus 12:1-2 AMPThe LORD said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, "This month shall be the beginning of months to you; it is to be the first month of the year to you.
AMP: Amplified BibleIn the fall of 2023, many in the traditional Jewish, Messianic, Hebraic and Christian communities worldwide, blew their shofars and ushered in the year 5784. At midnight on December 31 (that same year), people around the globe shouted, 'Happy New Year 2024!' Abib 1 begins at sundown on Monday, April 8 at 9:22 PM Jerusalem time & 1 Nisan, also known as Abib, will occur on April 9, 2024, and is the seventh month of the year. In contemporary culture, both the first and seventh months are considered the same, and are referred to as one or the other depending on the religious aspects being discussed. Now with hopefully not getting too heady and confusing everyone, the Nation of Israel has a 'spiritual' and 'civil' year, besides Tu B'Shevat, "Jewish Earth Day" and Elul, "New Year Of Animals," so they technically celebrate 4 new years.
So, if people say that they're following Moses (hopefully we can agree that Moses wrote down what God said), how is it that they don't listen to and follow The ONE he said was coming, that God would 'raise up' and celebrate the first month of the year, according to Exodus 12:1-2, especially, as New Covenant believers, since Paul tells young Timothy and all who read The Bible, that ALL Scripture Is GOD Breathed?As mentioned in the opening sentence above, almost the entire 'church world' celebrated in March 2024, the triumphal entry of Christ/Messiah (Our PASSOVER Lamb) into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday with the washing of the disciple's feet, the Passover meal, which is where we get our communion table from, Jesus/Yeshua being betrayed by Judas, the Good Friday crucifixion death and burial, the Sabbath rest and the Feast Of First Fruits (April 27-28, 2024) Resurrection, very early on the first day of the week, Sunday. How can these things be, when Passover this year, begins on Monday, April 22 at sundown and ends on Tuesday, April 30 at sundown. While the date in the English calendar changes each year (GOD Changes NOT), the holiday always falls on the 15th day of the Hebrew/Biblical month of Nissan through the 22nd!
Ephesians 2:14-15 AMPFor He Himself is our peace and our bond of unity. He who made both groups—[Jews and Gentiles]—into one body and broke down the barrier, the dividing wall [of spiritual antagonism between us], by abolishing in His [own crucified] flesh the hostility caused by the Law with its commandments contained in ordinances [which He satisfied]; so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thereby establishing peace.
AMP: Amplified BibleIf Jew and Gentile are to become ONE, it's going to be in God's Timing and according to His Word, Will & Way, but we need to cooperate with Him and like the sons of Issachar, we must discern the days and times we are living in, here and now, so Today, if you're hearing His Voice, harden not your heart, but let's do our best to move forward together in obedience, because that always brings God's Richest BLESSINGS! Remember, Jesus says to you and me, "Just As The Father Sent Me, So I Am Sending You!" He completely and totally walked in the power of the Holy Spirit and so must you and I. We must not and can not work out our Salvation in a haphazardly manner, so let us fall back, regroup and walk the walk, coming together in agreement with the Revelation, the Light He has given us, not hanging out in the shadows or making things up as we go along, not being tossed to and fro by every wind of bad doctrine and teaching, but in Love, because Love NEVER Fails and we have a great harvest to reap, before the second coming of Christ, so we can hear Him say, "Well Done, Good & Faithful Servants!" I welcome your comments and if you or someone you know would like to hold an event in or around NM, don't hesitate to contact me.
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect, PATH, NM, COG, NM & El Paso, TX Coordinator
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Listen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janine
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Mark Tross
I'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...
Israel - March 2024 Newsletter!
Sisters and Brothers in Messiah, This month the church world will celebrate the first coming of The Anointed ONE/Christ, while the Muslim world has Ramadan, March 10 - April 8, as the Jewish Holiday of Purim begins Saturday, March 23, ends on Sunday, March 24 and Passover is coming April 22-30 (consider the differences between the present day calendar and the Biblical one)! With ALL that being said, Yeshua/Jesus told us to learn from the example of the fig tree in Matthew 21:18-22; 24:32-35; Mark 11:12-25; 13:6-32; Luke 13:6-9; 21:29-33; Proverbs 27:18- Micah 4:4; 1 Kings 4:25; Zechariah 3:10 & John 1:48 (there are 44 Bible verses about Fig Trees). So, in this third month of 2024/5784, 'The Year of the Open Door,' let us look to the third person of the Holy Trinity, to lead and guide us into ALL Truth & understanding, regarding 'ISRAEL/Yisra'el!' In Genesis 32:28, God (In Hebrew, the word translated "God" can refer to Yahweh but can also refer to an angel as a "divine being") gives 'the name' Israel to the patriarch Jacob. 'The name' Israel may come from the root word sarah/sareta which means "to rule, contend(s), fight, have power or prevail over.' Because Jacob was faithful, the Lord gave him the special name of Israel, which means "one who strives or prevails, wrestles or struggles/struggled with God ['el]" and men or "let God prevail" Jacob had twelve sons. These sons and their families became known as the twelve tribes of Israel, or Israelites (see Genesis 49:28). Consisting of the action verb yashar, to be upright and the word 'el, God, it means to be upright or in right standing, righteousness of, in and with God or Elohim! In Aramaic the word "Israel" is translated and referenced as House of God. The land and the nation were formed most recently in 1948, but this quote from Genesis 12 is the first time the Bible promises, "I will bless those who bless Israel" - God. NOW, the big question of the day is, "Who Is Israel?" This is NOT about (the so called) 'three faiths of Abraham,' but about Abram, who believed in The ONE, True G-d, he took God at His Word and became the father of a multitude of nations and according to the New & Better Covenant, our Father of Faith! As the Lord commanded Moses to say to Pharaoh, 'Thus says the Lord, Israel is my firstborn son, and I say to you, "Let my son go that he may serve me." And the people of Israel cried out to the Lord and Moses said to the people, "Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord." Salvation in Hebrew is Yeshua, meaning Jesus. In Hosea God states, When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son. This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet [Hosea]: "Out of Egypt I called My Son." - Matthew 2:15b AMP.
For neither is circumcision anything [of any importance], nor uncircumcision, but [only] a new creation [which is the result of a new birth—a spiritual transformation—a new nature in Christ Jesus]. 16 Peace and mercy be upon all who walk by this rule [who discipline themselves and conduct their lives by this principle], and upon the [true] Israel of God (Galatians 6:15-16 AMP).
22 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels [in festive gathering], 23 and to the general assembly and assembly of the firstborn who are registered [as citizens] in heaven, and to God, who is Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous (the redeemed in heaven) who have been made perfect [bringing them to their final glory], 24 and to Jesus, the Mediator of a new covenant [uniting God and man], and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks [of mercy], a better and nobler and more gracious message than the blood of Abel [which cried out for vengeance].
The Unshaken Kingdom
25 See to it that you do not refuse [to listen to] Him who is speaking [to you now]. For if those [sons of Israel] did not escape when they refused [to listen to] him who warned them on earth [revealing God's will], how much less will we escape if we turn our backs on Him who warns from heaven? 26 His voice shook the earth [at Mount Sinai] then, but now He has given a promise, saying, "Yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but also the [starry] heaven." 27 Now this [expression], "Yet once more," indicates the removal and final transformation of all those things which can be shaken—that is, of that which has been created—so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. 28 Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, and offer to God pleasing service and acceptable worship with reverence and awe; 29 for our God is [indeed] a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:22-29 AMP).
My dear sweet brothers and sisters in Jesus, The ONE & ONLY, True ISRAEL! This is NOT about replacement theology, in any way, shape or form, but to clarify the statement made by Martin Luther, "The Great Exchange," referring to Jesus hanging on a tree, becoming sin for us, so that we, both Jew and Gentile, as the ONE New Man, could become the righteousness of God In Christ. As Stephen stated in Acts, referencing the tent in the desert or the tabernacle, the temple, the actual Greek word used is 'ecclesia,' sometimes spelled ekklesia, but this is the same and only word used by Messiah Himself, when He said, "I Will Build My Church," literally meaning 'the called out ones,' called out of the world and into the kingdom, called out of darkness and into His Marvelous LIGHT. You and I are of the commonwealth of Israel, joint heirs with Christ, ONE in the Holy Spirit & ONE in The LORD, ISRAEL! As the Household of God, His New Creation, given The Name above ALL names (there's no other name under heaven by which we must be saved), let us go forth to a shaken world, declaring their sins are forgiven and giving them the hope that will not disappoint, Jesus. If you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer gathering, don't hesitate to contact me.
Mark Tross
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Mark Tross
Listen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janine
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Mark TrossI'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...mark-tross.webnode.comhttps://marktross.weebly.com
MARK TROSSMARK TROSSmarktross.weebly.comhttps://nmprayerconnect.org
For God's Glory Alone MinistriesNews and Inspiration from a Biblical Perspectivewww.fggam.org
Brethren, sons of the family of Abraham, and all those others among you who reverence and fear God, to us has been sent the message of this salvation [the salvation obtained through Jesus Christ]. - Acts 13:26
Blessings to the "Fellow children of (the stock of) Abraham (NIV),
Because you are sons (both male and female, ONE In Messiah), God has sent forth The Holy Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba, Father!" Remember, Jesus came to show us The Way to God The Father, our Father Who art in Heaven! Flesh and blood, the natural man does not reveal these truths to us, but God, The Holy Spirit.
Now in the church (assembly) at Antioch there were prophets (inspired interpreters of the will and purposes of God) and teachers: Barnabas, Symeon who was called Niger [Black], Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen a member of the court of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.
2 While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, Separate now for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.
3 Then after fasting and praying, they put their hands on them and sent them away.
4 So then, being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia, and from [that port] they sailed away to Cyprus.
5 When they arrived at Salamis, they preached the Word of God [concerning the attainment through Christ of salvation in the kingdom of God] in the synagogues of the Jews. And they had John [Mark] as an attendant to assist them (Acts 13:1-5 AMP).Notice the giftings within the early church, this is Saul's/Paul's First Missionary Journey, The Holy Spirit is speaking, they're worshipping, fasting and praying, because The Bridegroom is no longer with them (in the flesh). There's a separation, sanctification for 'the work' for which Barnabas and Saul have been 'called.' Hands were laid on them and The Holy Spirit 'sent' them away, out and they went! Like Philip with the Ethiopian Eunuch, they preached, gave them 'The Word,' Jesus, concerning the attainment of Salvation (Yeshua in Hebrew) in 'the kingdom of God,' although some Jews and many Gentiles do accept the message, but the synagogue leaders drive Paul and Barnabas out of town, according to Acts 13:42-51. Are you seeing a pattern here?The ONLY Way we become true children of Abraham is to be born-again by the Holy Spirit of God. The Son has come to dwell, tabernacle in our hearts and minds. We must have a reverential fear and an intimate, experiential knowing of God! Unto us The Son has been given, the message of this Good News/Gospel of Salvation, so that we can give this love away to others. You and I are set aside for His Glory, equipped, commissioned and sent, to bring His Kingdom of Righteousness, Shalom/Peace and Joy in The Holy Spirit to ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues! The Bible tells us that God Is Love and He so Loved the world that He gave His ONE & Only Begotten Son, Jesus, so in this 2nd month of February 2024, affectionately known as the month of Love, the shortest month of the year, let us go forth with Holy Spirit Joy, be the salt of the Earth and let your Light shine out and into the world, because His Love is not only to be received, but to be given away, so GO and fulfill 'the works' you have been created to DO! If you or someone you know would like to have a prayer gathering in or around New Mexico, don't hesitate to contact me.Shalom,
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator
https://www.fggam.orgFor God's Glory Alone Ministries
News and Inspiration from a Biblical Perspective
"There Is Nothing 'NEW' Under The Sun."
Happy 'NEW' Year 2024! While most of the world celebrated a 'NEW'-born babe, wrapped in swaddling clothes, placed in a feeding trough, The Perfect Gift Of God, given to ALL that He Loves, I couldn't get over how quickly we passed from 2023 to the present, but may have missed The Presence! The word "new" in the Bible has multiple meanings: - Chadhash In the Old Testament, the word "chadhash" is commonly translated as "new" and means "fresh," "bright," or "new".
- Newness For Paul, "newness" implies resurrection. It can also refer to the new age, or the kingdom of God that comes with Jesus.
- New creation Paul wrote that "if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Cor 5:17).
- New heavens and a new earth John looks for new heavens and a new earth because the first ones have passed away (Rev 21:1).
Other Bible verses that mention a new beginning include: - Ephesians 4:22-24
- Lamentations 3:22-23
- Isaiah 43:18-19
- 2 Corinthians 4:16-17
- Genesis 1:31a
- Colossians 3:9-11
- Revelation 21:1-3
Personally, I was born in 'NEW'-ark, 'NEW' Jersey, got saved and baptized in 'NEW' Milford, moved to 'NEW' Mexico, have been a 'NEW' creation in Christ, since 1982, am presently celebrating the 'NEW' Year 2024, after celebrating the 'NEW" Year 5784, in September 2023 and I'm literally heading toward the spring to celebrate the death of our Passover Lamb, Jesus, which God told Moses (*Exodus 12:2 says, "This month is the beginning of months for you; it shall be the first month of your year".) would be 'raised up' and take away our sins, as far as the east is to the west and never to be brought up again, cast into the sea of forgetfulness and the proof is His resurrection that Sunday, on the feast of first fruits, counting 50 days up to Pentecost, when the promise of The Father, His Holy Spirit was poured out on all flesh! The 'This Is [the beginning of] That,' of Joel 2, proclaimed by The Apostle Peter in Acts 2, is still being played out in our day, which is why I believe the enemy is going after our children today, because Herod couldn't wait to kill the babies in Bethlehem, when Messiah was born and Satan wants to distort The Truth Of God's Word, by taking away the true identity of the sons and daughters, who God says are going to prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels], he doesn't want the young men to see visions (divinely granted appearances) or the old men to dream 'divinely suggested' dreams. The accuser of the brethren and the sisterhood does not want the men & women servants of God to prophecy [telling forth, predicting future events pertaining especially to God's kingdom]. I don't know about you, but I'm waiting for a 'NEW' Heaven and a 'NEW' Earth, according to Isaiah 65:17 and in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the last book of the bible, God's going to give us a 'NEW' name and He's making everything 'NEW' - Revelation 21:5. Jeremiah prophesied of the 'NEW' Covenant, which Hebrews tells us is the 'NEW' & Better Covenant, so I leave you with the below scriptures to read and meditate on + a footnote at the bottom of this page to prayerfully consider, but please understand, The Word Of God states that no one scripture stands on it's own interpretation, so like Job's friends, I would say their words are certainly true, from their own perspective, but not Holy Spirit Truth and for all Solomon's Wisdom, we all fall short of the glory, but clearly there are many 'NEW' things recorded in Holy Script, pointing to 'NEW' things that happened, are happening and those that will happen and that's The Truth! PLEASE, Prayerfully consider joining us for the 21 Days of Prayer online and via phone, from January 1-21, 2024 (information is available @ https://www.christianbody.net ) 6:30-8:30pm MT, 5:30-7:30pm PT & 8:30-10:30pm EST - a '21 Days Of Prayer' Prayer Guide is available for FREE @ https://www.projectpray.org , so Invite EVERYONE you know from EVERYWHERE, across America & around the World, as we pray for a true spiritual awakening and revival to come to the USA, Israel and the World in 2024 + prayerfully consider taking on the 30 Minute Prayer Challenge @ https://www.prayerattheheart.org - for those living in 'NEW' Mexico, if you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer gathering in or around our state, don't hesitate to contact me!
May God's Richest Blessings be yours in 2024,Mark Tross'NEW' Mexico Prayer Connect Coordinatorhttps://nmprayerconnect.org https://fggam.org For God's Glory Alone MinistriesNews and Inspiration from a Biblical Perspectivefggam.org
Christianbody.netMany voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.www.christianbody.net
Ezekiel 11:19 I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them;
Ezekiel 36:26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you;
Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
Revelation 43:19 See, I am doing a new thing!
*Ezekiel 40:1 contains a phrase, "the head of the year" (KJV) or "the beginning of the year" (New King James Version [NKJV]), in concert with a date, the tenth day of the month, which Judaism identifies as Tishri, making this the Day of Atonement. In this above statement out of Holy Script, I would ask the question, "Why does 'Judaism' still celebrate 'The Head Of The Year' in the fall, when God clearly told Moses in Exodus 12:2 that from now on it would be in the spring @ Passover?"https://nmprayerconnect.weebly.com Featured ProductsYour browser does not support iframes. ; View the content of this inline frame with your browsernmprayerconnect.weebly.comhttps://www.christianbody.tv
Mark Tross
Listen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janine
RIO RANCHO CHURCH OF GODVIEW OUR SIMPLE CHURCH DOCUMENTARY https://vimeo.com/5632299 & https://vimeo.com/5632299 VISIT OUR WEBSITE https://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.comvictorychurchofgod.weebly.comhttps://crossculturenm.weebly.com
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Simple Church FellowshipThe Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!simplechurchfellowship.weebly.comhttps://ekklesiaoutreach.weebly.com
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Mark TrossI'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...mark-tross.webnode.comhttps://marktross.weebly.com
MARK TROSSMARK TROSSmarktross.weebly.com
Top 10 archaeological discoveries of 2023 https://ground.news/article/top-10-archaeological-discoveries-of-2023_5e7b14 #groundnews via @Ground_app SUBSCRIBE for FREE @Zion Glory @crossculturenm @mftross & @CBNetMedia @YouTube to WATCH The 'HIDDEN MOUNTAIN' Documentary TODAY @ https://youtu.be/P-_Nx1UA5UE?si=3abD048mO367Em_4 Invite Others WORLDWIDE & SPREAD THE WORD INTERNATIONALLY + Consider having a MOVIE NIGHT in your church, home group or nonprofit organization! STREAMING 24/7/365 GLOBALLY @ChristianbodyNet @Christianbody.net LIVE Mondays 6-8pm MT & Wednesdays 9:30-11am MT - SEE The 'ASK THE PASTOR INTERNATIONAL' Program @KATV2023 @YouTube from Nairobi, Kenya, Africa, 7:30pm WEDNESDAYS, Jim Montoya hosts the 'Open Door' Program (in English & Spanish) 10:30-11am MT & Monday & Thursday 10am MT on Promesa Albuquerque ONLINE + The 'Voice of ONE' Program MONDAYS 6-6:30pm MT, American Liberty Ministries 6:30pm MT & 'Monday Night Alive' 7-8pm MT - COMING January 2024: 21 Days Of PRAYER with Project Pray, America's Prayer Meeting, BGEA, The Sentinel Group & MORE, 6:30pm MT, 5:30pm PT & 8:30pm ET @christianbody.net from January 1-21, 2024, so JOIN US!!!
If you or someone you know would like to take a 2 year bible course, REGISTER Today @ https://www.ccfcollege.com CCF Bible College Learn to lead & minister at a high level (ccfcollege.com) Available in person or online, across America & around the WORLD, so Invite Others & SPREAD THE WORD!!! Check out my latest article: It Is Finished! - December Newsletter: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/finished-december-newsletter-mark-tross-ebd5c via @LinkedIn
JOIN Us Saturday, December 16, 2023 7-8am MT @ https://www.prayersurgenow.net 9:00-10:00 am Eastern
Breakthrough Prayer for the Holy Land with Messianic Jewish Rabbi Mark Tross, Convener, Prayer at the Heart (PATH) New Mexico & 9/23 Israel AWAKE! Gathering, Founder, ChristianBody.Net
10:00-11:00 am Eastern
Breakthrough Prayer for India & South Asia with Dai Sup Han, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!, www.prayersurgenow.net, Convener, Transform USA Weekly Tuesday National Prayer Call, transformusa.info,
You are more than welcome to connect and pray with us during any portion of PSN 12/16, and please consider sharing this invitation with fellow intercessors across America.
PLEASE Watch This Premier Program of 'Ask The Pastor International,' broadcasting LIVE Every Wednesday 9:30-10:30am MT in the USA @christianbody.net & KATV in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa 6-7pm @KATV2023 & @CBNetMedia @YouTube On AppleTV, ROKU, Facebook, Twitter & Twitch + other social media sites WORLDWIDE, getting hits in every American state and 73 Nations GLOBALLY (PRAY we take the Love of GOD & The Good News of JESUS to ALL 195 Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues) - Give us your Questions to answer in future programs and comments/feedback on what topics you would like us to tackle + remember, there are plenty of questions in the bible, from Genesis to Revelation & in the world we live in today, but JESUS Is The Answer, The Hope of Israel, The Hope of the Nations, The Hope of The WORLD & The Hope that will not disappoint us! VIEW The 'Voice of ONE' program with Mark Tross LIVE Wednesdays 9-9:30am MT, Invite Others + SPREAD THE WORD! https://www.youtube.com/live/V5HTt2fChlQ?si=2noRPmwCrvJ1rsX3
"It Is Finished!" December 2023 NM Prayer Connect/PATH, NM/COG, NM & El Paso, TX Newsletter:
Sisters & Brothers in Jesus,
As we enter into the final stretch of our 'running the race' in 2023 and look ahead toward the New Year 2024, we have much to be thankful for and whether we had a so called good or bad year, God is still on the throne, worthy of all glory, honor and praise! Some of us are grateful just to get through another year by the skin of our teeth, while others accomplished great things and some had losses, but Jesus Christ remains The Same, yesterday, today and forever. There is no shadow of darkness in Him, because He is The Light Of Life, Who lights the light of all humankind and those of us who are born-again, into His family, are called to be the salt and light to this sick and dying world, bringing hope to the hopeless, because He is the only hope we have, the Biblical Hope beyond the veil, the Hope of Israel, Hope of the nations, Hope of the world and the Hope that will not disappoint us!
So, we enter into the festival of lights, Hanukkah, celebrate the birth of the Jewish Messiah, the Christ, sent by the Father, because He loves us and wishes none would perish, but that all would come unto Him to receive the greatest gift ever given. New Year's Eve will finish off 2023 and usher in a New Year, 2024, when resolutions and promises will be made, some brought to the full and others left empty on our own, but with Him, all things are possible and He promises to go before us, while His goodness, tender-mercies and loving kindness follow us all the days of our life!
As we gather together to worship the babe in the manger and praise The ONE, Who is seated at the right hand of The Father, let us not forget how He got there, by The Way of The Cross. It was there that The Lamb Of God was sacrificed, shed His Blood, His innocent life to pay for our sins, guilt & shame. He became sin, so that we could become the righteousness of God in Him and when He completed the great exchange proclaimed, "It Is Finished!" So, according to the book of Hebrews, The New & Better Covenant (prophesied in Jeremiah & Ezekiel) went into effect the very moment Yeshua/Jesus gave up the ghost, as stated in the King James Bible and died, for it is at the death of the testator that the will is activated, meaning that the New Covenant did not begin in Matthew 1:1, but the moment after Messiah/Christ breathed His last, but that topic will have to be further examined at another time, perhaps next year.
For December, Gerard Long (Facilitator of https://prayerattheheart.org ) will be casting his vision for ½ hour a week prayer groups in homes, the marketplace & churches, starting in 2024 on 'The Voice of ONE' program @christianbody.net Wednesday the 6th @9am MT. On the 13th the 'Ask The Pastor International' broadcast will kick off its premier at 9:30am MT/7:30pm in Kenya, Africa & the 18th @2pm MT starts the every third Monday, once a month prayer Zoom for The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem in Israel.
Start January 2024 off right with Project Pray's/America's Prayer Meeting, '21 Days Of Prayer,' 6:30pm MT @FreeConferenceCall.com and join us LIVE on https://www.christianbody.net The Official Kickoff date for the reboot of New Mexico's Longest Running Live Radio Call-In Program, 'Ask The Pastor NM' is on Wednesday, January 3rd @9:30am MT/7:30pm in Kenya, Africa, Primetime & broadcasting live on KATV, as the all new 'Ask The Pastor International' program, so invite others and spread the word!
If you or someone you know would like to have a prayer event in or around New Mexico, don't hesitate to contact me. We're hoping to complete the 'Prayer At The Heart' of New Mexico County events and within all 23 tribal nations in 2024 + the 12 counties that have held their events will be looking to be in the heart of each city this year. El Paso, TX will be hosting a PATH Gathering with representatives from MX, USA & Canada + The Korean Intercessors are returning to NM in May and an NBA Prayer Breakfast will be held internationally in July, during the draft week in Las Vegas, Nevada, so if you're a basketball player of any age, fan, coach or team owner, stay tuned for more details to come. May you and yours have a wonderful Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator
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Many voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.
Mark Tross
Listen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janine
VIEW OUR SIMPLE CHURCH DOCUMENTARY https://vimeo.com/5632299 & https://vimeo.com/5632299 VISIT OUR WEBSITE https://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com
Cross Culture NM
Cross Culture NM
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Simple Church Fellowship
The Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!
Ekklesia Outreach
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Mark Tross
I'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...
PS If you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer event in your area (in or around NM), visit https://prayerattheheart.org and be sure to contact me.
10 Days of Prayer
Join the worldwide prayer meeting, dedicating 10 days, from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, to pray and worship Jesus with other believers in your community. It's a call to a Revelation 4-5 kind of worship and unity, a time to fast, pray, and see Heaven come in your city.
For God's Glory Alone Ministries
News and Inspiration from a Biblical Perspective
The KINGDOM Is In The Midst Of YOU!
Mark Tross
Broadcaster @ChristianBody.Net85 articlesOctober 30, 2023Open Immersive ReaderSubject: 'The Kingdom Is In The Midst Of You!' November 2023 NM Prayer Connect, PATH-NM, COG-NM & El Paso, TX!
For Behold, The Kingdom Of God Is Within You [In Your Hearts] And Among You [Surrounding You] (AMP). - Luke 17:21b
Sisters & Brothers In Jesus,
Paul the Apostle tells us that the Kingdom of God is Righteousness, Peace & JOY In The Holy Spirit! Matthew 4:17 calls us to Repentance, which is a Gift of God and Proclaims that "The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand." Jesus also in Mark 1:15 stated The Same, as well as in Matthew 3:2 & 4:17 and even in the Beatitudes of Matthew 5:3 says, even the humble, those poor in spirit, who rate themselves insignificant are Blessed, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. In Matthew 10, Jesus summoned to Himself, His Disciples, to GO & PREACH, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand!"
Are you a 'Disciple,' follower of Christ? If HE is no respecter of persons, then The Same requirements HE put on HIS Disciples then are expected of us today, because HE Is The Same, Yesterday, Today & Forever/Eternally. HE Himself said to HIS Disciples in the upper room, on Resurrection Sunday evening, "Just As The Father Sent Me, So I AM Sending You, GO & DO Likewise!" Imagine having ALL Power & Authority, as a King or High Priest, now Believe that this is true of you, because God says it is and He can not lie, so what are you going to do with ALL of this? Obedience always brings God's Blessings, so let's trust and obey, cause there's no other way to be happy In JESUS! Under His Anointing, that breaks down every yoke of sin and bondage, GO & DO Likewise, according to His Word, Will & Way.
There's nothing hidden or buried here, no mystery that has not been revealed, so see the kingdom, because your eyes have been opened, seek the kingdom, because The Hope that is set before you will not disappoint, He Is The Hope Of Israel, The Hope Of The Nations & The Hope Of The World, so follow The King, because He is with you and for you, He promises to go before you, He has your rear guard, He is beside you, on your right and left + you are guaranteed to see His Goodness, Tender Mercies & Loving Kindness, following you ALL The Days Of Your LIFE, HE's moving upon, in and through you by HIS Holy Spirit, The Comforter, Who will lead and guide you into ALL Truth & Understanding, so you can accomplish The Works HE has prepared for you to do, before the foundations of this earth were created and as each and every believer does their part, we will come into The FULLNESS Of GOD!
November 5-19, 2023 Pray for the Hindu World @ https://www.worldprayerguides.org WATCH the 'Hidden Mountain' Documentary @ https://youtu.be/P-_Nx1UA5UE?si=n8xW5Upau6vQQ-jK be sure to SUBSCRIBE @ZionGlory @YouTube and prayerfully consider showing it at a Movie Night in your church or home fellowship - JOIN us LIVE Mondays 6-8pm MT & 9-11am MT on Wednesdays (streaming 24/7/365 Internationally @christianbody.net & @christianbody.tv) + if you or someone you know would like to hold a Prayer gathering in or around NM, don't hesitate to contact me (visit https://prayerattheheart.org ).
Mark Tross
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Many voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.
Mark Tross
Listen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janine
VIEW OUR SIMPLE CHURCH DOCUMENTARY https://vimeo.com/5632299 & https://vimeo.com/5632299 VISIT OUR WEBSITE https://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com
Cross Culture NM
Cross Culture NM
Ask the pastor nm
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Simple Church Fellowship
The Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!
Ekklesia Outreach
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Mark Tross
I'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...
Published by
Status is onlineMark TrossMark TrossBroadcaster @ChristianBody.NetBroadcaster @ChristianBody.NetPublished • 2h85 articlesSubject: 'The Kingdom Is In The Midst Of You!' November 2023 NM Prayer Connect, PATH-NM, COG-NM & El Paso, TX! For Behold, The Kingdom Of God Is Within You [In Your Hearts] And Among You [Surrounding You] (AMP). - Luke 17:21b Sisters & Brothers In Jesus, Paul the Apostle tells us that the Kingdom of God is Righteousness, Peace & JOY In The Holy Spirit! Matthew 4:17 calls us to Repentance, which is a Gift of God and Proclaims that "The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand." Jesus also in Mark 1:15 stated The Same, as well as in Matthew 3:2 & 4:17 and even in the Beatitudes of Matthew 5:3 says, even the humble, those poor in spirit, who rate themselves insignificant are Blessed, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. In Matthew 10, Jesus summoned to Himself, His Disciples, to GO & PREACH, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand!" Are you a 'Disciple,' follower of Christ? If HE is no respecter of persons, then The Same requirements HE put on HIS Disciples then are expected of us today, because HE Is The Same, Yesterday, Today & Forever/Eternally. HE Himself said to HIS Disciples in the upper room, on Resurrection Sunday evening, "Just As The Father Sent Me, So I AM Sending You, GO & DO Likewise!" Imagine having ALL Power & Authority, as a King or High Priest, now Believe that this is true of you, because God says it is and He can not lie, so what are you going to do with ALL of this? Obedience always brings God's Blessings, so let's trust and obey, cause there's no other way to be happy In JESUS! Under His Anointing, that breaks down every yoke of sin and bondage, GO & DO Likewise, according to His Word, Will & Way. There's nothing hidden or buried here, no mystery that has not been revealed, so see the kingdom, because your eyes have been opened, seek the kingdom, because The Hope that is set before you will not disappoint, He Is The Hope Of Israel, The Hope Of The Nations & The Hope Of The World, so follow The King, because He is with you and for you, He promises to go before you, He has your rear guard, He is beside you, on your right and left + you are guaranteed to see His Goodness, Tender Mercies & Loving Kindness, following you ALL The Days Of Your LIFE, HE's moving upon, in and through you by HIS Holy Spirit, The Comforter, Who will lead and guide you into ALL Truth & Understanding, so you can accomplish The Works HE has prepared for you to do, before the foundations of this earth were created and as each and every believer does their part, we will come into The FULLNESS Of GOD! November 5-19, 2023 Pray for the Hindu World @ https://lnkd.in/gd8vPTvm WATCH the 'Hidden Mountain' Documentary @ https://lnkd.in/gHcyg3zp be sure to SUBSCRIBE @ZionGlory @YouTube and prayerfully consider showing it at a Movie Night in your church or home fellowship - JOIN us LIVE Mondays 6-8pm MT & 9-11am MT on Wednesdays (streaming 24/7/365 Internationally @christianbody.net & @christianbody.tv)Like CommentShareReactions
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X Marks The Spot, Catch 22 or Chiasmus/Chiasms?
Matthew 20:16 Amplified Bible
16 So those who are last [in this world] shall be first [in the world to come], and those who are first, last."
Mark 2:27Amplified Bible
27 Jesus said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
Sisters & Brothers In Messiah/Christ/The Anointed ONE,
As we enter into 'The Fall' of the Biblical New Year, the colors of the leaves are changing, the temperatures are cooling down and our days will be getting shorter, but are we really, spiritually determining the times and seasons that we are living in? In Exodus 12:2, Adonai/The LORD says to Moses & Aaron, "This [a]month shall be the beginning of months to you; it is to be the first month of the year to you (AMP)."
Notice The Quotation Marks! GOD/Elohim Is Saying to Moses, representing God and Aaron, His Mouthpiece & High Priest (The Type & Shadow of The ONE/Messiah/Christ to Come, as High Priest Of The Tribe Of JUDAH), that from Now On, THIS, Passover, was going to be "The Head Of The Biblical Year." Talk about the first being last and the last being first, as The Apostle Peter proclaimed, the culmination of ALL things are coming together, as ONE, In HIM! ALL the types and shadows, throughout the ages, The Law, Prophets, Psalms & Proverbs are pointing us to The ONE, leading and guiding us, like a schoolmaster to Yeshua/Jesus/Salvation, Our Shalom/Peace, calling us to, "Come Unto ME & Enter Into Your Rest/Shabbat/Sabbath!"
Are you hearing what The Holy Spirit Of GOD Is Saying to The Church/Ecclesia/Ekklesia/The Congregation/Called Out ONE's Today? HE Is Making ALL Things NEW, pouring out, into New Wine Skins, New Holy Ghost/Spirit Wine, Unlike (Not At All Like) The Law, given on the mountain to Moses, Israel and the Mixed Multitudes that were delivered from the land of Egypt. Not Abolished, but FULFILLED by The Promised SON, The ONE, Who has taken down the dividing walls and enmity between Jew and Gentile, male, female, slave/bond servant and those who have been set free by The Truth and ALL, who are truly set FREE Indeed by The SON of The Father/Barabbas!
Since I Am writing this to You on Yom Kippur/The Day of Atonement (At-ONE-Meant), a time of Kaparah/sacrifice, Tefilah (prayer), Teshuvah (repentance) and Tzedakah (charity/LOVE), may we all go deeper, higher, wider, longer, onward and upward, toward The Prophetic Word of Zechariah 8:19 & 13:1 (even into The New & Better Covenant of Faith, as described in Hebrews), turning our fasts into Feasts of Great Joyfulness, Gladness & Happiness, Loving GOD's Truth & Shalom/Peace, The Fountain, which has been Opened to The House Of David, The Inhabitants Of Jerusalem, ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues, to cleanse us from sin and impurity. Yeshua/Jesus Is The Ultimate Sacrifice, still constantly Interceding at The Right Hand Of The Father, praying on our behalf, wishing NONE would perish, but that ALL would come unto HIM, for HE Is Our Repentance, The Gift Of GOD to The WORLD, that HE So LOVED, even unto death, not just to cover our sins for another year, but for Expiation/Propitiation, the Removal of sin, Complete and Total forgiveness, cleansing, disannulling, pardoning, purging and assuaging, overcoming sin and death FOREVER, so that we could have Eternal, Everlasting, Abundant, Resurrection LIFE, In, Of, By, For, Through & To HIM!
PLEASE, Visit https://www.christianbody.tv for information and FREE registration for the Sierra County Prayer At The Heart gathering on October 10, 4-8pm in Truth or Consequences & PATH in Los Alamos County on October 14, 11am-3pm. The COG, NM & El Paso, TX, Men's Conference, 'Built For This,' is in Alamorgordo on October 6-7 + WATCH The 'Hidden Mountain' Documentary @ https://youtu.be/P-_Nx1UA5UE?si=v3cTZst03bDX81tz - LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE @ZionGlory @YouTube (consider showing it at your church & small group meetings + turn on closed caption and it'll stream across the bottom of your screen in your own language WORLDWIDE)! If you or someone you know would like to hold a PATH County/City gathering, in or around NM, don't hesitate to contact me or nationally see: https://prayerattheheart.org .
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect/PATH, NM/COG, NM & El Paso, TX Prayer Coordinator
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Christianbody.netMany voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.www.christianbody.net
Mark Tross
Listen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janine
RIO RANCHO CHURCH OF GODVIEW OUR SIMPLE CHURCH DOCUMENTARY https://vimeo.com/5632299 & https://vimeo.com/5632299 VISIT OUR WEBSITE https://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.comvictorychurchofgod.weebly.com
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Simple Church FellowshipThe Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com
Ekklesia OutreachYour browser does not support iframes. ; View the content of this inline frame with your browserekklesiaoutreach.weebly.com
Mark TrossI'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...mark-tross.webnode.com
https://nmprayerconnect.org PS If you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer event in your area (in or around NM), visit https://prayerattheheart.org and be sure to contact me.10 Days of PrayerJoin the worldwide prayer meeting, dedicating 10 days, from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, to pray and worship Jesus with other believers in your community. It's a call to a Revelation 4-5 kind of worship and unity, a time to fast, pray, and see Heaven come in your city.www.10days.net
https://www.fggam.org/For God's Glory Alone MinistriesNews and Inspiration from a Biblical Perspectivewww.fggam.org
Israel AWAKE & PATH September 2023 Newsletter!
Sisters & Brothers In Yeshua/Jesus/Salvation,
With So MUCHO More happening in Sept., we'll have 3 Prayer At The Heart County gatherings: Sat., Sept. 16, PATH for Chavez (Jim Ridgeway Coordinator) & Mora (Joy Shubert Coordinator) counties; the 23rd will be Rio Arriba County (Joe Gonzalez Coordinator) and 'Israel AWAKE' will be held 12:30-5:30pm at New Life Church Of God on Aztec, off Carlisle in ABQ (Doors Open @ 12 Noon), not to mention Joseph Torrez overseeing ALL of the https://www.10days.net happenings throughout the state - Free Registration Sign-Up & Information at https://www.christianbody.tv , so invite others and spread The Word, because we want and need every member to do their part, because God's Word says, we'll come into His FULLNESS!
AS of this writing, we have 2 PATH County gatherings in Oct: Los Alamos on Sat., Oct. 7 & Sierra in Truth or Consequences on Tue., Oct. 10!
Rosh HaShanah - The New Year, Yom Kippur - The Day of Atonement & Sukkot - The Feast of Tabernacles are all this month, so hang on for the ride, because God is on the move and we must have our ears attentive to hear what His Holy Spirit is saying to The Church/Ecclesia/Ekklesia/The Called Out ONEs TODAY and our eyes WIDE open to where He is moving, what He is showing us, so we can go forward together with Him, as He leads and guides us into all Truth and understanding!
For everyone who attended the Prayer At The Heart Of Bernalillo County and The Jesus Gathering at Balloon Fiesta Park in ABQ and to those who helped make it happen, we appreciate the servants who got us there, set up, ministered during, tore down and with great anticipation look forward to what God is going to do, now that our TX, Mass, CO, KS, FL,HI, CA and NM Family have found their Way Home. Definitely be in prayer for those who will be heading to Washington, D.C. for the NM week of praise and worship at David's Tent, held on the great lawn!
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator
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Many voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.
Knitting and Netting The Body of Christ Together
Mark Tross
Listen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janine
The Mark Frederick Tross Show
Mark Frederick Tross - I was born in Newark, NJ, attended Passaic Valley High, went to Connecticut School of Broadcasting in Hartford and st
VIEW OUR SIMPLE CHURCH DOCUMENTARY https://vimeo.com/5632299 & https://vimeo.com/5632299 VISIT OUR WEBSITE https://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com
Cross Culture NM
Cross Culture NM
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Simple Church Fellowship
The Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!
Ekklesia Outreach
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Mark Tross
I'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...
New Mexico Prayer Connect
PS If you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer event in your area (in or around NM), visit https://prayerattheheart.org and be sure to contact me.
10 Days of Prayer
Join the worldwide prayer meeting, dedicating 10 days, from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, to pray and worship Jesus with other believers in your community. It's a call to a Revelation 4-5 kind of worship and unity, a time to fast, pray, and see Heaven come in your city.
Whose Side Are You On? August 2023 NM Prayer Connect/PATH, NM/COG, NM & El Paso, TX Newsletter!
Whose Side Are You On? August 2023 NM Prayer Connect/PATH, NM/COG, NM & El Paso, TX Newsletter!
Joshua 24:15 If it is unacceptable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you live; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." AMP
Sisters & Brothers In The Anointed ONE/Messiah/Christ, Coming to Sandia Peak/Crest on Thursday, August 24th is The Rooftop Encounter, followed by Friday, Saturday & Sunday at Balloon Fiesta Park, for the Jesus Gathering and Prayer At The Heart Of Bernalillo County, so be sure to invite everyone you know, in and around the state of New Mexico, to come and attend this historic, biblical gathering of believers! Did you know that there are 100 scripture verses in The Word Of God, referencing, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord?" Here are just a few: Deuteronomy 30:19; 1 Kings 18:21 & 2 Peter 3:9. Four times in the above portion of Holy Script, The Spirit Of God emphasizes "serve," which literally means, "Worship," yet there are still people today who find the thought of worshipping/serving The ONE True God, as unacceptable! Jesus says, "You are either for Me or against Me, there is no neutral ground!" There are 56 verses in The Bible about Jannes and Jambres, Korah, Dathan & Abiram as well:
2 Timothy 3:8 Just as Jannes and Jambres [the court magicians of Egypt] opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men of depraved mind, unqualified and worthless [as teachers] in regard to the faith (AMP);
Numbers 16:31 As soon as Moses finished speaking all these words, the ground under them split open; 32 and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them and their households, and all the men who supported Korah, with all their possessions. 33 So they and all that belonged to them went down alive to Sheol; and the earth closed over them, and they perished from among the assembly (AMP).
The choice is yours, separation of the wheat and the tares is not only coming, but Yeshua/Jesus, Our Salvation is coming again soon, so choose wisely, because the time is short and the days are evil, so don't oppose The Truth/Yeshua/Jesus! Also on August 5-6, Without Spot or Wrinkle Ministries is having a 'Spiritual Boot Camp,' with Dr. Patricia Venegas, Director, Pastor, author and conference speaker, from 10am-5pm at the Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown, so enlist today @ 909-593-2607 (we'll be interviewing her on The Forum, Wednesday, August 2 from 9:30-10:30am @christianbody.net & @christianbody.tv). Looking forward to September 16th, Chavez & Mora County are holding their PATH gatherings (Visit @christianbody.tv and/or @christianbody.net for further information and to register) & September 23rd PATH of Rio Arriba County + 'Awake Israel' at New Life Church Of God on Aztec in ABQ, just off of Carlisle (during the 10 Days of Awe – visit 10Days.net) and MORE to Come in October/November, so if you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer event in your area, don't hesitate to contact me!
God's Richest Blessings, Mark Tross Prayer Coordinator for NM Prayer Connect/PATH, NM/COG, NM & El Paso, TXhttps://nmprayerconnect.weebly.com
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https://www.christianbody.net Christianbody.net Many voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.www.christianbody.net
https://www.christianbody.tv https://open.spotify.com/show/23UzJJb9uWqNf8yLPoQ2YP Mark Tross Listen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janineopen.spotify.com https://www.spreaker.com/show/the_mark_frederick_tross_show https://www.amazon.com/Books-Mark-Tross/s?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3AMark+Tross https://victorychurchofgod.weebly.com RIO RANCHO CHURCH OF GODVIEW OUR SIMPLE CHURCH DOCUMENTARY https://vimeo.com/5632299 & https://vimeo.com/5632299 VISIT OUR WEBSITE https://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.comvictorychurchofgod.weebly.com
Cross Culture NM Cross Culture NM crossculturenm.weebly.com
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https://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com Simple Church Fellowship The Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues! simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com
Ekklesia Outreach ekklesiaoutreach.weebly.com
https://mark-tross.webnode.com Mark Tross I'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,…mark-tross.webnode.com
VISIT This Link for Events Happening in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA: https://sh1.sendinblue.com/3h5fxpywb5xpfe.html?t=1690313616
Luke 17:28-37Amplified Bible
28 It was the same as it was in the days of Lot. People were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building [carrying on business as usual, without regard for their sins]; 29 but on the [very] day that Lot left Sodom it rained fire and brimstone (burning sulfur) from heaven and destroyed them all. 30 It will be just the same on the day that the Son of Man is revealed. 31 On that day, whoever is on the housetop, with his belongings in the house, must not come down [and go inside] to take them out; and likewise whoever is in the field must not turn back. 32 Remember [what happened to] Lot's wife [when she looked back]! 33 Whoever seeks to save his [e]life will [eventually] lose it [through death], and whoever loses his life [in this world] will keep it [from the consequences of sin and separation from God]. 34 I tell you, on that night [when Messiah comes again] there will be two [sleeping] in one bed; the [f]one (the non-believer) will be taken [away in judgment] and the [g]other (the believer) will be left. 35 There will be two women grinding [at the mill] together; the [h]one (the non-believer) will be taken [away in judgment] and the other (the believer) will be left. 36 [i][Two men will be in the field; [j]one will be taken and the other will be left."] 37 And they asked Him, "Where, Lord?" He answered, "Where the corpse is, there the vultures will be gathered."
The Amplified Bible
2 Peter 2:7
and if He rescued righteous Lot, who was tormented by the immoral conduct of unprincipled and ungodly men and if He rescued righteous Lot, who was tormented by the immoral conduct of unprincipled and ungodly men
Sisters & Brothers In Jesus/Yeshua/Salvation,
July will be a Jam-PACKED Month, with Prayer At The Heart gatherings happening every weekend + Join us for the filming of the documentary at 10 Commandments Rock/The Decalogue Stone on Mystery/Hidden Mountain, west of Los Lunas, Friday & Saturday, July 28-29. We need your daily prayers and cooperation in getting the word out about all of these events, so invite others and spread the word, but above all, ATTEND! For more information, to register and/or contribute financially VISIT: @christianbody.tv & @christianbody.net
The above portions of Holy Script are of extreme importance for us to prayerfully consider and meditate on, for spiritual discernment and application in this present world of darkness that we're living in, but not of, for God has called us out of darkness and into His Marvelous Light, making us new creations In Him, the salt and light of the earth! He's not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance, so we must seek His Face for His strategic gameplan to accomplish the works He has called each and every one of us to do in these last hours. Juliet and I were privileged to be part of the PATH event in Cleveland, Ohio last month and are presently preparing for the Valencia County Rooftop Encounter on Friday, June 30th, PATH on July 1st, Cibola County PATH at Fire & Ice Park on Saturday, July 8th, Lincoln County PATH on the 15th, San Miguel County PATH on the 22nd + the 28th-29th with folks from AZ & TX coming in to film a documentary on 10 Commandments Rock. I won't overwhelm you with the details of August 25th-27th at Balloon Fiesta Park for Bernalillo County PATH, September 16th on the courthouse lawn in Roswell, NM for Chavez County PATH, but we will be at the Pray California event in CA come October + be in prayer for John & Lori Robb, as they'll be travelling to CO & Washington State for strategic prayer initiatives this month. God is clearly on the move in our state, across America and around the world, so don't miss Him, because the time is short! We're working diligently to gather together, as one In Messiah/Christ/The Anointed ONE, for worship, prayer & fellowship at Prayer At The Heart events in 2023 at the center of all 33 counties and 23 Tribal Nations here in New Mexico and hopefully holding gatherings for PATH in every city, come 2024, so if you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer event in or around NM, don't hesitate to contact me. We already have requests to go to Deming and El Paso, TX, but desperately need your prayer support, contributions and cooperation, servant leaders, workers for the fields, because they are ripe for an abundant harvest! Blessings,Mark TrossNM Prayer Connect Coordinatorhttps://nmprayerconnect.weebly.com
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Christianbody.netMany voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.www.christianbody.net
Mark Tross
Listen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janine
RIO RANCHO CHURCH OF GODVIEW OUR SIMPLE CHURCH DOCUMENTARY https://vimeo.com/5632299 & https://vimeo.com/5632299 VISIT OUR WEBSITE https://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.comvictorychurchofgod.weebly.com
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Simple Church FellowshipThe Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com
Ekklesia OutreachYour browser does not support iframes. ; View the content of this inline frame with your browserekklesiaoutreach.weebly.com
Mark TrossI'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...mark-tross.webnode.com
Gifts From God - June 2023 NM Prayer Connect/PATH, NM/COG, NM & El Paso, TX Newsletter
Sisters & Brothers In Jesus,
Thus says God, the Lord, He Who created the heavens and stretched them forth, He Who spread abroad the earth and that which comes out of it, He Who gives breath to the people on it and spirit to those who walk in it:
I the Lord have called you, the Messiah, for a righteous purpose and in righteousness; I have taken You by the hand and have kept You; I have given You for a covenant to the people [Israel], for a light to the nations;To open the eyes of the blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, and those who sit in darkness from the prison. [Matt. 12:18-21.]- Isaiah 42:5-7
Behold, I have appointed Him [the Messiah, or David as representing Him] for a witness - one who shall testify of salvation - to the nations, a prince and commander to the peoples.- Isaiah 55:4
God Is Spirit and All who worship Him must do so In Spirit and Truth. Jesus said, "My Word Is Spirit and Life!" When standing before Pilate, Jesus was asked, "What Is Truth?" Although He did not respond at that time, because He was led as a sheep to the slaughter, His silence was deafening and shouts down through the ages, "I Am The Way, The Truth And The Life! No man comes to The Father, but By Me!" The "Gifts From God" which are many have shaken (literally) and divided the Church, because of man made doctrines, rules and regulations, but as we seek the Holy Spirit's guidance, rightfully divide the Word of Truth and allow Him to have His Way with us, Jesus Christ, the Saviour, God's Most Spiritual and Precious Gift to All of mankind on the face of planet Earth will bring Unity, Edification, Faith, Hope and above All, LOVE to His Body, so that we can take the Love of God and the Good News of Jesus to All Nations and Peoples! Let us move on now In the Most Excellent of Ways, prayerfully, with an open mind, heart and soul, walking softly and humbly before Our God as He teaches us In Jesus' Name. Amen.
NOW about the spiritual gifts (the special endowments of supernatural energy), brethren, I do not want you to be misinformed.- 1 Corinthians 12:1
It's funny how numbers take their place in Biblical studies: 7 for perfection, completeness, fulness, wholeness; 10 for power as in multiplication, times. X's (Did you know The Holy of Holies was a perfect cube measuring 10 X 10?), then there are The Twelve Tribes of Israel, The Twelve Apostles and for your reading pleasure In The Word of God, Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12 for a wonderful study in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit that should be present and active in the Life of All Believers!
We are commanded to be filled with the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures are clear that if we ask of the Father His Spirit then we receive. Christ In YOU Is the Hope of Glory! He who has the Son has Life! As a Believer In Jesus as Your Lord and Savior, You "are" filled and anointed with the same Holy Spirit that descended like a dove upon Him when He walked upon the face of this Earth. Therefore, you have the same Gifts From God and more importantly "The Gift Of God," Jesus Who Is The Resurrection And The Life, Living, Moving And Having His Being In YOU by the Power and Anointing of The Holy Spirit!
God wants to establish His Justice upon the Earth and wants us to hopefully wait for, expect His direction and law (Love God, your neighbor as yourself and one another as Jesus Loves YOU). [Rom. 8:22-25.] Jesus Is Lord; His Name Is Above All, His Glory shall be over All the Earth and He Inhabits the Praises of His People! He Who created the heavens and Earth has breathed the Breath of Life, His Holy Spirit into our soul, called us unto Himself, taken us by the hand, kept us, entered into a covenant relationship of Love, made us a Light to the Nations, opened our eyes to open up other's, set us free, so that we could set the captives free indeed, brought us out of darkness into His Glorious Light, given us His Life, so that we could have Eternal, Everlasting Life, given us His Word as a lamp to guide us and His Name, so that we could overcome the World!
Listen! Incline your ear [submit and consent to the Divine will], and come to God; hear, and your soul shall revive; and He will make an everlasting covenant or league with you, even the sure mercies - kindness, good will and compassion - promised to David. [2 Sam. 7:8-16; Acts 13:34; Heb. 13:20.] He who has ears to hear, let him hear! Hear, O Israel, The Lord, Our God, The Lord Is One! Want revival?
All God's Promises are Yes and Amen In Jesus and His Call and "Gifts" are irrevocable! There is a whole World out there that many of us do not know of, but God says, "Nations that you did not know shall run to you, because of The Lord Your God, and of The Holy One Of Israel, for He Has Glorified YOU!" You have been appointed by God, an Ambassador for Christ, representing Him for a witness to the nations to testify that Salvation can be found in no other Name, but Jesus'!
We are Called to be Witnesses of the Resurrection Power of God, so take your place as a Royal Priesthood and Holy Nation, Kings and Priests, because God has "given" us EVERYTHING we need to live our Life Unto Him In Jesus' Name.
Take all the gifts and talents He has bestowed upon you and use them for His Purposes, so that All Glory, Honor and Praise can go to He Alone Who Is Worthy!
Seek, inquire for and require the Lord while He may be found - claiming Him for necessity and by right; call upon Him while He is near.- Isaiah 55:6
If you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer event in or around NM, don't hesitate to contact me! Juliet & I will be in Cleveland, Ohio for the Prayer At The Heart event there on Saturday, June 17, so appreciate your prayers. July will be a very busy month with PATH events in four counties every weekend + on the 28-29th we'll be shooting a documentary on Mystery/Hidden Mountain, highlighting 10 Commandments Rock and the Star Map, dated the night before Tabernacles 107BC - Information and registration for these events and more will be @christianbody.tv so Invite Others + SPREAD THE WORD. Blessings,Mark TrossPrayer Coordinator for NM Prayer Connect/PATH, NM/COG, NM & El Paso, TX
Mark TrossListen to Mark Tross on Spotify. Audiobooks & MORE read by Mark Tross, Author, Conference Speaker, Radio & Television personally, blogger, newspaper and internet writer, Bishop with The Church Of God, Cleveland, TN and Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect . Cover art photo provided by Janine Joles on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joyful_janineopen.spotify.com
Subject: May 2023 NM Prayer Connect/PATH-NM/COG, NM & El Paso, TX Newsletter!
Sisters & Brothers In Messiah/Christ, May is going to be a jam packed month with the Korean Intercessors coming to pray for a true spiritual awakening and revival to come to New Mexico, the Four Corners, SW region, across America and around the world, National Day of Prayer (May 4, 11:30am at Civic Plaza in ABQ & 6pm in Espanola) Prayer At The Heart Of Dona Ana County in Radium Springs on Saturday, May 6 and PATH, Sandoval County 9:30am-2pm in Jemez, Saturday, May 20 at Hummingbird Music Camp, so be sure to invite everyone to attend these events, when and where they can, but also pray into what God is doing in our day, because thanksgiving and praise is due Him and it magnifies His Presence in our midst! If you didn't make it to the Awake events that happened in April, at Four Corners, Farmington, Gallup, Church Rock, New Life COG and New Beginnings in ABQ & Cross of the Martyrs in Santa Fe, I just don't know what to tell you, other than God is having His Way in and around our state, Jesus, Yeshua is building His Church, just as He said and if you think Covid rocked the world, you ain't seen nothing yet, because The Bible tells us that everything that can be shaken will be shaken, except The Kingdom Of God, so Dig In Deep and hang on for the ride, grab a hold of the hem of His Garment, because He's On The MOVE and we have to move in The Holy Spirit with Him! Much of what will be happening while the Korean Intercessors are here will be posted at https://www.christianbody.tv & https://www.christianbody.net , so please check out these sites, register for these events, so we can plan accordingly and stay connected, because there's MORE coming in July & August. ALL are welcome to attend Weck's in Rio Rancho, Wednesday, May 3, 7-8:30am, for a breakfast meeting with our 9 visitors from South Korea, a noontime luncheon at the Foursquare Church in Capitan that afternoon + Sunday, May 7, 10:30am they'll be at New Life Church Of God on Aztec, off Carlisle in ABQ, so share this information with everyone you know and hopefully they'll accept the invitation & invite others! If you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer event in the heart of your county, tribal nation this year or the center of your city in 2024, visit https://prayerattheheart.org and/or https://projectpray.org for more information and don't hesitate to contact me 🙂THANKS & BLESSINGS,Mark TrossPrayer Coordinator for NM Prayer Connecthttps://nmprayerconnect.weebly.com
https://nmprayerconnect.org P.S. NDP: May 2, 6pm @ Rio Grande Gorge Bridge; May 4, Noon @Kit Carson Park in Taos, Frontier Park in Angel Fire & May 6, 9am @ Taos Valley Overlook, between mile marker 36-35, HWY 68 - Dr. Leslie Keegel will be on air with us @christianbody.net & @christianbody.tv Wednesday, May 10, 9-11am MT, LIVE @AppleTV, ROKU, StreamingChurch.tv, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch and other social media sites worldwide; May 16, 10am-noon at Journey Church in Farmington, 'A Brighter New Mexico' (Call 505-836-4223 for more info) + May 26-28 at New Beginnings Church, 4770 Montgomery Boulevard NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87111, First Nations Day Of Honor (register at FNDOH.com)
AWAKE - April 2023 Newsletter!
To ALL The April Fools for Christ/Messiah/The Anointed ONE,
Welcome to God's New Beginning, The Head of the year, according to Holy Script! April 2nd commemorates The LORD's triumphal entry into the Holy City of Jerusalem, HIS institution of 'Communion' on Passover, representing what HE called, "The New & Better Covenant," HIS Death on Good Friday, fulfilling The Sabbath that Saturday and Resurrection Sunday, April 9th, what the Apostle John The Beloved called The LORD's Day. With ALL This coming our Way this month, what's to follow?
Doug Small of https://www.projectpray.org/host-cities and Aaron Park, who's overseeing the Koreans coming to NM, May 2-9, will be visiting our state, April 11-12, hoping to connect with ALL who will be part of what we affectionately call, 'The Korean Invasion of America,' Intercessors going to 40 states in our nation, praying for a true spiritual Awakening & Revival to come to these United States.
Dai Sup Han from Colorado Springs, national prayer coordinator for Promise Keepers and host of 2 national prayer calls a week, Transform USA & Prayer Surge NOW, will be hosting a Prayer Event at Four Corners National Monument on April 19, 3pm and an Awake Conference at Joshua Generation Church in Gallup on April 20th + will be at New Beginnings Church on Montgomery in ABQ, Saturday, April 22, 9am-9pm for the Awake New Mexico Conference, WHICH YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS, so Invite EVERYONE you know in NM and throughout the surrounding areas of our state (Information and registration for ALL of these FREE Events & MORE are available @ https://www.christianbody.tv & https://www.christianbody.net ).
Sisters & Brothers In Yeshua/Jesus/Salvation, As we enter into this 'New Beginning' time and season on God's Biblical Calendar, let us not grow weary in well doing, but Arise & SHINE, for Your Light Has Come and The GLORY Of The LORD Is Risen Upon YOU! Below you'll find just a few Scriptures, regarding 'Awake' In The Bible, so please Prayerfully read, meditate upon and Pray through them, for a true spiritual Awakening & REVIVAL to come to New Mexico, the Four Corners area, within the South Western region of our nation, across America and around the WORLD, because this is just the beginning of what God's doing in and around our state, so prepare yourself for what's Coming in May, as we're looking to hold events in the center of ALL 33 counties & 23 Tribal Nations in 2023 (Visit https://prayerattheheart.org & ChristianBody.TV & ChristianBody.Net for MORE Information and Registrataion Details) and beyond this year, we're hoping to be in the center of every city in New Mexico, come 2024! If you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer event in or around NM, don't hesitate to contact me.
May God's Richest Blessings Be Yours,
Mark Tross
Prayer Coordinator for NM Prayer Connect
What Jesus COULD NOT DO & Why! March 2023 NM Prayer Connect/PATH-NM/COG, NM & El Paso, TX Newsletter!
Sisters & Brothers In Jesus/Yeshua/Salvation,
Matthew 13:58And He did not do many miracles there [in Nazareth] because of their unbelief (AMP).
Just within the past week, I have heard of four major miracles that took place with people we know in NM. God is on the move in our state, across America (if you're unaware of the Revival occurring in Asbury, Kentucky, you're not paying attention) and around the WORLD! God wants to awaken you and me to His Kingdom purposes and the works He has prepared for us to do in our day. He's calling His people to Arise and SHINE, for Your LIGHT Has Come & The GLORY Of The LORD (Jesus Is The Manifested Glory Of God) Is Risen Upon YOU! The Father is gathering together ALL that are scattered, both Jew & Gentile, together as ONE In Messiah/Christ/The Anointed ONE. He wishes that NONE would perish and ALL would come to Repentance (Turn to Him & Think Differently, Be Transformed by the Renewing of your mind), so we as The Church/His Body/The Bride, MUST Rise Up, Preach The Gospel & BELIEVE!
Matthew 17:20 He answered, "Because of your little faith [your lack of trust and confidence in the power of God]; for I assure you and most solemnly say to you, [a]if you have [living] faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and [if it is God's will] it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you (AMP).
Jesus Is The Author & Finisher of our FAITH, so we MUST Look Unto HIM, to know and understand, what looks Impossible in the natural is MORE Than POSSIBLE to accomplish with GOD! ALL we have to do is BELIEVE, Cling To, Trust In & Rely On HIM.
Mark 6:5 And He could not do a miracle there at all [because of their unbelief] except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them (AMP).
You and I Lack NOTHING, because The GOD we serve is 'Dayenu' (Hebrew), MORE Than ENOUGH in EVERY Situation and Circumstance we face. Yes, it appears that the enemy is having a field day, that the antichrist spirit has been unleashed into all the world, but he knows that his time is short and we are MORE Than Conquerors In JESUS, Saved by The Blood/LIFE Of The Lamb Of God, Who takes Away The Sins of The WORLD, so as we gather together (Luke 22:19), repenting for ourselves and the sins of our state & nation (Hebrews 12:24) and warring (Colossians 1:20) In The Holy Spirit, we shall OVERCOME, by The Word of our Testimony, not loving our lives, even unto death, according to Revelation 12:11.
James 1:6 But he must ask [for wisdom] in faith, without doubting [God's willingness to help], for the one who doubts is like a billowing surge of the sea that is blown about and tossed by the wind (AMP).
We MUST Continue to CRY OUT to HIM! Many are asking the question, "How LONG Oh LORD?" The Word of God, Jesus Himself says, "ASK & Keep On ASKing, SEEK & Keep On SEEKing, KNOCK & Keep On KNOCKing." He hears your prayers, your petitions, your requests and knows your wants and needs, what you're going to ask, even before you do. His timing is PERFECT, so we must Wait, Patiently, Be Longsuffering, Abide In Him, so that we can bear good and lasting fruit for His Kingdom. We are commanded to 'Grow Not Weary In Well Doing,' therefore we must watch and wait, serve Him and worship Him In Spirit & Truth, because He cares for us and is working ALL things together for our good, for those who LOVE Him and are Called, according to His Purposes.
Luke 1:20 [a]Listen carefully, you will be continually silent and unable to speak until the day when these things take place, because you did not believe what I told you; but my words will be fulfilled at their proper time (AMP)."
Matthew 14:31 Immediately Jesus extended His hand and caught him, saying to him, "O you of little faith, why did you [a]doubt (AMP)?"
John 20:27-29 Then He said to Thomas, "Reach here with your finger, and see My hands; and put out your hand and place it in My side. Do not be unbelieving, but [stop doubting and] believe." 28 Thomas answered Him, "My Lord and my God!" 29 Jesus said to him, "Because you have seen Me, do you now believe? Blessed [happy, spiritually secure, and favored by God] are they who did not see [Me] and yet believed [in Me] (AMP)."
John The Baptist's Dad, Zachariah (God Remembers), Peter (Simon, called by Jesus, "the little stone") & (affectionately known as Doubting) Thomas are classic examples of those who moved in doubt and unbelief, but like Joshua was told and many others throughout The Word Of God, "Take Courage," because God promises to show Himself MIGHTY in our midst, even in our weakness, so let's be real, open and honest with one another (certainly to the rest of the world) and like the humble father in our next scripture verse, ask Him to help [us overcome] in our time of need!
Mark 9:24 Immediately the father of the boy cried out [with a desperate, piercing cry], saying, "I do believe; help [me overcome] my unbelief (AMP)."
I Hope & Pray you'll ALL Join us for the Prayer At The Heart Of New Mexico Conference at New Life Church Of God on Aztec Road, off Carlisle in ABQ, Saturday, March 4, doors open at 9am and the conference will run from 10am-2pm, INVITE Everyone you know from NM, who's following after Jesus and wanting His Kingdom to Come & His Will To Be DONE in our state, across America and around the WORLD + if you or anyone you know would like to hold a prayer event in or around New Mexico, don't hesitate to contact me AND Mark Your Calendar for The "My Rescue Story" WOMEN'S Conference - Psalm 91:14-15; March 24-25, 2023 - Register Online @ https://newmexicocog.org/womenspage & The AWAKE Conference that's going to be on April 22, from 9am-9pm at New Beginnings Church on Montgomery in ABQ, Register TODAY @christianbody.net or @christianbody.tv + Keep Your EYES Open for ALL the PATH Events that will be happening in the heart of ALL 33 Counties & 23 Tribal Nations in NM this year (visit https://prayerattheheart.org for more information about this national prayer movement).
Mark Tross
New Mexico State Prayer Coordinator for NM Prayer Connect
January 2023 NM Prayer Connect/PATH-NM/COG-NM & El Paso, TX Newsletter: THE DAY IS NEAR!
The Day Is Near
By Grover@Christianbody.Net Last updated Jan 10, 2023
Brothers & Sisters In Yeshua/Jesus,
What does The LORD have in store for 2023? Only HE knows for sure, but He has given us His prophetic word, His Yes & Amen Promises In Jesus and His Holy Spirit to lead and guide us, to discern the times that we are living in.
Obadiah 15-18Amplified Bible
The Day of the Lord and the Future
"For the [judgment] day of the Lord draws near on all the nations.
As you have done, it shall be done to you [in retribution];
Your [evil] dealings will return on your own head.
Certainly, we are all closer to this day now, than when we first believed, but how are believers to respond to God in such a time as this? We know we'll reap what we sow and Judgement Begins At The House Of God, so let us 'examine ourselves.'
Zephaniah 2:1-3Amplified Bible
Judgments on Judah's Enemies
2 Gather yourselves together [in repentance], yes, gather [in submission],
O nation without shame,
Before the decree takes effect [and the time for repentance is lost]-
The day passes like the chaff [whirled by the wind]-
Before the burning and fierce anger of the Lord comes upon you,
Before the day of the wrath of the Lord comes upon you.
Seek the Lord [search diligently for Him and regard Him as the foremost necessity of your life],
All you humble of the land
Who have practiced His ordinances and have kept His commandments;
Seek righteousness, seek humility [regard them as vital].
Perhaps you will be hidden [and pardoned and rescued]
In the day of the Lord's anger.
As we enter into a new year, let us more than ever, diligently seek Him, while He may be found! When the fullness of time had come, according to God's timing, He sent His Son into the world, to save sinners. What did He tell us? The Kingdom Of God is near, It Is at hand, It Is among you, It Is within YOU, but what exactly Is 'The Kingdom?' Paul says, "It Is Righteousness, Shalom/Peace & Joy In The Holy Ghost/Spirit!" Jesus tells us to ASK, SEEK & KNOCK! Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and The Door shall be open unto you, but are we going to The Father, In His Name, representing ALL that He Is, according to His Word, Will & Way? We ALL fall short, but the time is short as well, so we must not forsake the assembling of the brethren and according to Hebrews, EVEN MORESO, AS WE SEE THE DAY APPROACHING!
This year in New Mexico and in every state across America, there will be Prayer At The Heart https://prayerattheheart.org gatherings of Christians in the very center of each county. For NM that means 33 counties and 23 Tribal Nations, so we're calling ALL Believers, ALL Churches, ALL Para-Church Organizations, from Government, Media, Education, Church, Family, Military, Economy & Children In Prayer to get involved and attend these events to PRAY to ignite a great awakening through a national movement of humble, unified, desperate prayer and action, based on 2 Chronicles 7:14; Matthew 5:16; Luke 9 & 10 (especially Luke 10:18). Our vision is for 63 MILLION PEOPLE to make first or recommitments to Christ, to see a transformation of culture and society with Prayer At The Heart of EVERY Person, Family, Community and City, so in 2024 we will be in the very heart, the center of each city. As of this writing, we have 9 counties represented, with Sandoval County holding their Prayer At The Heart event at Hummingbird Music Camp in Jemez on Saturday, May 20 from 10am-2pm & Bernalillo County having their happening on Saturday, August 26 @ "BALLOON FIEST PARK," beginning at 10am, so PLEASE Pray, CONNECT (at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube + @christianbody.net on ZOOM Sundays 4-5:30pm, Mondays 6-8pm & Wednesdays 9am-12noon MT) & Help us SPREAD THE WORD!
I'll leave you with a Happy New Year 2023 BLESSING ( https://www.aqueductproject.org/_files/ugd/1a4efa_6bf03a0abf534b95b23498c8785398cb.pdf ), knowing that The JOY Of The LORD Is Our Strength. We are commanded to Be Strong In The LORD & In The Power Of HIS Might, so let us be found FAITH-FULL In HIM/The Word this year, unceasingly in PRAYER for HIS Kingdom to Come & HIS Will/Way To Be Done On EARTH, as It Is In HEAVEN! If you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer event in or around NM, don't hesitate to contact me 🙂
Mark Tross
Prayer For The Peace of Europe
Jan 8, 2023Four Corners Prayer Journey 2022
Jan 6, 2023Prayer At The Heart
Jan 2, 2023https://ekklesiaoutreach.weebly.com
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Ask the pastor nm - HomeMerry Messiahmas 2014 by Mark Tross It was winter, and the Festival of the Dedication of the Temple was being celebrated in Jerusalem.askthepastornm.weebly.com
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Cross Culture NM - HomeWatch Cross Culture NM WORLDWIDE on YouTube (search Haskell Hallmark and/or Mark Tross) 'LIKE' & 'SHARE' Our Cross Culture NM Facebook Page + Look for us on your local cable television channel in Rio Rancho, NM, Santa Fe, NM, Grants/Milan, NM, Gallup, NM/Eastern AZ (check your local television listings for days, times and channels) & Join Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY!crossculturenm.weebly.com
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New Mexico Prayer ConnectNew Mexico Prayer ConnectMARCH 2022 - NM Prayer Connect Newsletter: If You Remain Silent...Esther 4:13-14Amplified Bible. 13 Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, "Do not imagine that you in the king's palace can escape any more than all the Jews. 14 For if you remain silent at this time, liberation and rescue will arise for the Jews from another place, and you and your father's ...nmprayerconnect.orgNovember 2022 NM Prayer Connect/PATH/COG-NM, El Paso, TX Newsletter!
What's Next?
God's Richest Blessings to ALL,
As we enter into the last two months of 2022, we have to ask ourselves, What's Next and know that the answers lie within those of us who are born of God's Holy Spirit and called by Him to be the salt and light in this present world of darkness. With President Biden and two former Presidents, Barack Obama & Jimmy Carter, declaring that this election is about saving our democracy and a woman's right to choose, whether to murder her baby and I must confess here and now that I have had pastors tell me that life is not the only issue on the ballot this election cycle, it's becoming more and more evident that even our highest elected officials in America don't know or understand that we are a constitutional republic and that God tells us in His Word to "Choose LIFE!" With only 50% of confessing born-again Christians registered to vote, only ½ of them showing up at the polls and even if that's the case, too many times they don't vote biblically, it's no wonder we're in the situation and circumstances facing us today. We may have brought our children and grandchildren up in the way they should go 'to church,' but have we truly imparted to them the ways of God, how to know and follow hard after Him and not the ways of the world that so easily beset or should I say, offset us. The future is in the hands of the intercessors, but only if we hear from God, each other and respond to His leading and guiding us in our everyday lives. For those in and outside the church who scream, Don't Judge Me, know ye not that you will judge angels and that judgement begins at the house of God? It's about time we stop being immature and grow up in the grace and knowledge of Him, rightfully dividing His Word Of Truth, judging rightly/righteously, according to His Word, will and Way, because judgement is coming. Jesus Himself says, I did not come into the world to condemn the world, you are condemned already, but He came to save us from ourselves and to overcome the world, but until He returns to rule and reign forever, you and I must continue to pray and obey, so His Kingdom can come and His will be done on this earth, as it is in the heavenlies!
Revelation 4:2. At once I came under the [Holy] Spirit's power, and behold, a throne stood in heaven, with One seated on the throne! [Ezek. 1:26.]
3. And He Who sat there appeared like [the crystalline brightness of] jasper and [the fiery] sardius, and encircling the throne there was a halo that looked like [a rainbow of] emerald. [Ezek. 1:28.]
4. Twenty-four other thrones surrounded the throne, and seated on these thrones were twenty-four elders (the members of the heavenly Sanhedrin), arrayed in white clothing, with crowns of gold upon their heads.
5. Out from the throne came flashes of lightning and rumblings and peals of thunder, and in front of the throne seven blazing torches burned, which are the seven Spirits of God [the sevenfold Holy Spirit];
6. And in front of the throne there was also what looked like a transparent glassy sea, as if of crystal. And around the throne, in the center at each side of the throne, were four living creatures (beings) who were full of eyes in front and behind [with intelligence as to what is before and at the rear of them]. [Ezek. 1:5, 18.]
7. The first living creature (being) was like a lion, the second living creature like an ox, the third living creature had the face of a man, and the fourth living creature [was] like a flying eagle. [Ezek. 1:10.]
8. And the four living creatures, individually having six wings, were full of eyes all over and within [underneath their wings]; and day and night they never stop saying, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty (Omnipotent), Who was and Who is and Who is to come. [Isa. 6:1-3.]
9. And whenever the living creatures offer glory and honor and thanksgiving to Him Who sits on the throne, Who lives forever and ever (through the eternities of the eternities), [Ps. 47:8.]
10. The twenty-four elders (the members of the heavenly Sanhedrin) fall prostrate before Him Who is sitting on the throne, and they worship Him Who lives forever and ever; and they throw down their crowns before the throne, crying out,
11. Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive the glory and the honor and dominion, for You created all things; by Your will they were [brought into being] and were created. [Ps. 19:1.]
We know Who is seated on The Throne in the center of it all, but who are these 24 elders surrounding Him, like the Levitical priests around The Tabernacle in the desert, also referenced in Revelation 5:8; 11:16; 19:4 & 21:1? Either way, this is our future, crying out Holy, Holy, Holy to The ONE Who sits on The Throne forever and ever, that's eternity! Old & New Covenant Saints Of Faith, Jew, Gentile, male, female, slave and free, from ALL nations, peoples, tribes and tongues, who were called out of the world and into His Marvelous Light, The Ecclesia/Ekklesia, The Word that Yeshua/Jesus used to describe "The Church." All the types and shadows that pointed to The ONE Who would come, did come and He's coming again SOON! He is still building His Temple, The Body, preparing His Bride and you and I are called into the works that He has prepared for us to do in our day and age, for such a time as this, so let us get it right. Many, MANY are going the way of destruction, but He wishes none would perish and all would come. How are they going to know, if you and I don't do whatever we can to GO and tell them?
Let us finish well in 2022 and prepare for what's ahead of us, no matter what the political returns bring this November. We know what The Mission is and it's not impossible, because all things are possible with God and He promises to be with us even to the end and it's not over yet, so keep your eye on the prize, because He who has called you is faithful and true, so let's commit our way to The LORD and He will do it! We are working diligently to bring unity to the body, equip the saints for service and fulfill the great commission, not only here in our state, but across America and around the world! Presently we're looking to hold Prayer At The Heart events in the center of each of the 33 counties and 23 tribal nations in New Mexico, so if you or someone you know would like to lead or participate, I need to hear from you + if you know fellow believers in any state across the nation, refer them to https://prayerattheheart.org You're ALL free to join us LIVE Sundays 4-5pm MT, Mondays 6-8pm MT & Wednesdays 9am-12noon MT @christianbody.net on Zoom, watch at Apple TV, ROKU, StreamingChurch.TV on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media sites worldwide and we stream 24/7/365 on various websites internationally, so feel free to share this information globally! Register to participate in the National Prayer Assembly, November 1st & 2nd at https://www.christianbody.net Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, because we all have much to be thankful for and if you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer event in your area or around NM, don't hesitate to contact me.
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator
Ekklesia Outreach - HomeJOIN US WORLDWIDE ON THE INTERNET FOR "Cross Culture NM"! You can join us on Face Book, My Space, WordPress, LiveJournal, Blogger, Snapchat, Delicious, Digg, Tumbler ...ekklesiaoutreach.weebly.com
Simple Church FellowshipThe Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com
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Mark TrossI'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...mark-tross.webnode.com
Cross Culture NM - HomeWatch Cross Culture NM WORLDWIDE on YouTube (search Haskell Hallmark and/or Mark Tross) 'LIKE' & 'SHARE' Our Cross Culture NM Facebook Page + Look for us on your local cable television channel in Rio Rancho, NM, Santa Fe, NM, Grants/Milan, NM, Gallup, NM/Eastern AZ (check your local television listings for days, times and channels) & Join Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY!crossculturenm.weebly.com
MARK TROSSMARK TROSSmarktross.weebly.com
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New Mexico Prayer ConnectNew Mexico Prayer ConnectMARCH 2022 - NM Prayer Connect Newsletter: If You Remain Silent...Esther 4:13-14Amplified Bible. 13 Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, "Do not imagine that you in the king's palace can escape any more than all the Jews. 14 For if you remain silent at this time, liberation and rescue will arise for the Jews from another place, and you and your father's ...nmprayerconnect.org
Christianbody.netMany voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.www.christianbody.net
October 2022 NM Prayer Connect/PATH-NM & COG-NM/El Paso, TX Newsletter!
2 Corinthians 5:17 (Amplified Bible) Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in Him as Savior], he is a new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit]; the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life].
October Blessings to ALL The Saints,
As we enter into the last quarter of 2022, the highest holy days on the biblical calendar, the sounding of the shofar (there is a sound of awakening and revival), Rosh Hashanah (The Head Of The Year), entering into the year of 5783 on the traditional Jewish calendar, the 10 Days of Awe, the Day of Atonement (Expiation, according to Hebrews 10:9) & God's Biblical Feast of Tabernacles, which ALL followers/disciples of Messiah/Christ/The Anointed ONE/ECHAD will celebrate forever, according to Zechariah 14:16-21, so let us pay very close attention to what The Holy Spirit Of The Lord is saying to The Church/Ekklesia/Ecclesia/The Called Out Ones/The Bride TODAY and if you hear His Voice, The Voice Of ONE, harden not your heart, but come to Him as little children, because you may have heard it said, but what is Jesus/Yeshua/Salvation saying unto YOU?
In our opening portion of holy script, the Apostle Paul, also known as Saul of Tarsus, is telling us that we are engrafted into Messiah, crucified with Him and yes, resurrected with Him, presently seated in the Heavenlies, at the right hand of God The Father, along with Jesus, as Joint Heirs. He became sin for us, so that we could become The Righteousness Of God In Christ, meaning that The Word Of God, The Law, The Prophets and The Writings, were nailed to The Tree/The Cross and fulfilled/completed In Love, which is why Jesus/Yeshua could cry out, "It Is FINISHED!" took His last breath and gave up The Ghost, so that The Holy Spirit could be poured out on all flesh at Pentecost and continues to be poured out today, upon all who will receive Him. 'The Letter Of The Law' was killed, but 'The Spirit Of The Law' (Of Liberty, according to Jesus' 1/2 brother, James) brings resurrection power & Life Eternal! Old Things have passed away, but what Old Things? Notice what the Amplified Bible states in brackets: [The Previous Moral & Spiritual Condition], meaning yours, mine and above all, God's Moral & Spiritual Revelations that were revealed to humankind, pointing to The ONE Who would come according to Moses and They said that we should listen to Him, so 'Behold,' Look, See, Fix your eyes upon Yeshua/Jesus, The Author & Finisher of our Faith, for without it we can't please God and He has ushered in The New & Better Covenant, according to Hebrews, fulfilling The Promises Of God, which are Yes & Amen In Him, regarding The New Covenant Prophesies in Jeremiah & Ezekiel [Because Spiritual Awakening Brings A New Life]. The Book Of Hebrews tells us that This Covenant doesn't go into effect until the death of The ONE Who wrote It and right before His death, Jesus gives us (His Followers) A NEW Commandment, "Love One Another Just As I Have Loved You!" Our God wishes NONE would perish and that ALL would come to Repentance. Yeshua/Jesus came to Save SINNERS! We have been SENT By HIM to GO and DO likewise, but it's not in our own power and strength, but By HIS HOLY Spirit, Anointing, Empowering & Enabling us to will and to do, according to His Good Pleasure, The Works, which HE has prepared for you and me to do, before the foundations of the world were laid by Him. I don't know about you, but in 2 Corinthians 5:17 (one of the first scripture verses I ever memorized), anyone literally means, ANYONE, Jew, Gentile, male, female, slave, free, rich, poor, young, old, red, yellow, black or white. We Must Be Born Again, grafted in by faith, joined, united to Him as Savior, our Salvation/Yeshua/Jesus, reborn and renewed by His Holy Spirit, so let me ask you a very personal question, Are you living in the old or The NEW??? LOOK at the entire Gospel, Genesis-Revelation, rightfully dividing The Word Of TRUTH/JESUS. NEW Things Have Come, most importantly The NEW & BETTER Covenant, The NEW High Priest and every believer is brought into This Royal, Kingly Priesthood, because Spiritual Awakening Brings A NEW Eternal, Everlasting, Abundant, Resurrection LIFE and it's ONLY found In Yeshua/Jesus! There are 613 commandments in the old covenant of Moses, but even in The Gospels and many churches today, believers want to 'keep' the 10 commandments, when Paul/Saul, under the inspiration of God's Holy Spirit says, "If you break just one law, you have broken them all!" Personally, I choose Holy Spirit Grace and NOT The Letter Of The Law, that according to The Bible, KILLS, because Jesus/Yeshua came, so that we would have Life & LIFE Abundantly, so, "What Say YOU?"
We're already preparing for 2023 and Prayer At The Heart of EVERY County in NM (including the center of each of our 23 Tribal Nations), so if you or someone you know are interested, visit their national website at https://prayerattheheart.org and don't hesitate to contact me. Please keep the National Prayer Assembly, taking place at ORU in Tulsa, OK in your prayers, it'll be happening October 31-November 2, 2022 & remember The Rooftop International Event that's taking place on Sunday, October 2, 2022 (for more information visit https://www.therooftop.org ). I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you face to face in the near future, but until then, Be BLESSED!
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator
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Ask the pastor nm - Home
Newest Faith Column for the Cibola Beacon Newspaper in Grants, NM: Are You Blind? by Mark Tross If you're not a 'Jew,' you're a Gentile, but either way, God wants you to know and understand 'the mystery,' which has been revealed to mankind in Christ Jesus.
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Watch Cross Culture NM WORLDWIDE on YouTube (search Haskell Hallmark and/or Mark Tross) 'LIKE' & 'SHARE' Our Cross Culture NM Facebook Page + Look for us on your local cable television channel in Rio Rancho, NM, Santa Fe, NM, Grants/Milan, NM, Gallup, NM/Eastern AZ (check your local television listings for days, times and channels) & Join Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY!
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The Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!
Many voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.
Mark Tross
I'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...
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New Mexico Prayer Connect
New Mexico Prayer ConnectMARCH 2022 - NM Prayer Connect Newsletter: If You Remain Silent...Esther 4:13-14Amplified Bible. 13 Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, "Do not imagine that you in the king's palace can escape any more than all the Jews. 14 For if you remain silent at this time, liberation and rescue will arise for the Jews from another place, and you and your father's ...
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Mark Tross
Mark Tross
Pastor at Rio Rancho North Foursquare/Gladstone Church/Ekklesia Outreach
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23 articles
October 2022 NM Prayer Connect/PATH-NM & COG-NM/El Paso, TX Newsletter!
2 Corinthians 5:17 (Amplified Bible) Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in Him as Savior], he is a new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit]; the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life].
October Blessings to ALL The Saints,
As we enter into the last quarter of 2022, the highest holy days on the biblical calendar, the sounding of the shofar (there is a sound of awakening and revival), Rosh Hashanah (The Head Of The Year), entering into the year of 5783 on the traditional Jewish calendar, the 10 Days of Awe, the Day of Atonement (Expiation, according to Hebrews 10:9) & God's Biblical Feast of Tabernacles, which ALL followers/disciples of Messiah/Christ/The Anointed ONE/ECHAD will celebrate forever, according to Zechariah 14:16-21, so let us pay very close attention to what The Holy Spirit Of The Lord is saying to The Church/Ekklesia/Ecclesia/The Called Out Ones/The Bride TODAY and if you hear His Voice, The Voice Of ONE, harden not your heart, but come to Him as little children, because you may have heard it said, but what is Jesus/Yeshua/Salvation saying unto YOU?
In our opening portion of holy script, the Apostle Paul, also known as Saul of Tarsus, is telling us that we are engrafted into Messiah, crucified with Him and yes, resurrected with Him, presently seated in the Heavenlies, at the right hand of God The Father, along with Jesus, as Joint Heirs. He became sin for us, so that we could become The Righteousness Of God In Christ, meaning that The Word Of God, The Law, The Prophets and The Writings, were nailed to The Tree/The Cross and fulfilled/completed In Love, which is why Jesus/Yeshua could cry out, "It Is FINISHED!" took His last breath and gave up The Ghost, so that The Holy Spirit could be poured out on all flesh at Pentecost and continues to be poured out today, upon all who will receive Him. 'The Letter Of The Law' was killed, but 'The Spirit Of The Law' (Of Liberty, according to Jesus' 1/2 brother, James) brings resurrection power & Life Eternal! Old Things have passed away, but what Old Things? Notice what the Amplified Bible states in brackets: [The Previous Moral & Spiritual Condition], meaning yours, mine and above all, God's Moral & Spiritual Revelations that were revealed to humankind, pointing to The ONE Who would come according to Moses and They said that we should listen to Him, so 'Behold,' Look, See, Fix your eyes upon Yeshua/Jesus, The Author & Finisher of our Faith, for without it we can't please God and He has ushered in The New & Better Covenant, according to Hebrews, fulfilling The Promises Of God, which are Yes & Amen In Him, regarding The New Covenant Prophesies in Jeremiah & Ezekiel [Because Spiritual Awakening Brings A New Life]. hashtag#love hashtag#power hashtag#law
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Mark Tross
Pastor at Rio Rancho North Foursquare/Gladstone Church/Ekklesia Outreach
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September 2022 NM Prayer Connect, COG-NM & El Paso, TX Newsletter!
Mark Tross
Pastor at Rio Rancho North Foursquare/Gladstone Church/Ekklesia Outreach
22 articles
September 2022 NM Prayer Connect, COG-NM & El Paso, TX Newsletter!
Titus 1:5-9
Amplified Bible
Qualifications of Elders5 For this reason I left you behind in Crete, so that you would set right what remains unfinished, and appoint [a]elders in every city as I directed you, 6 namely, a man of unquestionable integrity, the husband of one wife, having children who believe, not accused of being immoral or rebellious. 7 For the [b]overseer, as God's steward, must be blameless, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not addicted to wine, not violent, not greedy for dishonest gain [but financially ethical]. 8 And he must be hospitable [to believers, as well as strangers], a lover of what is good, sensible (upright), fair, devout, self-disciplined [above reproach-whether in public or in private]. 9 He must hold firmly to the trustworthy word [of God] as it was taught to him, so that he will be able both to give accurate instruction in sound [reliable, error-free] doctrine and to refute those who contradict [it by explaining their error].
Sisters & Brothers In Messiah/Christ,The Jesus Gathering in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, August 26-28 was as one attendee put it, "A little piece of Heaven on Earth" and plans are already under way for Prayer At The Heart of every county in NM, come 2023 (Sandoval County will be on Saturday, May 20, 10am-2pm at Hummingbird Music Camp in Jemez Springs 87025, located at 104 Hummingbird Road + Bernalillo County set their date for August 26, San Miguel, Valencia, Lincoln and Dona Ana are TBD), so if you're wondering why God has you here, it definitely is for such a time as this, because the kingdom of God is surely among us and His Holy Spirit is working mightily in our midst!With 27 counties to go, we covet your prayers and are asking for volunteers to step forward in each of our 33 counties and 23 Tribal Nations, so that the love of God and the good news of Yeshua/Jesus will be manifested in the heart of every county, as we continue to press into the center of every city in our state in 2024.On September 24 we will be at Joshua Generation For Jesus, located at 1375 Elva Drive in Gallup, NM 87301 for the First Nations Day of Honor, beginning at 10am. You can register for this FREE event @ZionGlory.Org + from September 25-October 5 will be the highest Holy Days on the Biblical Calendar, so join us @christianbody.net (listen and watch the Joseph Torrez & Pastor Richard Johnson interview 9-9:30am on 9/7, Pastor Gene Pettit 9/14 & Rick Quanz 9/21) and various places throughout the state for the 10 Days of Awe (for more information visit 10Days.Net).As we move into the last third of this year, let us hold firmly to the trustworthy Word Of God, believing that ALL His Precious Promises Are Yes & Amen In Him and PRAY into His Prophetic words spoken over our state, nation and the world in which we live, so His Kingdom Comes & His Perfect/Acceptable Will Is Done on this earth/the land we call New Mexico, finishing the race, as He appointed us! If you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer event in or around our SW Region, do not hesitate to contact me.Shalom,
Mark Tross
Prayer Coordinator for NM Prayer Connect, Prayer At The Heart Of NM, COG-NM & El Paso, TX
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ekklesiaoutreach.weebly.comAsk the pastor nm - Home
Newest Faith Column for the Cibola Beacon Newspaper in Grants, NM: Are You Blind? by Mark Tross If you're not a 'Jew,' you're a Gentile, but either way, God wants you to know and understand 'the mystery,' which has been revealed to mankind in Christ Jesus.
askthepastornm.weebly.comMARK TROSS
marktross.weebly.comSimple Church Fellowship
The Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!
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Watch Cross Culture NM WORLDWIDE on YouTube (search Haskell Hallmark and/or Mark Tross) 'LIKE' & 'SHARE' Our Cross Culture NM Facebook Page + Look for us on your local cable television channel in Rio Rancho, NM, Santa Fe, NM, Grants/Milan, NM, Gallup, NM/Eastern AZ (check your local television listings for days, times and channels) & Join Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY!
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New Mexico Prayer Connect
New Mexico Prayer Connect
MARCH 2022 - NM Prayer Connect Newsletter: If You Remain Silent...Esther 4:13-14Amplified Bible. 13 Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, "Do not imagine that you in the king's palace can escape any more than all the Jews. 14 For if you remain silent at this time, liberation and rescue will arise for the Jews from another place, and you and your father's ...
Subject: "TIMING Is EVERYTHING & THIS Is YOUR Time!" - July 2022 New Mexico Prayer Connect Newsletter + INFO for PATH-NM, Sat. 10am-4pm 7-23-2022!"There is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and 'EVENT' or purpose under heaven" -- Ecclesiastes 3:1 AMP.
Sisters & Brothers In Yeshua/Jesus/Salvation,
On Saturday, July 23, 2022, 10am-4pm at Sloan-Simpson Park in Corona, New Mexico, Believers/Followers Of Messiah/Christ/The Anointed ONE from ALL 33 Counties & 23 Tribal Nations in our state will gather together, as ONE In HIM to Pray/Praise, hear from GOD and each other @ PRAYER AT THE HEART OF NEW MEXICO https://prayerattheheart.org . Hopefully you have already registered @ https://www.christianbody.tv/Events and plan on participating, by spending the day with us, bringing a scripture to share and a topic to pray over that's near and dear to your heart and God's. PLEASE, Invite EVERYONE you know to come and share this information with other's via email, messaging, text, calling and sharing on social media + certainly by personal invitation. This is NOT just another event, but it is what God is doing in our day, across America in every state! Next year we'll be praying at the heart of every county in each state and in 2024 we'll be in the center of each city, believing God will call people out of this present darkness and into His marvelous Light, because His Word says, as we come together in the Unity of The Holy Spirit, according to His Plan and Purpose, He will command His Blessing upon us, as His People!
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brothers to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil [of consecration] poured on the head, Coming down on the beard, Even the beard of Aaron, Coming down upon the edge of his [priestly] robes [consecrating the whole body]. It is like the dew of [Mount] Hermon Coming down on the hills of Zion; For there the LORD has commanded the blessing: life forevermore." - Psalm 133 AMP.
Apart from Him, we can do NOTHING, so we need Him (Desperately), but we need you too and every member within The Body Of Messiah/Christ, Jew, Gentile, male, female, red, yellow, black, white, young and elderly to do their part, so prayerfully consider attending this very special day for the State of NM. We're encouraging everyone to participate in a Rooftop Encounter the Friday evening prior to this event to catch God's Vision for your community @ https://therooftop.org , because without His Knowledge, Wisdom and Vision we perish!
"For because of Him the whole body (the church/'Ecclesia/Ekklesia/The Called Out Ones', in all its various parts), closely joined and firmly knit together by the joints and ligaments with which it is supplied, when each part [with power adapted to its need] is working properly [in all its functions], grows to full maturity, building itself up in love." - Ephesians 4:16 AMPC.
If you or someone you know would like to hold an event in or around your area of NM or the surrounding states, don't hesitate to contact me.
Mark Tross
Coordinator for NM Prayer Connect
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Ask the pastor nm - Home
Merry Messiahmas 2014 by Mark Tross It was winter, and the Festival of the Dedication of the Temple was being celebrated in Jerusalem.
Cross Culture NM - Home
Watch Cross Culture NM WORLDWIDE on YouTube (search Haskell Hallmark and/or Mark Tross) 'LIKE' & 'SHARE' Our Cross Culture NM Facebook Page + Look for us on your local cable television channel in Rio Rancho, NM, Santa Fe, NM, Grants/Milan, NM, Gallup, NM/Eastern AZ (check your local television listings for days, times and channels) & Join Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY!
Simple Church Fellowship
The Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!
Many voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.
June 2022 NM/El Paso, TX Prayer Connect Newsletter & MORE!
"What Did You Go Out Into The Desert To See?" - Jesus
Matthew 11:7-10New International Version
7 As John's disciples were leaving, Jesus began to speak to the crowd about John: "What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed swayed by the wind? 8 If not, what did you go out to see? A man dressed in fine clothes? No, those who wear fine clothes are in kings' palaces. 9 Then what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. 10 This is the one about whom it is written:
"'I will send my messenger ahead of you,
who will prepare your way before you.'Followers of Christ, Messiah, The Anointed One, Three times in this three verse portion of Holy Script, Jesus asks His Disciples this eternal question. Whether we choose to accept it or not, it's up there with, "Who Do You Say That I Am?" - Jesus. How are we to respond in kind to our Lord & Savior? Of whom is He commenting on and how does this relate to us, in such a time as this?
Luke 1:16-17Amplified Bible
16 He will turn many of the sons of Israel back [from sin] to [love and serve] the Lord their God. 17 It is he who will go as a forerunner before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous [which is to seek and submit to the will of God]-in order to make ready a people [perfectly] prepared [spiritually and morally] for the Lord."
Both 'Major' & 'Minor' Prophets alike add credence to our topic of this month's newsletter:
Isaiah 40:3Amplified Bible
A voice of one is calling out, "Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness [remove the obstacles]; Make straight and smooth in the desert a highway for our God.Malachi 3:1Amplified Bible
The Purifier
3 "Behold, I am going to send My [a]messenger, and he will prepare and clear the way before Me. And the Lord [the Messiah], whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple; the [b]Messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight, behold, He is coming," says the Lord of hosts.
Malachi 4:5-6 AMPC
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes. [Matt. 11:14; 17:10-13.] And he shall turn and reconcile the hearts of the [estranged] fathers to the [ungodly] children, and the hearts of the [rebellious] children to [the piety of] their fathers [a reconciliation produced by repentance of the ungodly], lest I come and smite the land with a curse and a ban of utter destruction. [Luke 1:17.]
Look and see, pay attention, because God, Jesus has also 'sent' you and me! To what end? He wishes that none would perish and all would come to Salvation/Yeshua/Jesus, but how are others in the world going to come to know Him (experientially) 'if' you and I don't GO & tell them The Good News, Glad Tidings of Great (Holy Spirit) Joy, The Gospel Of God? 'IF' is a very BIG two letter word, when it comes to obedience and whether or not we walk in the blessings of God. IF My People, TODAY, IF You Hear His Voice... Hebrews 4:7 Amplified® Bible Again He sets a definite day, [a new] Today, [and gives another opportunity of securing that rest] saying through David after so long a time in the words already quoted, Today, if you would hear His voice {and} when you hear it, do not harden your hearts.Psalm 95:7-8Amplified Bible
For He is our God And we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand. Today, if you will hear His voice, 8 Do not harden your hearts and become spiritually dull as at Meribah [the place of strife], And as at Massah [the place of testing] in the wilderness,Hebrews 3:7-11Amplified Bible
7 Therefore, just as the Holy Spirit says,
"Today if you hear His voice,
8 Do not harden your hearts as [your fathers did] in the rebellion [of Israel at [a]Meribah], On the day of testing in the wilderness, 9 Where your fathers tried Me by testing [My forbearance and tolerance], And saw My works for forty years [And found I stood their test]. 10 "Therefore I was angered with this generation, And I said, 'They always go astray in their heart, And they did not know My ways [nor become progressively better and more intimately acquainted with them]'; 11 So I swore [an oath] in My wrath, 'They shall not enter My rest [the promised land].'"
RIO RANCHO CHURCH OF GODVIEW OUR SIMPLE CHURCH DOCUMENTARY https://vimeo.com/5632299 & https://vimeo.com/5632299 VISIT OUR WEBSITE https://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.comvictorychurchofgod.weebly.com
Ask the pastor nm - HomeMerry Messiahmas 2014 by Mark Tross It was winter, and the Festival of the Dedication of the Temple was being celebrated in Jerusalem.askthepastornm.weebly.com
Cross Culture NM - HomeWatch Cross Culture NM WORLDWIDE on YouTube (search Haskell Hallmark and/or Mark Tross) 'LIKE' & 'SHARE' Our Cross Culture NM Facebook Page + Look for us on your local cable television channel in Rio Rancho, NM, Santa Fe, NM, Grants/Milan, NM, Gallup, NM/Eastern AZ (check your local television listings for days, times and channels) & Join Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY!crossculturenm.weebly.com
Simple Church FellowshipThe Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com
Mark TrossI'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...mark-tross.webnode.com
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https://nmprayerconnect.org New Mexico Prayer ConnectMARCH 2022 - NM Prayer Connect Newsletter: If You Remain Silent... Esther 4:13-14Amplified Bible. 13 Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, "Do not imagine that you in the king's palace can escape any more than all the Jews. 14 For if you remain silent at this time, liberation and rescue will arise for the Jews from another place, and you and your father's house will perish [since ...nmprayerconnect.org
Christianbody.netMany voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.www.christianbody.net
Prayer at the Heart | A Movement of HopePrayer at the Heart is a movement of hope. The Prayer at The Heart Movement that will bring 33 million people to Christ.prayerattheheart.org
May 2022 NM Prayer Connect Newsletter & Invitation to the NM Prayer Summit, May 13-14, 2022!
To The Church of NM, the Four Corners Region & the entire SW,
This is your time to shine! Visit https://www.christianbody.net/gallup.html to sign up for this May 13-14, 2022 NM Prayer Summit that's happening in Gallup, NM at Joshua Generation Church from Friday 3pm through Saturday 3pm for a time of worship, prayer, fellowship and reconciliation, as we hear from each other and God, to find His strategic plan for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth, as it is in Heaven, so invite others and spread the word, cause you don't want to miss this!
A MESSAGE FROM JOHN ROBB Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Warm greetings to you! Our planning team representing Native, Hispanic, and Anglo prayer ministries met recently and reported how...
Imagine your a fly on the wall or in this case the well and listening to a conversation happening about the sixth hour, high noon, between Jesus and a woman of Samaria in a town called Sychar. He's tired from His journey, leaving Judea to return to Galilee and sits down to rest by the well of Jacob, who gave this tract of land to his son Joseph, so when the woman came to draw water, Jesus says to her, "Give Me a drink"- to which the woman asks, "How is it that You, being a Jew, ask me, a Samaritan [and a] woman, for a drink?-For the Jews have nothing to do with Samaritans." If she had only known and recognized God's gift and Who was saying to her, "Give Me a drink," she could have asked Him [instead] and He would have given her living water.
John 4:11 The woman said to him, "Sir, you have nothing to draw water with, and the well is deep. Where do you get that living water? 12 iAre you greater than our father Jacob? jHe gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did his sons and his livestock." 13 Jesus said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, 14 but kwhoever drinks of the water that I will give him lwill never be thirsty again.2 The water that I will give him will become min him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." 15 The woman said to him, "Sir, ngive me this water, so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water (ESV)." After a long discourse with this woman, whose name only Jesus knows, she speaks about her ancestral fathers and how they worshiped on this mountain, but the Jews say that Jerusalem is the place where it's necessary and proper to worship, but He responds to her, you and me, "Believe Me, the time is coming and now is, when the true (genuine) worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth (reality)!" She knew Messiah/Christ (the Anointed One) was coming, that He would tell us everything we need to know and make it clear to us, to which Jesus replied, "I Who now speak with you am He." The disciples now enter the scene and the woman exits, but only to tell the people, "Come, see a Man Who has told me everything I ever did!" In the meantime, His disciples urge Him to eat, but He replies, "I have food (nourishment) to eat of which you know nothing and have no idea, which is to do the will (pleasure) of Him Who sent Me and to accomplish and completely finish His work.
I've taken you on this little journey, which lasted another two days for Jesus, Who wound up staying with the Samaritans, before getting on to His desired haven of Galilee, because The Vine bore good fruit and lasting fruit for God's Kingdom, which is why we're still talking about this message today, it's eternal. We just came through the Passover, Feast of Firstfruits & Unleavened Bread, celebrating our Passover Lamb, The One Who takes away the sins of the world and hopefully you're all counting up 50 days to Pentecost, but have you really tasted and seen that The LORD Is Good? Do you have rivers of Living Water flowing out of your belly? Have you drunk from The Well(Spring) Of Salvation/Yeshua?
Isaiah 12:2-6Amplified Bible (AMP)
2. Behold, God, my salvation! I will trust and not be afraid, for the Lord God is my strength and song; yes, He has become my salvation.
3. Therefore with joy will you draw water from the wells of salvation.
4. And in that day you will say, Give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name and by means of His name [in solemn entreaty]; declare and make known His deeds among the peoples of the earth, proclaim that His name is exalted!
5. Sing praises to the Lord, for He has done excellent things [gloriously]; let this be made known to all the earth.
6. Cry aloud and shout joyfully, you women and inhabitants of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.
I hope and pray that every confessing Christian will attend the Prayer At The Heart of New Mexico event, happening on July 23, 2022 at Sloan-Simpson Park, 10am-4pm in Corona, NM. Please register at the ChristianBody.Net link above, invite others and help us spread the word, so we can get representation from all 33 counties in our state, every tribal nation, red, yellow, black, white, male, female, young & old, because in 2023 we'll have Prayer At The Heart in the center of each county and in 2024 we're praying for events in the center of every city, not only here in NM, but across America, so visit: https://prayerattheheart.org
Prayer At The HeartOur vision is to see the nation experience a Great Spiritual Awakening resulting in millions of conversions out of prayerful desperation.
READ: Mic. 7:7,18; Prov. 3:5-6; 10:9; Ps. 107:8-9; 56:3; 3:3; 111:10; 94:9; 16:11; 30:5; 71:23; 121:1-2; Phil. 1:6; Mark 2:17; Hebrews 13:8; 4:15; 1 John 3:20; 2:15; Hab. 3:19; 2 Cor. 4:7; Romans 12:17; 5:5; Eph. 5:15-16; Rev. 22:12-13; Luke 6:45; Isa. 48:17; Jer. 31:25; Gal. 6:7; 1 Cor. 16:13-14 & John 16:33.
Thursday, May 5th is National Day of Prayer, so attend an event near you and from May 11-14 The Beautiful Gospel Conference is coming to ABQ - https://www.beautifulgospelconference.com PATH Arkansas will be on Pentecost Sunday, June 5, 12 noon-4pm; July 12-15 the Billion Soul Harvest Conference will be held in Colorado Springs, CO - https://billionsoulharvest.net and July 25-29 the General Assembly for Church of God, Cleveland, TN will be in San Antonio, TX, so keep praying and if you or anybody you know would like to hold an event in or around NM, don't hesitate to contact me. Shalom,
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator
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Many voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.
Mark Tross
I'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...
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New Mexico Prayer Connect
New Mexico Prayer ConnectSpiritual research and prayer team for NM- results from today's meeting and details about our next gathering.Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Though we were fewer in number today, it was a good time together sharing some of the history of NM, both good and troubling, as well as reporting on some current positive developments.nmprayerconnect.org
DEEP in the Heart of TX - April 2022 NM Prayer Connect Newsletter!
Gerard Long of Awakening To God Ministries https://www.awakeningtogod.org , author of the Living Hope book https://www.livinghopebook.com and coordinator for Prayer At The Heart https://www.prayerattheheart.org will be on live with us @christianbody.net & @christianbody.tv Wednesday, April 6th from 10-10:30am on AppleTV, ROKU, StreamingChurch.TV and on other social media sites worldwide, so be sure to listen and watch + invite others to join us. We stream 24/7/365 and are live every Monday 6-8pm + Wednesday 9am-12noon! WATCH for the Fathom Event of Jonathan Cahn's MOVIE/Documentary based on The Harbinger books coming to Theaters - May 12th & Rabbi Jonathan Cahn will be live with us on Wednesday, June 8! *DUE to the overwhelmingly positive response to the Navajo Strategic Prayer Gathering we had in February this year, we're planning a statewide prayer conference in Gallup at Joshua Generation Church on Friday and Saturday in May 13-14th with more details to come! America's Prayer Meeting MovementOur vision is to see the nation experience a Great Spiritual Awakening resulting in millions of conversions out of prayerful desperation.www.prayerattheheart.org
We'll be live streaming the Brady, TX event @ https://www.christianbody.net & @ https://www.christianbody.tv internationally (the national Prayer At The Heart event, that took place in Lebanon, Kansas, last July 23rd received over 6 million views)! Christianbody.netMany voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.www.christianbody.net
When it comes to matters of the heart, in April we cannot forget that God so Loved The World that He gave His One & Only Begotten Son, Jesus. On the 10th most will be celebrating Palm Sunday, when Messiah rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, as prophesied in Zechariah, but we must admit that His Second Coming is Closer Now, Than When We First Believed and He'll be coming in the clouds, triumphantly riding a white horse. Holy Thursday is April 14th, ironically Passover and Good Friday come together on the 15th, with Resurrection Sunday on the 17th, the last day of Passover on Saturday the 23rd, Orthodox Easter on the 24th and Holocaust Rememberance Day/Yom HaShoah is commemorated on April 27th, which on the Biblical Hebrew Calendar corresponds with the 27th day of the month of Nisan. In the article, 'A Promise Of A Servant's Heart,' by Gary Wilkerson, he writes, 'Remembering the cross and what Jesus endured there, however, causes the heart of the servant to spring up within us. Because we have been "crucified with Christ," our servant-heart can reach others with his love and help them also to be changed.' Author David W. Fagerberg, commenting on Gregory the Great's Moralia in Job, in his book, Liturgical Mysticism says, 'Within us dwells charity, which animates the heart with love for God and love for neighbor, it is one love with two objects. From above shines a light by which faith sees the world; it is the Taboric light that shines from the altar at every eighth day.' Mount Tabor is the traditional location for the transfiguration of Jesus Christ as recorded in the synoptic gospels. Christ's light which then shone, later became the ecstacies experienced by the mystics. The Metamorphosis of Christ Sensible light shows things to our senses. The intellectual light is to manifest the truth which is contained in thoughts. Prayerfully consider all of these things, along with the times and seasons we're living in, ask God to give you true spiritual discernment, as to what He would have you do, so that we can all come into His fullness and have Him heal our land! The Beautiful Gospel Conference 2022 is coming to Grace Church in Albuquerque from May 11-14 with Keynote Speakers: Brad Jersak - Author of A More Christlike God, Brian Zahnd - Author of Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God and Cherith Nordling - Author of Knowing God by Name. You can register today @ https://www.beautifulgospelconference.com or call: 1-877-736-0803. READ: John 14:1-3, 18-20; 10:11; 17:3; 1:1; Phil. 4:9; Mic. 6:8; 7:19; 1 Thess. 5:23; Ps. 34:17; 73:25; 123:2; Dan. 12:3; 2:21-22; Eph. 4:32; 1:7-8; 2:4-6; Rom. 2:6-7; 6:23; 15:13; Jas. 5:7; Lam. 3:22-23; Gal. 2:16; Ezek. 36:27; 1 Cor. 1:30-31; 10:31; Titus 3:5; Jude 1:24-25; 2 Cor. 8:9 & Hos. 14:9. PRAY for what's happening between the Ukraine and Russia! I'll be preaching at Revive Church, 800 Polaris Blvd. Rio Rancho 87124, Sunday, April 3rd, 10am, located in The Star Heights Recreation Center, ALL are Welcome to attend + invite others! Please share this information with like minded people you know and send whatever is happening my way, so I can get it out in time for our next NM Prayer Connect Newsletter + if you or someone you know are interested in holding a prayer event in or around our state, don't hesitate to contact me. Blessings, Mark Tross NM Prayer Connect & COG NM/El Paso, TX Prayer Coordinator https://nmprayerconnect.weebly.com https://mark-tross.webnode.com https://crossculturenm.weebly.com https://askthepastornm.weebly.com https://victorychurchofgod.weebly.com https://ekklesiaoutreach.weebly.com https://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com Simple Church FellowshipThe Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com
RIO RANCHO CHURCH OF GODVIEW OUR SIMPLE CHURCH DOCUMENTARY https://vimeo.com/5632299 & https://vimeo.com/5632299 VISIT OUR WEBSITE https://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.comvictorychurchofgod.weebly.com
Cross Culture NM - HomeWatch Cross Culture NM WORLDWIDE on YouTube (search Haskell Hallmark and/or Mark Tross) 'LIKE' & 'SHARE' Our Cross Culture NM Facebook Page + Look for us on your local cable television channel in Rio Rancho, NM, Santa Fe, NM, Grants/Milan, NM, Gallup, NM/Eastern AZ (check your local television listings for days, times and channels) & Join Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY!crossculturenm.weebly.com
Mark TrossI'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...mark-tross.webnode.com
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https://nmprayerconnect.org New Mexico Prayer ConnectNew Mexico Prayer ConnectSpiritual research and prayer team for NM- results from today's meeting and details about our next gathering.Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Though we were fewer in number today, it was a good time together sharing some of the history of NM, both good and troubling, as well as reporting on some current positive developments.nmprayerconnect.orgnmprayerconnect.org
Sisters & Brothers In Jesus, ENJOY this YouTube video, then make plans to join us for the first 'Prayer At The Heart' event for 2022 in Brady, TX on April 9th from 10am-4pm + Mark Your Calendar for the NM event, taking place on Saturday, July 23rd, beginning at 10am on the 7Up/7Down Ranch! We need volunteers, county and city coordinators for our NM State Event, so if you or someone you know are interested, be sure to get in touch with me. https://youtu.be/VGF4ibgcHQE https://unitedcry.com Deep In The Heart Of Texas SongDeep In The Heart Of Texas "Deep in the Heart of Texas" is an American popular song elaborating on the merits of the state of Texas.The 1941 song features...youtu.be MARCH 2022 - NM Prayer Connect Newsletter: If You Remain Silent...
Esther 4:13-14Amplified Bible
13 Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, "Do not imagine that you in the king's palace can escape any more than all the Jews. 14 For if you remain silent at this time, liberation and rescue will arise for the Jews from another place, and you and your father's house will perish [since you did not help when you had the chance]. And who knows whether you have attained royalty for such a time as this [and for this very purpose]?"
Sisters & Brothers In Yeshua/Jesus, As the world focuses on the Russia-Ukraine situation, biblically aligning us with Ezekiel's end of days visions, I believe as God brought judgement against Egypt and their gods, because of the hardening of their hearts toward Him, He is going to arise and may His enemies be scattered! He promises to show Himself Mighty, El Shaddai In Our Midst & ALL His Promises are Yes & Amen In Messiah/Christ, but we must believe in, cling to, trust in and rely on Him in our times of need and not doubt that He Is Who He says He Is, The Great I AM. Without Faith it is Impossible to please Him, so we must take Him at His Word/Yeshua/Jesus! Purim/Lots, a JOYous Festival commemorating the survival of the Jews (their history goes back over 1.000 years in Ukraine), who were marked for death by their Persian/Iranian rulers, in the 5th century BC (an early version of Hitler's "Final Solution"), is related in the Biblical Book of Esther (Megillat Esther) and celebrated on Thursday, March 17th this year. From fasting to feasting, prayer to praise and oppression to elation, you and I today are here, like Queen Esther, "For Such A Time As This" and we cannot be silent. It was during this same time and season that God showed His Faithluness to His Covenant People.Genesis 12:2-3Amplified Bible
And [a]I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you [abundantly], And make your name great (exalted, distinguished); And you shall be a blessing [a source of great good to others]; 3 And I will bless (do good for, benefit) those who bless you, And I will curse [that is, subject to My wrath and judgment] the one who curses (despises, dishonors, has contempt for) you. And in you all the families (nations) of the earth will be blessed." The latest population estimate for Ukraine is 42,800,000 with 360,000-400,000 Jews and God will intervene where His character is at stake!Romans 11:29 AMPC
For God's gifts and His call are irrevocable. [He never withdraws them when once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call.]
Purim is perhaps the most expressive feast in the biblical calendar and believers might choose this time and season to intercede for the protection & salvation of Israel and all in this present world of darkness, who do not personally know Him and The Power Of His Resurrection. It is The Same GOD, Who desires to Bless our personal lives today and Lots Is A Great Time Of JOY for Believers In Yeshua/Jesus The Messiah/Christ! Life In Him Is an Amazing Journey, from here to Eternity and through Prayer & Hope, we can Rejoice, even in the darkest of times, so may His Spiritual JOY Be Yours in a Fresh Way as you Celebrate the Full Meaning of God's Appointed Times & Seasons we are now living through together In Him.Romans 10:1-4Amplified Bible
The Word of Faith Brings Salvation
10 Brothers and sisters, my heart's desire and my prayer to God for Israel is for their salvation. 2 For I testify about them that they have a certain enthusiasm for God, but not in accordance with [correct and vital] knowledge [about Him and His purposes]. 3 For not knowing about God's righteousness [which is based on faith], and seeking to establish their own [righteousness based on works], they did not submit to God's righteousness. 4 For Christ is the end of the law [it leads to Him and its purpose is fulfilled in Him], for [granting] righteousness to everyone who believes [in Him as Savior].
On April 9th we will be in Brady, TX for the Prayer At The Heart event with Doug Small, Rick Curry & others and on Wednesday, March 16th, I will be interviewing Gerard Long from https://www.prayerattheheart.org https://awakeningtogod.org and https://www.livinghopebook.com @christianbody.net @YouTube @appletv @roku @streamingchurch.tv and on other social media sites. Mark your calendar for Saturday, July 23rd for the Prayer At The Heart of NM, 10am on the 7Up/7Down Ranch in the middle of our state, help us get the word out by sharing this information, invite others and hope to see you all there + if you or anyone you know would like to hold a prayer event anywhere in or around NM, don't hesitate to contact me.
Thanks & Blessings,
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator
New Mexico Prayer ConnectSpiritual research and prayer team for NM- results from today's meeting and details about our next gathering. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Though we were fewer in number today, it was a good time together sharing some of the history of NM, both good and troubling, as well as reporting on some current positive developments.nmprayerconnect.org America's Prayer Meeting MovementOur vision is to see the nation experience a Great Spiritual Awakening resulting in millions of conversions out of prayerful desperation.www.prayerattheheart.org
MARCH Readings: Jer. 31:33; 33:3; Lam. 3:24; Luke 6:35-36; 6:37; 1:37; 12:8; 2 Cor. 4:6; Ps. 37:18; 98:1; 4:8; 51:10; 3:4; 61:1-2; Isa. 44:22; 58:9; Zech. 7:9; Deut. 32:4; Rom. 15:1; 12:9; Phil. 4:19; 2:14-15; John 17:11; 6:40; 11:25; Prov. 30:5; 13:13; Col. 1:21-22; Heb. 9:27-28; 1 John 1:9 & 2 Pet. 1:3.
PLEASE Read The Following two announcements and respond accordingly:
Click here to register: Albuquerque, NM- March 2nd, One Night Only w/Torben Sondergaard
Albuquerque, NM- March 2nd, One Night Only w/Torben Sondergaard
Albuquerque, NM- March 2nd, One Night Only w/Torben Søndergaard
Albuquerque, NM- March 2nd, One Night Only w/Torben Søndergaard
About this event
Albuquerque, NM - One Night Only w/Torben Søndergaard
We are coming to Albuquerque, New Mexico for a One Night Only event on Wednesday, March 2nd. Torben and his family are going on the road again and would like to invite you to an evening with training, discipleship, praying for the sick, deliverance, baptism and much more. The meeting will start promptly at 6:00 pm and end at 10 pm. Please come and be a part of this evening with a break in between sessions for coffee and fellowship. We look forward to seeing you there!
*Doors open at 5:30pm*
Event Location:
To Be Determined
Albuquerque, NM
For more information please contact - Chuck Holman at chuckholman65@gmail.com or call 505-328-7878
Please join us for this *FREE EVENT* led by Torben Søndergaard! Register Here! Although there is a registration fee, it can be refunded at the door if you choose.
If you are seeking God and want more: spiritual and physical freedom, tools to minister to others, fellowship in the body of Christ, we strongly believe this event will help you live the life God is calling you to! Don't wait! Come and join us!
Torben Søndergaard is the founder of The Last Reformation, who has ministered to people all over the world through YouTube videos, movies and the Pioneer Training School, all of which are available on our website at thelastreformation.com. Here you can find many other free resources as well.
If you are new to a Kickstart weekend and want to know more about what a Kickstart weekend looks like, please watch this 30-minute video below. For a list of upcoming Kickstarts and events, please click here - https://thelastreformation.com/upcoming-events/
--On Saturday, March 5, Alena Van Dyke and Paul & Stephanie Martinez are hosting a Day of Prayer & Healing. It is a come and go event from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, so join us when you can for prayer, worship and soaking in God's presence. Come expecting Him to do something powerful in your life!
--At a recent Day of Prayer & Healing, many people experienced God's touch. One person named Randy works in a job which requires him to be on his feet all day, and he had been having severe pain in his right foot and leg for many months. As we anointed him with oil and prayed, we sensed the healing power of God come upon him and he began to move his foot around. He said that as we were praying, he could feel the pain leaving his body-Praise God! -For the address or further info, please contact Paul at paul@theconciergepastors.com. If you are unable to attend, please email your prayer requests and we will take time to pray for you that day! The Most Powerful ToolGetting too much email? Unsubscribe | Manage subscriptionsFlag for follow up.Steve StewartTue 2/22/2022 4:57 PMReplyHi Mark & Juliet, Impact Nations is inviting people from around the world, and from many different church streams to an event we are calling The Beautiful Gospel Conference. From May 11 to 14 we are gathering in Albuquerque, New Mexico for what we believe will be an extraordinary time together. We have three world-class speakers and theologians coming who are friends of Impact Nations--Brian Zahnd, Brad Jersak, and Cherith Nordling. They share a common passion to communicate just how beautiful the Gospel really is--deeper and higher, more beautiful and all-encompassing than many of us have ever known. Beyond teaching us, they are coming to facilitate encounter, both in and among us. To further help us on this journey, we have invited three other workshop speakers to lead us in how to apply what we are learning and experiencing. The river of God is very wide, with each stream adding to the overall richness of life within the river. Therefore, we are reaching out to men and women from many Church traditions, all gathering around our common love for Jesus. We all have so much to learn from each other. I am asking for your help. Our biggest challenge is to let people know, far and wide, about this remarkable gathering. Would you please help me by forwarding this invitation to your friends and contacts? I know of no more powerful and effective way to get the word out. Thank you so much for this. We are in a time in history when the Holy Spirit is stirring a deep longing: our hearts are telling us, there has to be more. Let that common desire bring us together this May. It really is a Beautiful Gospel. We have created a website with lots of information about The Beautiful Gospel. Visit it today at www.beautifulgospelconference.com. Looking forward to a wonderful time together in May. With love for Jesus and His Bride, Steve P.S. Register for The Beautiful Gospel Conference before March 1st for a chance to win a $100 conference shopping spree. ---- Steve StewartImpact Nations International MinistriesImpact Nations | 1424 Deborah Rd SE, Suite 204, Rio Rancho, NM 87124
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Sent by steve@impactnations.com
Do You Not Know?
Isaiah 40:28-31Amplified Bible28
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth Does not become tired or grow weary; There is no searching of His understanding. 29 He gives strength to the weary, And to him who has no might He increases power. 30 Even youths grow weary and tired, And vigorous young men stumble badly, 31 But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] Will gain new strength and renew their power; They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun]; They will run and not become weary, They will walk and not grow tired.Sisters & Brothers In Yeshua/Jesus/Salvation,
New Mexico, America & The World need your prayers NOW, More than Ever! Even the blind can see that we are a house divided.
- split into parts; separated.
- not united; in disagreement."a divided party leadership"
This is not just happening in the political arena of our government (Paul tells us to be of no party faction), but in the media, our education system, within the church, our families, the military and our global economy. EVERYONE is effected or infected in one way or another, from young to old, red, yellow, black and white, in ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues! BUT...
John 20:31 Amplified Bible
but these have been written so that you may believe [with a deep, abiding trust] that Jesus is the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed), the Son of God; and that by believing [and trusting in and relying on Him] you may have life in His name.Do we believe, cling to, trust in and rely on Him? Are we driven by every wind of doctrine, according to The Holy Spirit/Ghost Of God, by every mandate that gets dictated to us by Washington, D.C. or your elected Governors?
1 John 5:1-5 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
5:1 Everyone who believes (adheres to, trusts, and relies on the fact) that Jesus is the Christ (the Messiah) is a born-again child of God; and everyone who loves the Father also loves the one born of Him (His offspring).2 By this we come to know (recognize and understand) that we love the children of God: when we love God and obey His commands (orders, charges)-[when we keep His ordinances and are mindful of His precepts and His teaching].3 For the [true] love of God is this: that we do His commands [keep His ordinances and are mindful of His precepts and teaching]. And these orders of His are not irksome (burdensome, oppressive, or grievous).4 For whatever is born of God is victorious over the world; and this is the victory that conquers the world, even our faith.
IF You Are a Blood Bought, Spirit FILLED Child Of The LIVING God, it's time to be Obedient, Accountable and Responsible to Him, Who Has CALLED You, not only out of the darkness and into His Marvelous LIGHT, but To Be THE LIGHT In This Present WORLD Of Darkness! WE Are The Army Of GOD, Disciplined, Fully Equipped to Root Up & Tear Down the things that are NOT Of God, not by our own might or power, because we wrestle NOT Against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities in heavenly places, by The Sword Of The Spirit, The WORD Of God.
1 John 5:13Amplified Bible
This Is Written That You May Know
13 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God [which represents all that Jesus Christ is and does], so that you will know [with settled and absolute knowledge] that you [already] have eternal life.
Heed the warnings of Your Heavenly Father, Who LOVES You and gave His Son to this sick and dying world, because He wishes that NONE would perish, but that ALL would Come To Repentance! HE Came, so that we might have LIFE and have It More ABUNDANTLY.
/ˈdīiNG/adjectiveon the point of death.synonyms: terminally ill, at death's door, on one's deathbed, in the jaws of death, on the point of death, near death, passing away, fading fast, sinking fast, expiring, moribund, breathing one's last, not long for this world, in extremis, on one's last legs, with one foot in the grave, giving up the ghost
1 Corinthians 6:9-11Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
9 Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived (misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality,
10 Nor cheats (swindlers and thieves), nor greedy graspers, nor drunkards, nor foulmouthed revilers and slanderers, nor extortioners and robbers will inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God.
11 And such some of you were [once]. But you were washed clean (purified by a complete atonement for sin and made free from the guilt of sin), and you were consecrated (set apart, hallowed), and you were justified [pronounced righteous, by trusting] in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the [Holy] Spirit of our God.
The TRUTH Will Set You Free, but he who The SON Sets Free Is FREE Indeed! HE Wants You to KNOW Him (Experientially) & The POWER Of His RESURRECTION! Read The Book Of Ephesians, because GOD wants you to Know who you are In HIM.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20Amplified Bible
19 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is within you, whom you have [received as a gift] from God, and that you are not your own [property]? 20 You were bought with a price [you were actually purchased with the precious blood of Jesus and made His own]. So then, honor and glorify God with your body.
RIO RANCHO CHURCH OF GODVIEW OUR SIMPLE CHURCH DOCUMENTARY https://vimeo.com/5632299 & https://vimeo.com/5632299 VISIT OUR WEBSITE https://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.comvictorychurchofgod.weebly.com
Ask the pastor nm - HomeNewest Faith Column for the Cibola Beacon Newspaper in Grants, NM: Are You Blind? by Mark Tross If you're not a 'Jew,' you're a Gentile, but either way, God wants you to know and understand 'the mystery,' which has been revealed to mankind in Christ Jesus.askthepastornm.weebly.com
Cross Culture NM - HomeWatch Cross Culture NM WORLDWIDE on YouTube (search Haskell Hallmark and/or Mark Tross) 'LIKE' & 'SHARE' Our Cross Culture NM Facebook Page + Look for us on your local cable television channel in Rio Rancho, NM, Santa Fe, NM, Grants/Milan, NM, Gallup, NM/Eastern AZ (check your local television listings for days, times and channels) & Join Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY!crossculturenm.weebly.com
Christianbody.netMany voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.www.christianbody.net
Mark TrossI'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...mark-tross.webnode.com
January 2022 NM Prayer Connect Newsletter:
WE Have Work To Do in 2022!
Sisters & Brothers In JESUS,
Ephesians 2:8-13Amplified Bible
8 For it is by grace [God's remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ] that you have been saved [actually delivered from judgment and given eternal life] through faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [not through your own effort], but it is the [undeserved, gracious] gift of God; 9 not as a result of [your] works [nor your attempts to keep the Law], so that no one will [be able to] boast or take credit in any way [for his salvation]. 10 For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus [reborn from above-spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used] for good works, which God prepared [for us] beforehand [taking paths which He set], so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us].
11 Therefore,
remember that at one time you Gentiles by birth, who are called
"Uncircumcision" by those who called themselves "Circumcision," [itself a
mere mark] which is made in the flesh by human hands- 12 remember
that at that time you were separated from Christ [excluded from any
relationship with Him], alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and
strangers to the covenants of promise [with no share in the sacred
Messianic promise and without knowledge of God's agreements], having no
hope [in His promise] and [living] in the world without God. 13 But now [at this very moment] in Christ Jesus you who once were [so very] far away [from God] have been brought near [a]by the blood of Christ.
WE are ALL here for such a time as this in 2022, so let us Seek The Lord, while He may be found, because we definitely have work to do, since He wishes NONE would perish and that ALL would come to Repentance! Without taking up too much of your precious time, because you have work to do, in spite of any other situation or circumstances you find yourself in this New Year, we must be praying for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on this Earth, as it is In ALL of The Heavenly Realms. I'm giving you the following two links for you to read, pray about, meditate on and act upon this year, as we prepare together to usher in the 2nd Coming Of CHRIST!
WE will be meeting in the geographical center of New Mexico, on the 7 Up/7Down Ranch on Saturday, July 23rd, 2022, for a time of prayer, repentance, worship and sharing, so be praying toward this event and be sure to help get The Word out about it + if you or someone you know would like to get together for a prayer event in your area of the state or our surrounding area, don't hesitate to contact me. MUCH is happening in the prayer world to usher in 2022, so get on board, because God is on the move!
Many Blessings to you and yours,
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator
"AD-Vent: WHAT does the 25th REALLY Mean for Jew & Gentile?" - December 2021 New Mexico Prayer Connect Newsletter!
Amplified Bible
Jesus' Birth Foretold
26 Now in the sixth month [of Elizabeth's pregnancy] the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee called Nazareth, 27 to a virgin [a]betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, a descendant of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. 28 And coming to her, the angel said, "Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you." 29 But she was greatly perplexed at what he said, and kept carefully considering what kind of greeting this was. 30 The angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. 31 Listen carefully: you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, and you shall name Him Jesus. 32 He will be great and eminent and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; 33 and He will reign over the house of Jacob (Israel) forever, and of His kingdom there shall be no end." 3
A Blessed Advent Season, Hanukkah, Winter & Christmas,
NO, It's NOT February/March (Adar on The Biblical Calendar), but most 3-5 year olds can add 2+2=4, so if Mary conceived by The Holy Spirit, according to the above portion of Holy Script and gave birth to The Christ/Messiah/Anointed ONE 9 months later, we're looking at December 25th as a very logical time for Jesus' birth. Interestingly enough, EVERY Year, starting on the 25th of Kislev, which occurs in November-December on the Gregorian calendar and is sometimes known as the month of dreams, the Nation of Israel Celebrates The Feast Of Dedication or what's also known as The Festival Of Lights, Chunakah! Around 167 B.C. Antiochus "Ephanes" (God Manifest) desecrated The Temple in Jerusalem, by ordering a pig slaughtered on the altar and erected an image of the Greek god Zeus as the new point of worship, so a godly priest, Mattathias and his five sons, one who was named Judah and was nicknamed "Maccabee" (the hammer) reacted with holy indignation, drove out the Syrians and recaptured The Holy Site Of God's Presence, but to rededicate It, they only had enough oil to light the golden menorah (lampstand) for one day, miraculously though, God not only gave them the victory in the battle, but He had the oil burn for eight days, so "A Great Miracle Happened There!"
On Tuesday, December 21st, at 8:59 A.M. MT in New Mexico, the winter solstice begins, when the Earth tilts its axis, which makes one half of Earth point away from the Sun and the other half points towards it. Solstice comes from Latin sol "sun" and sistere "to stand still," so loosely translated means "sun stand still" and it's the shortest day of the year! Folklore tells us that winter comes yawning, so my questions to you would be, As the day gets shorter, will you lean towards or away from The Son and Will you 'Be Still & Come To Experientially Know That HE IS GOD?'
John 10:22-23
Amplified Bible
Jesus Asserts His Deity
22 At that time the [a]Feast of Dedication took place at Jerusalem. 23 It was winter, and Jesus was walking in the temple [area] in [b]Solomon's portico.
Believe it or not, my title has meaning. A.D., the term, Ante Christum natum, denoted the years before the birth of Jesus Christ and was first proposed in the year 525 by Dionysius Exiguus, a Christian monk. It is the Latin equivalent to the English "BC" and used to label or number years in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, meaning to, toward or before. Ads are to inspire you to action, get you involved, plus should uniquely identify, personalize, be relevant, useful, competitive and intelligently drive awareness, to increase, improve your customer (consumer) base acceptability through visuals, so you can reach, grow, achieve your goals and engage your audience. Vent , simply means (OPENING) to express ideas, give utterance or release, you let something out, a strong emotion, energy, to let off steam, saying what's on your mind, give free expression to (a strong emotion), get it off your chest or voice your opinion, so as to reduce our stress levels. The right way of venting can connect you to a supportive, positive, and understanding community, making it easy to share your REAL feelings with people who care. In Latin, ventus, French, eventur, vent, Spanish, viento ("wind") and ventana ("window"), all point to the biblical reality of The Holy Spirit or Breath Of God! Can we, as Gentiles & Jews, inspire one another to a right relationship with God and each other, according to His Holy & Precious Word, so that we may enter into His FULLNESS? THIS Is The Will Of GOD for ALL of us, because He wishes that NONE would perish and that ALL would Come Unto HIM, especially during this very special time and season! May The Light Of The World, The ONE Who celebrated this time, allow you to enter into The Holy Spirit of THIS Festive Season, so that YOU Can BE 'The Light Of The World' and Let Your LIGHT Shine.
PEACE On Earth & GOD's Will Toward ALL Humankind,
Mark Tross
Coordinator NM Prayer Connect
Simple Church Fellowship
The Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!
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Ask the pastor nm - Home
Newest Faith Column for the Cibola Beacon Newspaper in Grants, NM: Are You Blind? by Mark Tross If you're not a 'Jew,' you're a Gentile, but either way, God wants you to know and understand 'the mystery,' which has been revealed to mankind in Christ Jesus.
Cross Culture NM - Home
Watch Cross Culture NM WORLDWIDE on YouTube (search Haskell Hallmark and/or Mark Tross) 'LIKE' & 'SHARE' Our Cross Culture NM Facebook Page + Look for us on your local cable television channel in Rio Rancho, NM, Santa Fe, NM, Grants/Milan, NM, Gallup, NM/Eastern AZ (check your local television listings for days, times and channels) & Join Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY!
Christianbody.tv is a community of ministries and individuals who are providing tools and resources to equip and connect the body of Christ for the end times work. Read, hear, watch, share real stories of God's salvation, healing and restoration by clicking on the MY STORY button below, or click on media below. Also, join with us as we develop our interactive "CONVERSATIONS," which are interviews with interesting folks, and then interactive webinars/phone conferences where YOU can talk with or text the speakers. Contact us at christianbodynet@gmail.com.
Many voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.
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P.S. VISIT https://ifwewill.com - A 50 State Prayer Project!
If We Will...Then He Will | A 50 State Prayer Project
If We Will...Then He Will is a grassroots prayer project calling intercessors from all 50 states to pray for 50 days over our nation. It was birthed from a desire to bring repentance and revival to the hearts of His people and our nation.
New Mexico Prayer Connect
Spiritual research and prayer team for NM- results from today's meeting and details about our next gathering. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Though we were fewer in number today, it was a good time together sharing some of the history of NM, both good and troubling, as well as reporting on some current positive developments.
WHY Be A Christian? November 2021 NM Prayer Connect Newsletter!
Simple Church FellowshipThe Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com
RIO RANCHO CHURCH OF GODVIEW OUR SIMPLE CHURCH DOCUMENTARY https://vimeo.com/5632299 & https://vimeo.com/5632299 VISIT OUR WEBSITE https://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.comvictorychurchofgod.weebly.com
Ask the pastor nm - HomeNewest Faith Column for the Cibola Beacon Newspaper in Grants, NM: Are You Blind? by Mark Tross If you're not a 'Jew,' you're a Gentile, but either way, God wants you to know and understand 'the mystery,' which has been revealed to mankind in Christ Jesus.askthepastornm.weebly.com
Cross Culture NM - HomeWatch Cross Culture NM WORLDWIDE on YouTube (search Haskell Hallmark and/or Mark Tross) 'LIKE' & 'SHARE' Our Cross Culture NM Facebook Page + Look for us on your local cable television channel in Rio Rancho, NM, Santa Fe, NM, Grants/Milan, NM, Gallup, NM/Eastern AZ (check your local television listings for days, times and channels) & Join Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY!crossculturenm.weebly.com
HomeChristianbody.tv is a community of ministries and individuals who are providing tools and resources to equip and connect the body of Christ for the end times work. Read, hear, watch, share real stories of God's salvation, healing and restoration by clicking on the MY STORY button below, or click on media below. Also, join with us as we develop our interactive "CONVERSATIONS," which are interviews with interesting folks, and then interactive webinars/phone conferences where YOU can talk with or text the speakers. Contact us at christianbodynet@gmail.com.www.christianbody.tv
Mark TrossI'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...mark-tross.webnode.com
Christianbody.netMany voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.www.christianbody.net
Featured ProductsYour browser does not support iframes. ; View the content of this inline frame with your browsernmprayerconnect.weebly.com
https://nmprayerconnect.org New Mexico Prayer ConnectSpiritual research and prayer team for NM- results from today's meeting and details about our next gathering. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Though we were fewer in number today, it was a good time together sharing some of the history of NM, both good and troubling, as well as reporting on some current positive developments.nmprayerconnect.org
https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/GjqNBCmyzU/dXMtZTI3NGUyYTMtMzcwMC00ZTllLTllY2ItMWRmZDhiM2QzMjNk Hightail SpacesHightail Spaces lets you send unlimited files, of any size, to anyone. Collaborate with your team and evolve your work.spaces.hightail.com
https://www.christianheadlines.com/contributors/milton-quintanilla/almost-70-percent-of-born-again-christians-say-jesus-christ-isnt-the-only-way-to-god-study-shows.html?fbclid=IwAR1udhUzWPpoSGoPO-iRSpJqjfSW8GqelCdoBXoxv3WS5m02RUDi_cdTJ1g Almost 70 Percent of Born-Again Christians Say Jesus Christ Isn't the Only Way to God, Study Shows - Milton QuintanillaRegarding born-again Christians, nearly two-thirds (63 percent) said they share their faith at least once a year. When asked what prevents them from communicating their faith to unbelievers, close to 70 percent of born-again Christians say there are other ways to Heaven aside from turning to Christ for salvation.www.christianheadlines.com
https://www.christianheadlines.com/blog/62-percent-of-self-identified-christians-do-not-believe-the-holy-spirit-is-real.html?fbclid=IwAR1sx6vCf2OX7U8yXLi4h-ZBomcpayuI6outS5NNM1Vmh4meo-MBLrVcFGw 62 percent of Self-Identified Christians Do Not Believe the Holy Spirit Is Real: Survey - Christian News HeadlinesHowever, more than half of that do not believe in some notable biblical teachings, such as the existence of the Holy Spirit, and only about 6 percent hold a biblical worldview, The Christian Post reports. A majority also said that they believe that all religious faiths are of equal value and that people are "basically good" and can use those "acts of goodness" to earn their way into Heaven.www.christianheadlines.com
Six of my Ten Books @amazon have been published in hardback this month and all are available in paperback or for download @kindle in English, German, Spanish, French and Italian + are Available Internationally: https://www.amazon.com/Books-Mark-Tross/s?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3AMark+Tross Amazon.com: Mark Tross: BooksGreatest Of All - Messianic Prophecies: Fulfilled By Jesus of Nazareth, The Branch, The Christ, The Messiah, The Anointed One, The Light Of The World, The Lion Of The Tribe of Judah & The Lamb Of God!www.amazon.com
Sisters & Brothers in Jesus,
Prayerfully consider joining us for this most important prayer venture on Saturday, October 2, 2021. We'll be meeting 9am on highway 139, just off the San Antonio, NM exit on I-25 S or N, between mile markers 12 & 13 at the Historic Marker, regarding the Trinity Site, by the Stallion Entrance, leading to where the first nuclear bomb was detonated. You'll need your license, registration and insurance card, as it is a secure location on White Sands Missile Range. This MUST be a strategic prayer initiative, since they only open to the public for visitors twice a year, consider this a stealth operation, meaning no outward and obvious public displays, such as shofars, prayer shawls, falling on knees, lifting up hands, loud prayers or tongues, in other words, we MUST be discreet and Wise in The Way we conduct ourselves In The Holy Spirit! If we can walk around in small groups of two or three, in a Spirit of Humility, Repentance, crying out for Forgiveness, Healing, Restoration and whatever else the LORD leads and guides you to do while there, prayerfully consider the impact on the world New Mexico has had in just this one situation. Be sensitive to Listen and Hear what The Holy Spirit reveals during your time spent at this location and be sure to give us feedback, as to what The LORD has spoken. Prepare your heart and mind before coming, because we believe this is the right time and season to set our feet on this solemn ground, trusting that through the Spirit led prayers by The Saints of NM, GOD Will Heal Our Land and manifest His Kingdom on Earth, as it is in Heaven! In preparation for this event, read and pray over these following scriptures that reveal and reflect on The Trinity in God's Holy & Precious Word: Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14; 2 Thessalonians 2: 13-14; 1 Peter 1: 2-3; Ephesians 4: 4-6; 5: 18-20; 1 Corinthians 12: 4-6 & Jude 20-21.
We're presently working on Prayer @ The Heart of New Mexico in July 2022, so do be praying toward this event and others we are working on in the future. If you or someone you know would like to hold an event in or around NM, don't hesitate to contact me. May we walk together in the Tri-Unity of His Holy Spirit & Purposes, taking ground everywhere we place or feet for His Kingdom to Come and work as ONE to usher in The Second Coming of Jesus!
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator
http: / /askthepastornm.weebly.com
#event #future #like #peace #education #work #health #love #family #awareness #freedom #children #wellness #insurance #mentalhealth
You're ALL Invited!
Shalom Sisters & Brothers,
You're ALL Invited to The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb (2
Esdras 2:38-40; Luke 12:37; 13:24-30; 14:14-24; 16:22; 22:16-30; Matthew
7:7-8; 8:11; 22:2-14; 24:31; 25:10; 26:29; Mark 13:27; 14:25; John
1:18; Romans 8:23; 1 Corinthians 11:26; 2 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians
1:13; Hebrews 10:25; 1 John 4:12; Revelation 2:7; 19:6-9; 21:4; 22:4-5),
but you MUST Respond Wisely to This Invitation or you will perish! Yes,
it's obvious that Many, MANY are going the way of destruction, rather
than The Way of God, but the wages of sin, because of disobedience to
God Is Death, which takes us to:
1 AFTER THIS I heard what sounded like a mighty shout of a great crowd in heaven, exclaiming, Hallelujah (praise the Lord)! Salvation and glory (splendor and majesty) and power (dominion and authority) [belong] to our God!2 Because His judgments (His condemnation and punishment, His sentences of doom) are true and sound and just and upright. He has judged (convicted, pronounced sentence, and doomed) the great and notorious harlot (idolatress) who corrupted and demoralized and poisoned the earth with her lewdness and adultery (idolatry). And He has avenged (visited on her the penalty for) the blood of His servants at her hand. [Deut. 32:43.]3 And again they shouted, Hallelujah (praise the Lord)! The smoke of her [burning] shall continue to ascend forever and ever (through the eternities of the eternities). [Isa. 34:10.]4 Then the twenty-four elders [of the heavenly Sanhedrin] and the four living creatures fell prostrate and worshiped [paying divine honors to] God, Who sits on the throne, saying, Amen! Hallelujah (praise the Lord)!5 Then from the throne there came a voice, saying, Praise our God, all you servants of His, you who reverence Him, both small and great! [Ps. 115:13.]6 After that I heard what sounded like the shout of a vast throng, like the boom of many pounding waves, and like the roar of terrific and mighty peals of thunder, exclaiming, Hallelujah (praise the Lord)! For now the Lord our God the Omnipotent (the All-Ruler) reigns!7 Let us rejoice and shout for joy [exulting and triumphant]! Let us celebrate and ascribe to Him glory and honor, for the marriage of the Lamb [at last] has come, and His bride has prepared herself. [Ps. 118:24.]8 She has been permitted to dress in fine (radiant) linen, dazzling and white-for the fine linen is (signifies, represents) the righteousness (the upright, just, and godly living, deeds, and conduct, and right standing with God) of the saints (God's holy people).9 Then [the angel] said to me, Write this down: Blessed (happy, to be envied) are those who are summoned (invited, called) to the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he said to me [further], These are the true words (the genuine and exact declarations) of God.10 Then I fell prostrate at his feet to worship (to pay divine honors) to him, but he [restrained me] and said, Refrain! [You must not do that!] I am [only] another servant with you and your brethren who have [accepted and hold] the testimony borne by Jesus. Worship God! For the substance (essence) of the truth revealed by Jesus is the spirit of all prophecy [the vital breath, the inspiration of all inspired preaching and interpretation of the divine will and purpose, including both mine and yours].11 After that I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse [appeared]! The One Who was riding it is called Faithful (Trustworthy, Loyal, Incorruptible, Steady) and True, and He passes judgment and wages war in righteousness (holiness, justice, and uprightness). [Ezek. 1:1.]12 His eyes [blaze] like a flame of fire, and on His head are many kingly crowns (diadems); and He has a title (name) inscribed which He alone knows orcan understand. [Dan. 10:6.]13 He is dressed in a robe dyed by dipping in blood, and the title by which He is called is The Word of God.14 And the troops of heaven, clothed in fine linen, dazzling and clean, followed Him on white horses.15 From His mouth goes forth a sharp sword with which He can smite (afflict, strike) the nations; and He will shepherd and control them with a staff (scepter, rod) of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath and indignation of God the All-Ruler (the Almighty, the Omnipotent). [Ps. 2:9.]16 And on His garment (robe) and on His thigh He has a name (title) inscribed, king of kings and lord of lords. [Deut. 10:17; Dan. 2:47.]17 Then I saw a single angel stationed in the sun's light, and with a mighty voice he shouted to all the birds that fly across the sky, Come, gather yourselves together for the great supper of God, [Ezek. 39:4, 17-20.]18 That you may feast on the flesh of rulers, the flesh of generals and captains, the flesh of powerful and mighty men, the flesh of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all humanity, both free and slave, both small and great!19 Then I saw the beast and the rulers and leaders of the earth with their troops mustered to go into battle and make war against Him Who is mounted on the horse and against His troops.20 And the beast was seized and overpowered, and with him the false prophet who in his presence had worked wonders and performed miracles by which he led astray those who had accepted or permitted to be placed upon them the stamp (mark) of the beast and those who paid homage and gave divine honors to his statue. Both of them were hurled alive into the fiery lake that burns and blazes with brimstone.21 And the rest were killed with the sword that issues from the mouth of Him Who is mounted on the horse, and all the birds fed ravenously and glutted themselves with their flesh (AMPC).THREE Things I need to point out here, There Is 'A Supper Of God,' We need to Prostrate ourselves before Him and we are Quickly approaching This Day! Jesus spoke in both Matthew 24:23-31 & Luke 17:34-37 of the above mentioned 'Supper Of God,' but like Paul exhorted the Thessalonian Church, we MUST Occupy until He blows that Last Trumpet, because if we don't blow The Trumpet in Zion, like Ezekiel was warned, we will be held accountable and have blood on our hands. God has given us The Great Commission, so we have a job to do and I believe He has given us the game plan, His Word, which is His Will and Way to get The Job done! In Acts we read of the New Covenant Believers meeting in The Temple (The Mega-Church), synagogues (community congregations), house to house (the house-church/simple-church movement) & in the marketplace, so wherever we live, move or have our being, at home, church, school, work or play, 24/7/365, God is calling us to come together, as ONE In Messiah/Christ/The Anointed ONE, certainly not in a 'why can't we all just get along way,' but In His Way, Jesus, The Word Of God. PRAY for God to have His Way in NM, across America and around The World, as we move forward together in The Love Of God & The Good News Of Jesus!
On Saturday, September 11, You Are Invited to The Cowboy/Cowgirl Camp Meeting in Corrales, NM (9am until 'the cows' come home) at the Corrales Lilly Farm on Perea Road (Contact Jim Montoya for more details @ 505-440-9770) AND Wednesday, September 22, beginning 8:30am-Sunday the 26th, ChristianBody.Net is hosting a Camp Meeting in Capitan, NM (Contact Grover Dobbins for more details @ 575-937-3528) at the Foursquare Church there + Streaming Worldwide @christianbody.tv @YouTube @AppleTV @Roku @streamingchurch.tv @churchapplive @facebook @twitter & other social media sites. For Women ONLY: Register @EventBrite.com EARLY for The Inheritance Convergence Conference, coming to ABQ, November 20-22 (Call 505-203-8782 or 505-793-0245 for more information).
DATES TO REMEMBER IN SEPTEMBER: 1st: Full Moon; 6th: New Moon/Labor Day/Rosh Hashanah (begins at sundown); 11th: Patriot's Day; 13th: First Quarter Moon; 15th: Yom Kippur (begins at sundown); 6th-16th: https://10Days.net ; 16th: Yom Kippur/New Moon; 20th: Full Moon; 22nd: First Day Of Autumn/Fall; 24th Arbor Day in Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands & the 28th is the Last Quarter Moon.
READ: Jude 1:20-21; Ps. 130:5-6; 123:2; 118:1; 3 John 1:11; Jas. 3:13; 2:14; 3:10; JOhn 17:11; 5:24; 6:40; Isa. 58:9; 59:21; Matt. 22:37; 2 Cor. 12:10; Heb. 2:18; Rom. 8:11; 10:14-15; Dan. 6:26-27; Col. 1:21-22; Prov. 10:9; 28:13; 1 John 2:15; Zech. 9:16 & 2 Pet. 1:10.
As we enter into the Highest Holy Days on The Biblical Calendar, PLEASE Keep our Jewish Sisters & Brothers in your Prayers, that God will Open Their Eyes to See Yeshua/Jesus/Salvation, Pray He Will Bring Romans 9-11 into It's Fullness & Knowing that He Who has begun His Work In us Will Complete It and make us ONE New Man In Messiah, according to Ephesians 2:11-22!
Shalom,Mark Trosshttps://nmprayerconnect.weebly.com
https://www.christianbody.tvHomeChristianbody.tv is a community of ministries and individuals who are providing tools and resources to equip and connect the body of Christ for the end times work. Read, hear, watch, share real stories of God's salvation, healing and restoration by clicking on the MY STORY button below, or click on media below. Also, join with us as we develop our interactive "CONVERSATIONS," which are interviews with interesting folks, and then interactive webinars/phone conferences where YOU can talk with or text the speakers. Contact us at christianbodynet@gmail.com.www.christianbody.tv
Christianbody.netMany voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.www.christianbody.net
Mark TrossI'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...mark-tross.webnode.com
Ekklesia Outreach - HomeJOIN US WORLDWIDE ON THE INTERNET FOR "Cross Culture NM"! You can join us on Face Book, My Space, WordPress, LiveJournal, Blogger, Snapchat, Delicious, Digg, Tumbler ...ekklesiaoutreach.weebly.com
RIO RANCHO CHURCH OF GODVIEW OUR SIMPLE CHURCH DOCUMENTARY https://vimeo.com/5632299 & https://vimeo.com/5632299 VISIT OUR WEBSITE https://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.comvictorychurchofgod.weebly.com
Simple Church FellowshipThe Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com
Ask the pastor nm - HomeNewest Faith Column for the Cibola Beacon Newspaper in Grants, NM: Are You Blind? by Mark Tross If you're not a 'Jew,' you're a Gentile, but either way, God wants you to know and understand 'the mystery,' which has been revealed to mankind in Christ Jesus.askthepastornm.weebly.com
Cross Culture NM - HomeWatch Cross Culture NM WORLDWIDE on YouTube (search Haskell Hallmark and/or Mark Tross) 'LIKE' & 'SHARE' Our Cross Culture NM Facebook Page + Look for us on your local cable television channel in Rio Rancho, NM, Santa Fe, NM, Grants/Milan, NM, Gallup, NM/Eastern AZ (check your local television listings for days, times and channels) & Join Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY!crossculturenm.weebly.com
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https://nmprayerconnect.orgNew Mexico Prayer ConnectSpiritual research and prayer team for NM- results from today's meeting and details about our next gathering. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Though we were fewer in number today, it was a good time together sharing some of the history of NM, both good and troubling, as well as reporting on some current positive developments.nmprayerconnect.org
10 Days of PrayerJoin the worldwide prayer meeting, dedicating 10 days, from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, to pray and worship Jesus with other believers in your community. It's a call to a Revelation 4-5 kind of worship and unity, a time to fast, pray, and see Heaven come in your city.10days.net
Subject: The Heart Of The Matter - August 2021 NM Prayer Connect Newsletter! JD, Can You Get This Out To ALL On Our Email List & Posted On The Website :)
Sisters & Brothers In Jesus,
After attending AmericasPrayerMeeting.Org & PRAYERATTHEHEART.COM in Lebanon, Kansas, with Lori & John Robb, Miki & JD Vasquez, Dr. Phil Leonardelli, Linda J., NM's former National Day of Prayer State Coordinator and others we have worked with over the years from every state in the union, representatives of our First Nations Peoples + prayer warriors from South Korea, I was flooded with my own memories of years gone by, got confirming words of encouragement, regarding the vision and blueprint God has given us for New Mexico, so please, prayerfully read over the information within this newsletter, distribute it to ALL of 'Like Mind & Heart' and Seek The Lord, while He may be found!
If you have never heard of 'Missing Heaven By 18 Inches,' here's the link https://www.crossway.org/tracts/missing-heaven-by-18-inches-3071/ to read it for yourself and to share with others.
Missing Heaven by 18 Inches (ATS) | Crossway
Eighteen inches-the distance from your head to your heart-can mean eternity with Christ or an eternity without Him. A creative approach to get people thinking.
Most will remember Debby Boone's 'You Light Up My Life,' but in keeping with the challenge of head to heart knowledge, experientially knowing Him and He knowing us, I'm inserting one of my personal favorites by her, 'The Heart Of The Matter:' https://youtu.be/doz5dljSHAU . In the parable of the 10 virgins, ALL fall asleep, before the coming of The Bridegroom. America and the world need a true, spiritual, 'Great Awakening & REVIVAL!' Our Heavenly Father has promised to "Unite, Inspire & Revive" us, IF we humble ourselves, pray, according to His Word, Will & Way, Seek (crave, require as a necessity) His Face (to Shine Upon Us) and turn from OUR Wicked ways. As in the days of Moses, God is telling His Chosen People, to get up and move, not by our own might or power, but by His Holy Spirit, moving upon, in and through The Church!
I will be speaking at The Green Meadows Camp Meeting in Rock Springs, NM, on the Navajo Nation, August 13th @8pm, it runs from the 9th-16th, starting @5:30pm with Dinner & Testimonies/Worship @6:30pm (for more information on this event, contact Leon Long @ 505-422-1949) and on the 26th we'll be meeting in ABQ for the Strategic Prayer Mapping of our state, so:
Col. 3:2 Be earnest and unwearied and steadfast in your prayer [life], being [both] alert and intent in [your praying] with thanksgiving.
3 And at the same time pray for us also, that God may open a door to us for the Word (the Gospel), to proclaim the mystery concerning Christ (the Messiah) on account of which I am in prison;
4 That I may proclaim it fully and make it clear [speak boldly and unfold that mystery], as is my duty.
5 Behave yourselves wisely [living prudently and with discretion] in your relations with those of the outside world (the non-Christians), making the very most of the time and seizing (buying up) the opportunity.
6 Let your speech at all times be gracious (pleasant and winsome), seasoned [as it were] with salt, [so that you may never be at a loss] to know how you ought to answer anyone [who puts a question to you]. - AMPC.
Lord Willing and I Believe He Is, we're looking toward 2022 to go to the geographical center of New Mexico, each of the 33 counties, every city, reservation, pueblo and have a public prayer rally, circling the state, criss-crossing it from North to South & East to West and praying for 10% of ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues to Come To JESUS! In the meantime, come September, we'll be in Corrales for The Annual Cowboy/Cowgirl Camp Meeting on the 11th & from the 22nd-26th in Capitan, at the Foursquare Church and streaming Worldwide @christianbody.net & @christianbody.tv , so if you would like to join us in person or virtually, to give a testimony, worship or share a word + if you or someone you know would like to hold an event in or around NM, don't hesitate to contact me.
READ: Psalm 141:3; 50:23; 138:8; 57:2; 139:14; 142:5; 1 Peter 5:8; Gal. 5:13; Luke 12:32 & 34; 6:27-28; 1 Cor. 13:4-5; 1 Chron. 16:8 & 11; Eccles. 12:13-14; Heb. 10:24-25, 35-36; Nah. 1:7; Prov. 27:5-6; 9:10; Jer. 17:7-8; 9:24; Isa. 12:2; 40:28; John 15:4; 4:14; Rom. 12:2; Exod. 15:11; Phil 1:21; Col. 3:2 & 2 Tim. 4:5.
August 8: New Moon; 9: Full Moon & Islamic New Year; 15: First Quarter Moon; 21: Senior Citizens Day; 22: Full Moon; 24: New Moon & 30: Last Quarter Moon.
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator
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VIEW OUR SIMPLE CHURCH DOCUMENTARY https://vimeo.com/5632299 & https://vimeo.com/5632299 VISIT OUR WEBSITE https://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com
Ask the pastor nm - Home
Newest Faith Column for the Cibola Beacon Newspaper in Grants, NM: Are You Blind? by Mark Tross If you're not a 'Jew,' you're a Gentile, but either way, God wants you to know and understand 'the mystery,' which has been revealed to mankind in Christ Jesus.
Cross Culture NM - Home
Watch Cross Culture NM WORLDWIDE on YouTube (search Haskell Hallmark and/or Mark Tross) 'LIKE' & 'SHARE' Our Cross Culture NM Facebook Page + Look for us on your local cable television channel in Rio Rancho, NM, Santa Fe, NM, Grants/Milan, NM, Gallup, NM/Eastern AZ (check your local television listings for days, times and channels) & Join Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY!
Many voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.
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New Mexico Prayer Connect
Spiritual research and prayer team for NM- results from today's meeting and details about our next gathering. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Though we were fewer in number today, it was a good time together sharing some of the history of NM, both good and troubling, as well as reporting on some current positive developments.
Sisters & Brothers In JESUS,Jeremiah 33:3 'Call
to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and
mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you
do not know and understand and cannot distinguish (AMP).'
BIG Things Are Happening In JULY, into September and beyond, so PLEASE,
Visit the websites found below, sign yourself up to participate and
share this information with everyone you know in New Mexico, across
America and around the world! When every member does their part, we will
all come into the fullness of God, but the time is drawing near, so we
must prepare for Jesus' second coming. He wishes none would perish, but
that all would come to repentance! A group of us will be distributing
Saturate USA materials in Placitas, after July 4th, so we appreciate
your prayers for God's Word to be planted in good soil, that He will
water It and bring the increase. On July 20th, members of the Pray
America Team will be meeting at New Beginnings Church in ABQ from
4-5:30pm for prayer, before joining others from all over the country in
Kansas, The Heart Of Our Nation! This month NM will be Open For
Business, so let us pray that God Opens The Windows Of Heaven over our
state and that we, The Church, will be about Our Father's Business,
forsaking not the assembling of the brethren and shining our light in
this present world of darkness. If you or someone you know would like
to hold an event anywhere in NM or just two or three gather to commune
and fellowship together in our surrounding area, do not hesitate to
contact me. God is opening doors in Capitan & Manuelito, NM and
plans are in the making for an event in Pegosa Springs, CO in June 2022,
so keep praying, because God wants to show Himself Mighty!Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing (NKJV)."
READ: Matt. 11:28; 1 Thess. 5:14; Ps. 5:11; 62:5; 37:3-4; 144:1;
86:11; John 15:13; 1 Tim. 6:12; 2 Cor. 12:9; Jas. 5:11; Isa. 51:1;
28:5-6; Prov. 16:3; Phil. 4:8 & 12; Rev. 21:4; 1 John 3:2; Heb.
11:6; 1:3; Job 23:10; Joel 2:28; Luke 12:25; Lam. 3:26; 1 Pet. 5:10;
Exod. 15:2; 2 Tim. 2:22; Rom. 3:23-24 & 2 Cor. 6:14.
JULY 1: Last Quarter Moon; 4: Independence Day; 9: New
Moon; 17: First Quarter Moon; 23: Full Moon & 31: Last Quarter
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator
Simple Church FellowshipThe
Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The
Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com
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Cross Culture NMCross Culture NMcrossculturenm.weebly.com
OUR SIMPLE CHURCH DOCUMENTARY https://vimeo.com/5632299 &
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Ask the pastor nmYour browser does not support iframes. ; View the content of this inline frame with your browseraskthepastornm.weebly.com
is a community of ministries and individuals who are providing tools
and resources to equip and connect the body of Christ for the end times
work. Read, hear, watch, share real stories of God's salvation, healing
and restoration by clicking on the MY STORY button below, or click on
media below. Also, join with us as we develop our interactive
"CONVERSATIONS," which are interviews with interesting folks, and then
interactive webinars/phone conferences where YOU can talk with or text
the speakers. Contact us at christianbodynet@gmail.com.www.christianbody.tvChristianbody.netMany voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.www.christianbody.net
New Mexico Prayer ConnectSpiritual
research and prayer team for NM- results from today's meeting and
details about our next gathering. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Though
we were fewer in number today, it was a good time together sharing some
of the history of NM, both good and troubling, as well as reporting on
some current positive developments.nmprayerconnect.org
Psalm 31:24 - Be strong and let your hearts take courage,
All you who wait for and confidently expect the Lord (AMP).
https://www.americasprayermeeting.org/America's Prayer Meeting MovementIt is an extraordinary privilege to be a part of the national virtual prayer meeting - an opportunity for believers and leaders to connect in simple, earnest, passionate prayer for the only hope our nation has - that God will intervene, in behalf of His own purposes, and send a revival to the church and a spiritual awakening to the culture.www.americasprayermeeting.orghttps://www.endingdroughtgodsway.com/
Ending Drought - God's WayWe need God's spiritual solution to end this drought. As with Gideon, God can defeat the enemy with a small number devoted to Him who are following His Instructions. Those instructions are found in 2 Chronicles 7:13-14. Join us as we take time to repent personally and intercede before the throne ofwww.endingdroughtgodsway.comhttps://www.10days.net/
10 Days of Prayer10 Days began in 2004 with a visionary experience. It was born out of a time of seeking God with prayer and fasting, motivated by Jesus' prayer in John 17, "Let [my followers] be one just as we [the Father and the Son] are one." To learn more about the vision and elements of 10 Days history visit below.www.10days.net
THESE 3 Things!
Sisters & Brothers In Jesus,
What God Requires of Man
Micah 6:6
With what shall I come before the Lord [to honor Him]
And bow myself before God on high?
Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings,
With yearling calves?
Will the Lord be delighted with thousands of rams,
Or with ten thousand rivers of oil?
Shall I present my firstborn for my acts of rebellion,
The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
Except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion),
And to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness]?
- AMPHow shall we Honor God & Country this June and enter into Summer? Flag Day is Monday, June 14th & Men's Health Week starts the same day, although Paul writes to young Timothy that physical exercise is good,1 Timothy 4:7-8
Amplified Bible
7 But have nothing to do with irreverent folklore and silly myths. On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness [keeping yourself spiritually fit]. 8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness (spiritual training) is of value in everything and in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and for the life to come.
Father's Day & the First Day Of Summer are on June 20th, so with 27 Bible Verses About Summer in Holy Scripture, we would do well to take heed: Proverbs 10:5-7
Amplified Bible
He who gathers during summer and takes advantage of his opportunities is a son who acts wisely,
But he who sleeps during harvest and ignores the moment of opportunity is a son who acts shamefully.
Blessings are on the head of the righteous [the upright, those in right standing with God],
But the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.
The [a]memory of the righteous [person] is a [source of] blessing,
But the name of the wicked will [be forgotten and] rot [like a corpse].
The KJV Dictionary Definition of 'summer' is, One who casts up an account. So what does this have to do with each and every one of us, who call ourselves, Believers? Romans 14:12-14
Amplified Bible
12 So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.
13 Then let us not criticize one another anymore, but rather determine this-not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block or a source of temptation in another believer's way. 14 I know and am convinced [as one] in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean [ritually defiled, and unholy] in itself; but [nonetheless] it is unclean to anyone who thinks it is unclean.
JESUS in The Gospel/Good News of Matthew 4:17; Chapter 5; 6:33 & 11:12 tells us to "Seek First And Most Importantly, The Kingdom Of GOD, HIS Kingdom & HIS Righteousness!" The following Scripture hopefully wraps up 'the three things' that should matter most to all followers of Jesus, for In ONE Clear and Precise WAY, The Apostle Paul states: Romans 14:17-19
Amplified Bible
17 for the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking [what one likes], but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 18 For the one who serves Christ in this way [recognizing that food choice is secondary] is acceptable to God and is approved by men. 19 So then, let us pursue [with enthusiasm] the things which make for peace and the building up of one another [things which lead to spiritual growth].
1 Corinthians 4:20-21
Amplified Bible
20 For the kingdom of God is not based on talk but on power. 21 Which do you prefer? Shall I come to you with a rod [of discipline and correction], or with love and a gentle spirit?
Allow me to close with this statement and a Word of Encouragement by Israel's Priestly King David, that I believe will resonate in the hearts, minds, spirits, strengths and weaknesses (especially in the souls) of most, if not all confessing Christians worldwide:
- Psalms 42:11 "Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God." King James Version (KJV)
June 2-4 New Life Church Of God at 3400 Aztec Rd. NE, ABQ 87101 is haveing their Summer Camp Meeting, Strategic Planning, Wednesday 7pm, Thursday 10am & 7pm + Friday 10am & 7pm. June 3-5 https://www.Hunger4Revival.com 4100 Southern Blvd. SE, Suite 1-A in Rio Ranch 87124 (checkout our interview with them @christianbody.net @YouTube). June 13th Pray With Us @ https://afa.net to Support your local and state law enforcement officers! If you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer event in or around NM, don't hesitate to contact me, since our Governor has pledged to open our state, as of June 30th, we are looking to meet with groups of 2 or 3 and more statewide.
READ: 1 Thess. 5:16-18; Josh. 24:15; Col. 2:13-14; 3:1 & 17; Ps. 19:1; 23:2-3; 40:1; 84:2; 128:1; 139:1-2; Rom. 8:28; 2 Cor. 2:14; 3:18; Matt. 6:25-26; John 1:17; 6:35; Jer. 31:3; Eph. 1:3; Jas. 1:12; Heb. 7:25; Isa. 26:3; 40:8; 2 Chron. 7:14; Phil. 3:20; Ezek. 37:27; 1 Peter 1:13; Luke 9:23-24; 1 John 5:3 & 1 Sam. 16:7.
HERE COMES THE MOON: June 2 - Last Quarter; 10 - New Moon; 17 - First Quarter & 24 - Full Moon.
Shalom, Peace, Wholeness, Fullness & Blessings,
Mark Tross
Coordinator NM Prayer Connect
PS - PLEASE Read & PRAY through the following email and information sent by John Robb + WATCH & Listen to the most recent Zoom Meeting, regarding NM Prayer Mapping with Dr. Leslie Keegel and others! Feel Free to SHARE this information with those like minded believers, who will join us in the Unity of God's Holy Spirit to storm the Gates Of Heaven for HIS Kingdom to Come & HIS Will to Be DONE.
New Mexico Prayer Connect
JESUS Asked in Luke 18:8b, " When the Son of Man comes, will He find 'faith' on earth? " What is the Hebrew Root meaning of Faith? It is the act whereby a person lays hold of God's resources, becomes obedient to what He has prescribed and putting aside all self interest and self-reliance, 'trusts' Him completely.
Spiritual research and prayer team for NM- results from today's meeting and details about our next gathering Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Though we were fewer in number today, it was a good time together sharing some of the history of NM, both good and troubling, as well as reporting on some current positive developments. We continue to pray for the macro and micro breakthroughs we all want to see. During the meeting, I recalled the charismatic renewal that happened here in the late 1960's and 1970's especially among the Catholics. NM became a major center for that renewal that impacted our country and world. May we see the Lord "do it again" across the whole Body of Christ as we keep going and keep trusting Him, mobilizing and educating His people to flow together in prayer and action to this end!
Dr. Leslie Keegel, who chairs the global Foursquare movement and has given us valuable prophetic input in the past, was with us towards the end of the meeting. He encouraged us to move in three stages together as they did in his native Sri Lanka where they have seen considerable spiritual breakthroughs in an openly hostile atmosphere: 1) Prayer- united, incessant and strategic; 2) Research- never stop uncovering what the enemy does under cover, asking for the spirit of revelation and insight; 3) Combat- as things are uncovered needing to be dealt with, take prophetic, Spirit-led action, blessing our communities. You may want to see what he shared starting at 1:01:10 as well as the rest of the attached video from our time together.
We spoke just a bit about Freemasonry, and I am attaching a summary from David Ovason's book that details how the Masons put our national capital under its occult influence which continues to this day. They are also active here in NM. I also mentioned the encouraging "Pray America" nationwide effort happening in July so am attaching a bit about that as well if you would like to participate and especially if you can help to mobilize your churches or prayer groups to take part. Please see the information and website links below:Mark Tross and I are thinking that we could meet in person next time since the restrictions have been relaxed for such gatherings. Our church, Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church (8600 Academy RD, NE in Albuquerque) should be able to host us, and we will order in lunch for you all- our treat. We are proposing to have our next gathering there on Thursday, June 24th. If we can start at 10 am like we used to do and go till about 1 pm, that would give us more time to go deeper in sharing what we are discovering and also to pray more.
Please let me know if this timing does not work for you, and if enough of you have an issue with it, we will try to change the date.
Let's keep praying, trusting and going for the Lord and His good purposes for New Mexico!
Pray America!
Coming out of the "America's Prayer Meeting" online effort last month, Bishop Doug Small of Project Pray is asking if we would consider taking part together in a special July effort with the four emphases noted below.
From Doug Small:
"There are four movements being anticipated, including a 28-day prayer guide:
1 Pray America - Pray! A July 4th Media-driven prayer event designed for congregations to participate in a national call to prayer. The media package will be about 60 minutes, with prayer moments interlaced.
2 Pray Everywhere - What will follow is the daily encouragement to 'pray everywhere' - prayer walking, prayer missions, prayer ambassador teams to city, county, state leaders, workplace prayer, etc.
3 Pray at the Heart - Around the nation teams will be praying, a circular prayer route will encircle the nation, and eight teams will move from the corners of the nation, and North-South-East-West, praying through the states, stopping for dedication, reading proclamations, meeting with leaders, planting "Appeal to Heaven" flags, pouring out oil and wine, salt and water (symbolic actions), appealing to God to send a revival to the church and an awakening to the culture. On Friday, July 23rd, at the Geographic Center of the Nation, from 2-8 PM, we will conduct a prayer service, a consecration service for the nation. Simply. Sincerely, we will pray. We will livestream this event.
4 Pray to the Edge - In the days that follow, we want to encourage believers to pray to the edge of their city, county, and state. Prayer walking, repeating the national effort, and uniting locally.
We are dependent on the Holy Spirit to fan the flames and help us with promotion ... we have no deep pockets to assist our effort. This is pure and simple desperation before God to demonstrate that we believe God to be our only hope! We are a community of prophets, as of old, walking the land, crying out to God ...
This is not my effort - it is our effort! And I hope you will pray about your own initiative, under your own banner, logo, that would complement this effort. I am pleading for unity ... as the Lord leads you. Together, maybe we can wake up the church ...
We will distribute a prayer guide mostly as an e-publication. It will promote the four movements above - the July 4 America's Virtual Prayer Meeting - the 245th Birthday of the Nation. And then encourage prayer everywhere, followed by the 'prayer at the heart of the nation,' on Friday, July 23rd, at the geographic center of the nation, and finally, in the last week of July, 'pray to the edge' of every state, county and city - public prayer gatherings, walks, etc."
Please do pray for the planning of "Pray America" a nationwide effort for the nation in July that we hope will cover the whole of the country in reviving, transforming, and delivering prayer. You can click for details on the first website link just below. If you or others you know are willing to help coordinate efforts in your state or city or congregation for this initiative, that information is on the second link:
Pray America - PRAY!, July 4-31
Become a Prayer Mobilizer in July
Praying for Washington D.C. and the U.S.A.: The Secret Link to the Principalities and Powers that Perpetuates Spiritual Bondage Author David Ovason spent more than 10 years researching America's capital and found that from its founding in 1791, there was a secret alignment and dedication to certain stars that was made by the Freemasons in order to marry the city to the spirit powers these stars were thought to represent. Could this be a reason why our government is so divided and increasingly corrupt and ineffective? Could this past covenant also be the reason why some ministry leaders who live there complain about the level of spiritual oppression and why believers struggle to stand in a united, ongoing prayer movement? The Apostle Paul warns us "not to be ignorant of the enemy's devices". It is important for us to know how a city's foundations were laid and what dedications have been made since the powers of darkness want to claim any territory offered in this way as their domain. In such a situation, Jesus urged us to "occupy" till He comes, and He has given us authority to "tread on serpents and scorpions and overcome all the power of the enemy". However, if we are to take back territory from the evil one and the kind of spiritual deliverance is to come that breaks oppression and changes the atmosphere of a city or nation, we need to become aware of any claims or legal rights the enemy has that were given to him by past rulers or others. Using such knowledge, in authoritative, united prayer with the Lord's guidance, can make a big difference in setting territory free and ushering in tangible transformation in favor of His Kingdom. Ovason's comprehensive book, The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital: the Masons and the Building of Washington, D.C.(1999, 2000),is a revelatory study that helps us grasp how spiritual bondage initially was established over D.C. Armed by the insights he reveals, we can better understand how to deal with the ruling spiritual darkness in His authority, renouncing and breaking any covenants that continue to negatively influence our capital and through it the whole nation. Here are some of the main conclusions that Ovason makes from his decadal investigation:1.Washington, D.C. is "a city of the stars". There are over 30 zodiacs in the city designed to point to the actual heavens-thus "marrying the city with the stars". (Foreword, 1) This was the practice of the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and other pagan civilizations of the past. (p.121)2.On April 15, 1791, a group of Masons and local officials after planning and proclamation by President George Washington laid the foundation stone for the city at the moment when the zodiacal power of Virgo, called in Masonic circles, "the Beautiful Virgin", was strongest. "It is quite clear that the ceremonial placing of the stone related to more than merely the founding of the federal district: it was somehow linked to the future destiny of America itself." (p. 49) In Masonic tradition, "it was believed that all human activities were overseen by the gods" and a cornerstone ceremonial was to "gain the approval of the spiritual beings" (p.71)3.The Capitol building was oriented by its architects on an east-west axis, "arranging the building-and of course the entire city-in particular relationship with the Sun." (p. 82) Specifically, they oriented it to the sunset and as the "spiritual fulcrum" of the city, its dome would radiate out "a whole sunburst" of avenues and roads and spiritual influences. (pp. 83-84)Some historians say that the place the Capitol was built (Jenkins Heights) was where the Algonquin tribe held their tribal conferences in earlier times, a place where Native American skulls and bones have been discovered . One such skull at the Army Museum "bore bullet holes and savage saber marks...vivid reminders that over five million natives were killed during the two centuries of European expansion in America." (p. 52)President George Washington himself laid the foundation stone to the Capitol with other Masons (Sept. 18, 1793) (p. 74)4.The cornerstone for the Washington Monument was laid on July 4, 1848, in the afternoon when the all-important Virgo constellation was operative. In both this dedication and that of the Capitol building in 1793, the Sun was passing through the same degree of Virgo, which must have been arranged for astrological reasons by the Masons. (p.125)5.Virgo represents the ancient Mother Goddess worshipped in Babylon and other later ancient civilizations. Virgo was adopted as the hidden symbol of the city (pp.154-155) and Ovason documents the many buildings in which her symbols are found in the architecture. He writes, "at least 50 public statues or buildings in the city are involved with the symbolism of Virgo, and each of the 23 public zodiacs emphasizes (in one way or other) this same Virgoan symbolism." (p. 186)6.All three of the main buildings which make up the Federal Triangle,-the White House, the Capitol and the Washington Monument-all had their foundation stones laid under the constellation Virgo and each have the Dragon's Head in their foundation charts. The Dragon's Head occurs where the path of the Moon intersects that of the Sun and the circuit of the Moon was thought by the ancients to be the "invisible body of a stellar dragon". The corners of the triangle were "symbolically fixed into the Earth when this beneficial point-the solar-lunar meeting point-was in Virgo." (pp. 255-256)7.This same triangulation is reflected in the three main stars of the Virgo constellation-Arcturus which falls on the White House, Regulus which falls on the Capitol, and Spica which falls on the Washington Monument. (pp. 256-257) Thus, this triad of most important buildings were linked to the stars. "The stellar triangle of Virgo reveals the mystery of the city." (pp.307,310)8.From August 6-12, the Sun cuts into the horizon at sunset above Pennyslvania Avenue precisely, appearing to set at the end of the avenue. August 10 at sunset, Ovason thinks, is "the crucial symbolic moment". (pp. 342-343) On August 10, the White House and the Capitol are connected by the disk of the Sun as it sets in the West. (pp. 344-345)As the Sun goes down, the three major stars of Virgo appear in the heavens above as a triangle that mirrors the layout of the Federal Triangle below. "This spiritual stellar triangle literally hangs over the earthly Federal Triangle to the south of Pennsylvania Avenue." (p. 348)9.Pennsylvania Avenue was intended as a "sacred route" by its designers. (p. 349). Constitution Avenue was also intended to be a sacred pathway.10. This layout of D.C. as a union of earth and skies was intended to remain a secret by its designer ."He knew that the power born of this connection between earth and skies would continue to beneficially influence the souls of those who lived in the city, even if they did not know, with their conscious minds, whence this power came.(italics mine) His whole city was a Mystery...harmoniously linked with the skies." (p. 350)We need to ask ourselves what "power" this is that D.C. has been put under. Worship of the sun, moon and stars has always been a pagan fixation from the time of Babylon, Egypt and other ancient civilizations. If D.C. has been dedicated to such astral powers as Virgo, the Mother Goddess, the Sun and Moon gods, as well as the Dragon, which the Masons have apparently done, what should we as intercessors do about this as those who care for this city and nation that also affects the rest of the world so strongly? Please pray with us in His authority (Luke 10:18-20, Matthew 18:18-20)for the breaking of any spiritual bondage over the USA through its capital and these previous dedications to false gods. Pray that the local prayer leadership in Washington D.C. with the support of others from outside will have the Lord's wisdom, unity and power in dealing with this situation effectively.
Churches @100%!
Sisters & Brothers In Jesus,
After over a year of shut downs and mandated restrictions, finally the
Churches of New Mexico have been given the 'green light' to open at 100
percent (for now). James wrote for us not to think it strange, these
fiery trials and Jesus warned us of tribulations in this world, but we
are not of this world, the gates of hell will not prevail against us, we
are not limited by God, in any way, shape or form, for we are
commissioned by Him to do even greater things, All Things Through Christ
Who Strengthens Us. Jesus commands us to, "GO!" Concerning the 100%,
are not All Believers told to Love God with All of their heart, mind,
soul, spirit & strength (knowing that in our weakness, He Will Show
Himself MIGHTY In Our Midst), our neighbor as ourself, even our enemies
and let us not forget The New Commandment to "Love One Another, As I
Have Loved You." Whatever we do is to be done, as unto The Lord, but the
statistics show that only 20% of the church is involved, while 80% just
come and go or wander around aimlessly, never rooted and grounded, yet
confessing to abide in Him (John 15).
As Praying
followers of Messiah, did He not tell us to Hallow His Name and ASK for
His Kingdom to Come & His Will To Be Done On Earth, as It Is In
Heaven? To 'HALLOW' is "to make Holy, Consecrated, Sacred or Revered, to
Sanctify and Venerate." There is No Other NAME Under Heaven (or in the
Heavenlies), by which we MUST Be SAVED or Come To
Salvation/Yeshua/Jesus. The above 80% tells me that they need a 'Come
To Jesus Moment!' We are exhorted in James to Be Doers of The Word and
NOT Hearers Only! Faith comes by hearing and hearing by The Word Of God,
spoken, written, The Word Become Flesh (Who Is The Author &
Finisher, Completer Of Our Faith) and His Holy Spirit. His Kingdom is
to be Proclaimed in ALL The World, but do the 80% really
(Experientially) Know what The Kingdom Of God/In God's Heavenlies Is?
According to Paul, It's Righteousness, Peace & Joy In The Holy
Spirit/Ghost (KJV). He, Jesus Is Our Righteousness, our right standing
relationship with our Heavenly Father. He/Jesus Is Our Shalom, Peace,
Wholeness, Fullness & Blessing, The Peace Of God that FAR Surpasses
our own limited, human understanding and He/Jesus Is Our Joy & He
longs to make our Joy Complete In Him, but we Only Come Into His
FULLNESS, when EVERY Member does their part in The Body Of
Christ/Messiah/The Anointed ONE, as read in The Book Of Ephesians.
NOW, more than ever, we need to ASK and come to know The Answer to,
What Is The Will Of God? Jesus Is God (John 1) and He says, "I Will
Build My Church!" What's The Church? Literally The Word used in
Scripture is Ecclesia or Ekklesia, meaning The Called Out Ones,
referencing The Body & Bride Of Christ, but Philip also calls It in
Acts, 'The Tent In The Desert,' so we're seeing an Old Covenant reality
here, not just a type and shadow. Let us not forget that The Bible
tells us Jesus was Crucified BEFORE The Foundations Of This World were
laid! How Is he Building The Church? By using you and me, His Living
Stones, with every gift, talent and ability He has given us. Peter
tells us that He Has Given Us EVERYTHING We Need To Live Our Life Unto
Him! Paul says, "My God Shall Supply ALL Of Your Needs, According To His
Riches In Glory" and King David declares, "The Lord Is My Shepherd, I
Shall Not Want." Jesus Is The Good Shepherd and we are His Flock, The
Sheep Of His Pasture, who 'supposedly' Hear His Voice! If you and I WANT
God's Will To Be Done, Upon, In & Through us, as His Chosen People,
we Must, PRAY, Hear from Heaven and Respond to Him, Who Sits On The
Throne. Moses was told, By GOD, "Stop Praying And Get The People
THIS Is My Call To ACTION for ALL The
Members within The Body Of Christ in New Mexico, Across America &
Around The World: We're working hard to bring Unity, God's ONEness to
NM, so Join us Saturday, May 1st @ https://www.christianbody.net
as we interview Promise Keepers President, Judge Vance Day 1:30-2:30pm
MDT, Invite Others & Spread The Word about our 24/7/365 Streaming +
LIVE Mondays 7-8pm, Wednesdays & Fridays 9am-12noon MDT (Dennis
Prochnow is Host of 'The 11th Hour,' Fridays 11am-12noon, Reading The
Prophetic Word for NM and Praying over our State); World Prayer Together
https://www.worldprayertogether.com & a Washington, D.C. Prayer Leaders Consultation; the 1st-6th Prayer & Fasting for The USA https://www.dayofrepentance1.org SHARE the YouTube Video @ https://youtu.be/0NEO17J-ysw 1st-23rd completes the 40 Day Jesus/Yeshua Fast https://thejesusfast.global/ Monday the 3rd is the Last Quarter Moon; Wednesday the 5th is Cinco de Mayo; Thursday the 6th is NDP https://www.nationaldayofprayer.org/
Saturday the 8th is V-E Day & My 64th Birthday; Sunday the 9th is
Mother's Day and the start of Women's Health Week; Tuesday the 11th is
the New Moon; the 13th-23rd is 10 Days https://www.10days.net/
Saturday the 15th is Armed Forces Day; Wednesday the 19th is the First
Quarter Moon; Sunday the 23rd is Pentecost, so ASK God's Holy Spirit
FIRE to Fall on ALL Believers EVERYWHERE to be a Witness to the world
and may our LIGHT Shine in the darkness, bringing ALL we can into His
Kingdom in these Last Days; Wednesday the 26th is the Full Moon;
Thursday the 27th is the NM Prayer Mapping Meeting & Monday, May
31st is Memorial Day, the Official Start of Summer Vacation, so Pray,
PRay, PRAY + if you or someone you know would like to hold a Prayer
Event in your area of New Mexico or in the surrounding regions of our
state, Please, Don't Hesitate to Contact me!
READ: 2 Cor.
4:16; 8:9; Isa. 40:31; Heb. 12:1-2; Hos. 6:6; Ps. 23:4; 27:1; 37:5;
61:1-2; 111:10; Phil. 4:19; 1 Cor. 10:31; Dan. 2:21-22; Eph. 2:4-6;
5:15-16; John 12:46; 14:27; Rom. 8:15; 12:21; Jas. 4:7; 1 Thess. 4:16;
Matt. 6:34; 1 John 2:17; 3:20; Prov. 17:27; Col. 4:6; Jer. 29:13; 1
Tim. 2:5; Luke 1:37; Mark 10:45 & Rev. 22:12-13
Thanks & Blessings,
Mark Tross
Coordinator NM Prayer Connect
https://nmprayerconnect.weebly.com https://mark-tross.webnode.com/
Mark TrossI'm
a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network,
Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide @christianbody.net + @YouTube, Ordained
Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon
& @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify
@podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...mark-tross.webnode.com
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https://nmprayerconnect.orgWorld Prayer Together - Global Prayer Day - Saturday May 1st 2021Join 100 million+ people from across the nations as we pray for the launch of GO MONTH - a month of evangelism calling every believer to be a witness! (Luke 10:2)www.worldprayertogether.com
The Jesus Fast | Global 2021 FastLike the Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness for the 40 day fast (the biblical era shifting fast) that inaugurated the first great Jewish harvest of souls, it is our eager expectation and prescient anticipation that this 40 day Jesus (Yeshua) Fast April 14th - May 23rd (Pentecost Sunday) could be a tipping point for a new day of salvation for Israel and harvest in the earth.thejesusfast.global
10 Days of PrayerJoin the worldwide prayer meeting, dedicating 10 days, from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, to pray and worship Jesus with other believers in your community. It's a call to a Revelation 4-5 kind of worship and unity, a time to fast, pray, and see Heaven come in your city.www.10days.net